I am trying to calculate conductance for a simple 2D nanowire with length L and 
width W by using the following formula:
My questions are these:
1- Does KWANT include the number of modes, M(E), inside the transmission 
function or not. In other words does “smatrix.transmission(1,0)” 
contains only T(E) or M(E)*T(E) ?
2- If it does not include it, should I calculate the number of modes from the 
band structure of the leads? If it includes the number of modes, does it uses 
Heaviside(E-e1) or W*sqrt(2m(E-e1))/(pi*hbar)?
It may be a very simple question, I tried to understand it from tutorial but it 
doesn’t mention “the number of modes” concept at all in the 
calculation of conductances. I’d appreciate any clarification.

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