Dear Marc,

Please have a look at the corresponding documentation:

The density n_i = psi_i^* psi_i has unit 1/energy.

The current between two sites i and j
j_ij = i (psi_i^* H_ij psi_j - cc ) therefore is dimensionless if I am not 

The question about adding e/h or area is not related to Kwant but to how you
actually discretized your initial continuous problem.

Best regards,


> Le 13 févr. 2020 à 21:38, Marc Vila <> a écrit :
> Dear Kwant developers,
> What are the units of the output of the current density operator? The units 
> of the density operator is per area per energy, so the units of current are 
> (e/h)* per area * energy?
> Thanks a lot.
> Bests,
> Marc

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