Forwarding Christos' answer (below) to Marilena, who is not subscribed to the list. Marilena, please consider subscribing if you don't want to miss announcements. See . Andrea

Christos Stefanidis <> wrote:
Marilena, thank you for your interest. There is a group of 3 people, we
will be happy to help us. Last week the workflow was divided (I work as a
proxy), but let us know when you are ready to help with our mission (here)
with an e-mail. Take care and good luck with your exams.

Thanks again,

*Χρήστος Στεφανίδης

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Marilena Νikolakopoulou <> wrote:

    My name is Marilena and I've just seen the announcement about the
translation of the Apache OpenOffice 3.4 into Greek. So, I am willing to
help but I have to mention that, as a uni student, February is going to be
a tough month for me because of the exams.   I am proficient user of
English, I translate as a volunteer for several causes and I have also
lived in the UK for a while.    Please let me know how can I help.
Best Regards and thank you for your effort,Marilena

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