Hi Luca,

> thanks again for your useful reply.
> If I understand correctly, then I am not sure
> how to simulate the physics of disorder.
> Indeed, that task requires to create various
> (in principle infinite in number) configurations,
> measure some physical quantity on each of them, and then
> to take the average of all these measurements on the created configurations.
> How can I create the different configurations ?
> Starting e.g. from the piece of code

Indeed, typically you'll want to take the average over different
disorder configurations. This means using different values for the
'salt' parameter. The actual values used for 'salt' are not important,
as long as they differ; 'kwant.digest.uniform' is a hash function (see
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_(cryptography) ).

You would do something like the following:

    syst = kitaev(L=...).finalized()

    params = dict(mu=..., W=..., t=..., Delta=...)


    # We (arbitrarily) choose the salts as the strings '0', '1', ...

    salts = map(str, range(100))

    for params['salt'] in salts:

        ham = syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=params, sparse=False)

        evals = np.linalg.eigvalsh(ham)


Happy Kwanting,


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