After a screening from the ESC meeting today I'm bringing here the
contents of the discussion on multimedia usage in the new Help system.


        + Proposal for handling multimedia.

Objective of Multimedia:
        • Will NOT replace textual description of LO resource or feature.
        • Be a rich support for textual contents
        • Introduce examples, use cases or tutorials on feature / resource.
        • Indirectly: motivate communities to produce contents and

        • Multimedia contents is asked to be localized on release,
          for some languages.

       • Not every community has resource for localization or
         local contents production to match release deadlines.
       • Localized captions not even accepted in some languages.

Further information on New Help
       • New help is now build-able and package-able
         (thanks to Stephan Bergman and David Tardon)
       • New Help build distinct when ONLINE or OFFLINE
          ◦ Offline is package-able.
       • OFFLINE help already has no multimedia (<object> tag is not
       • ONLINE help has multimedia (master).

       1. Remove all multimedia from Help either online and offline:
          1. Problem vanish.
       2. Remove all multimedia from offline Help.
          => Done already
       3. Implement language based multimedia enabler in XSLT / makefile
          1. --without-help-multimedia=fr
          2. if $lang = “fr” then multimedia > /dev/null
       4. Have multimedia enabled and localize <object>
          1. Change href= to localized contents
          2. set width=”0” and height=”0” if no localized contents.

     + was this built in discussion with l10n team ? (Michael)
         + not presented the options to them (Olivier)
            + would like to have ESC input

     + l10n team are waiting for his proposals (Sophie)
         + can we add – when video scripts are made available.
         + where are these published before embedding ?
         + expect each community to decide if they want it ? (Olivier)

     + a 5th option ? Different flavours of help  with & without ? (Heiko)
         + off-line help has no MM enabled already (Olivier)
            + the on-line site can have this.

=> discuss this with the l10n teams for a decision.


What is left to work on is (not exhaustive)

+ Local teams to inform what option(s) fits best its community needs

+ Establish rules and guidelines for multimedia contents production to
    + Quality
    + Accuracy
    + Security
    + Privacy
    + Cultural localization
    + LibreOffice Branding and reputation
    + Licensing
    + Maintainability
    + Other relevant issues

+ Create an Editorial board to enforce the rules and guidelines above.

+ Other relevant tasks.

Please comment on the issues.

Kind regards

Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Comunidade LibreOffice
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00

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