
On Sunday, 2019-08-18 21:11:33 +0200, Gabor Kelemen wrote:

> Of course: no Pootle for these. This in itself might worth a separate
> bug report as well.

It's not so straight forward.

> And to make things funnier: there is a similar file for Windows too:
> https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/vcl/win/window/keynames.cxx

Because Windows uses different key codes than X, and may use different
names for certain keys. Also, historically Unix keyboards differ from
Windows keyboards. Additionally there's OSX of course..

> You probably want to keep in sync these for a platform independent user
> experience.

Au contraire. If possible you want to display the names or symbols the
user sees on the keyboard, which of course depends on the hardware, not
the installed UI language. We just assume that if the user uses
a certain UI translation s/he's familiar enough with the language to see
some key names in that language.

Also note that only a few keys are translated, and the amount differs
between languages. If a key does not explicitly have a name assigned,
the system is asked for the key name. So usually only the key names are
listed that for some reason need to be overridden with a specific
assignment in a given UI translation.


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