Hi all,

not exactly a problem fix, but I've just changed Mantas' password and mailed it to him.

P.S. Tom, thanks for helping everyone here! :)


2014.04.24 13:07, Mantas Kriaučiūnas rašė:
Hi LibreOffice l10n team,

I can't login into https://translations.documentfoundation.org :(

It seems I forgot the password, but when I enter my email man...@akl.lt at


I get information in lithuanian language, that soon I should get an email with
info how to change a password:

Slaptažodžio atkūrimas
Jūsų pateiktu elektroninio pašto adresu išsiųsti nurodymai, kaip pakeisti 
Turėtumėte juos gauti netrukus.

But I don't get any email from documentfoundation pootle server :(

I tried 3 times yesterday and 2 times today :(

Please help me - LibreOffice 4.2 missing lots of Lithuanian translations, for
exampe Format-Character, Format-Rotate and Format-Image aren't translated :(

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