Thanks Joe! That was indeed the case! It became much closer with small a.
Hi Ran,  > I tried to compare KWANT’s results for transmission with 
Datta’s ballistic transport formalism where total transmission is written 
as > > Ttot=T(E)M(E) > > Here Datta takes T(E)=1 for ballistic transport 
(please see: J. Appl. Phys. 105, 034506, 2009) and M(E) is the number of modes 
in transverse direction. When I compared KWANT's results with Datta’s 
expression, for the system given in “”, I 
found different results (please see the attached figure where I tried to put 
every relevant thing in the calculation). Since the reflectance is zero for 
that system and so transmission is 1 for each mode, shouldn’t it give the 
same results with Datta’s transmission expression? >  Nice question!  
Looking at your results it seems that the energies at which new modes open is 
shifted with respect to Datta's result.  I believe that this is simply due to 
the fact that your discretization is not fine enough. Datta's result is
valid in the continuum limit, whereas the Kwant simulation (in the case 
presented) uses a finite-difference discretization to render the problem 
discrete. If you decrease the 'a' parameter, you should see the discrepancy 
between the two result decrease.   Happy Kwanting,  Joe

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