Hi Tom,

Tom Davies píše v St 16. 12. 2015 v 19:15 +0000:

> It is about the Help Files.  The Documentation Team may be able to
> make some much-needed changes to the help-files.  However, it is to
> solve a problem that only exists in English.  For all other languages
> it is, beyond doubt, already corrected purely through the translation
> process.
> Is there a system or tool that allows such sweeping changes without
> marking completed translations as incomplete?
> I think there was some discussion about developing such a tool but i
> imagine it would be extremely difficult to make something like that.
> So i would be surprised if there is anything yet.

I don't think it is terribly difficult to create such a tool, the
problem is running it - it has to by done by an admin with the access to
Pootle, so doing it string by string for each such much needed (but for
other languages cosmetic) change would be rather sub-optimal.

But - what about to introduce an 'en_US' translation in the Pootle,
where native speakers could improve the wording without changing the
meaning?  Then once per the release cycle, these could be copied back in
a way that it marks no translations fuzzy.

[Again - this does not cover those who download the .po files from
Pootle, and then upload back; but hopefully with a proper communication,
giving them enough time to upload their work before such a change, this
could be less of a problem too?]

Does that work?

All the best,

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