Forwarding the email to the Italian localization mailing list, which is
the most appropriate environment to discuss translations of LibreOffice
documentation in Italian.

Luca Daghino and Valter Mura, who are overseeing the localization in
Italian, will be happy to help. If I remember well, there is already a
translation of the Calc guide (probably version 3.6 as they strated all
translations at that time) which is not finalized.

In any case, the global documentation mailing list is for manuals in
English, while manuals in every other language should be discussed in
the native language localization mailing list.

Best regards, Italo

On 03/05/15 13:39, D D wrote:
> Hello.
> I woud translate in italian language the Calc manual (version 4.1).
> I guess I can start from the english version so I ask:
> 1- How can I make my work checked for consistency?
> 2- Which is the way to upload the final work to LO website?
> I didn't find enough infos in the website. Moreover, I guess it's quite
> complicated to get directions there.
> Can you help, please?

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
mobile +39.348.5653829 - email / jabber
hangout / jabber - skype italovignoli
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