Op 2-9-2013 20:21, Regina Henschel schreef:
Hi Jürgen,

Jürgen Schmidt schrieb:
merged again, word count is now again in sync but the errors remain

Please fix on Pootle directly

Same problem again. It is not possible to fix it online, because the IDs do not belong to the strings, which are to translate and it is no wrong tag inside the strings. The relation of location to string is broken.

Should we try this way:
* I download the po-files as zip archives
* I open the zip archive and correct the strings directly in the .po file using an editor. Unix line ends and UTF-8 ?
* Repack them
* Attach them to a Bugzilla issue
* You try to integrate them

I do not want to upload them directly, because I fear that I damage something.

I'm open to any other idea to get a valid German translation.

Kind regards

Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 20283, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\sbasic\shared\03090407.xhp/help/bm_id3154347///: Extra
Tag in Translation: \<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03090407.xhp\"
name=\"Rem Statement [Runtime]\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 20283, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\sbasic\shared\03090407.xhp/help/bm_id3154347///: Extra
Tag in Translation: \</link\> at Position 106  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 21421, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\sbasic\shared\03102100.xhp/help/bm_id3149812///: Extra
Tag in Translation: \<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03102100.xhp\"
name=\"Dim Statement [Runtime]\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 21421, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\sbasic\shared\03102100.xhp/help/bm_id3149812///: Extra
Tag in Translation: \</link\> at Position 106  ""
Error: Translation, Line 45107, UniqueID
Expected Symbol: Close tag for \<emph\> at Position 35  ""
Error: Translation, Line 45107, UniqueID
Expected Symbol: Close tag for \<emph\> at Position 11  ""
Error: File format, Line 46859, UniqueID
Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46860, UniqueID
Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46860, UniqueID
Translation Language entry double. Checking both.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46869, UniqueID
Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46870, UniqueID
Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46870, UniqueID
Translation Language entry double. Checking both.  ""
Warning: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 47887, UniqueID
Property 'id': FIXED different value in Translation : \<variable
id=\"Typ\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 70087, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \<ahelp hid=\".\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 70087, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \<link
href=\"text/shared/01/01070000.xhp\"\> at Position 77  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 70087, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \</link\> at Position 131  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 70087, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \</ahelp\> at Position 185
"lorer\database\menufile.xhp 0 help par_idN105D9 0 de Exportieren
20130618 17:22:18"
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
Property 'href': value different in Translation : \<link
href=\"text/shared/guide/doc_autosave.xhp\" name=\"Saving Documents
Automatically\"\> at Position 32  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \<variable id=\"doc_autosave\"\> at Position
0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \</variable\> at Position 163
"source\text\shared\guide\doc_autosave.xhp 0 help hd_id3155536 2 0 de
Wählen Sie \<emph\>\<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline
select=\"MAC\"\>%PRODUCTNAME -
Einstellungen\</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>Extras -
Einstellungen\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> - \<link
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\shared\guide\doc_autosave.xhp/help/hd_id3155536/2//: Extra Tag in Translation: \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\> at Position 19 ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\shared\guide\doc_autosave.xhp/help/hd_id3155536/2//: Extra Tag in Translation: \<caseinline select=\"MAC\"\> at Position 50 ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \</caseinline\> at Position 107 ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \<defaultinline\> at Position 122  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \</defaultinline\> at Position 161  "2
source\text\shared\guide\doc_autosave.xhp 0 help hd_id3155536 2 0 de
Wählen Sie \<emph\>\<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline
select=\"MAC\"\>%PRODUCTNAME -
Einstellungen\</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>Extras -
Einstellungen\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> - \<link
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \</switchinline\> at Position 179
"ed\guide\doc_autosave.xhp 0 help hd_id3155536 2 0 de Wählen Sie
\<emph\>\<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline
select=\"MAC\"\>%PRODUCTNAME -
Einstellungen\</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>Extras -
Einstellungen\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> - \<link
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 75309, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \<image id=\"img_id1002\"
src=\"sfx2/res/symphony/open_more.png\" width=\"0.25in\"
height=\"0.25in\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 75309, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \<alt id=\"alt_id1002\"\> at Position 102  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 75309, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \</alt\> at Position 145  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 75309, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \</image\> at Position 153 "pcontent2
source\text\shared\guide\sidebar_window.xhp 0 help hd_id0300 0 de
\<image id=\"img_id1002\" src=\"sfx2/res/symphony/open_more.png\"
width=\"0.25in\" height=\"0.25in\"\>\<alt
id=\"alt_id1002\"\>Konfigurationsmenü\</alt\>\</image\> 20130618
Warning: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 78231, UniqueID
Property 'hid': FIXED different value in Translation : \<ahelp
hid=\"sw:CheckBox:TP_OPTPRINT_PAGE:CB_PTAB\"\> at Position 0 ""
Warning: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 78259, UniqueID
Property 'hid': FIXED different value in Translation : \<ahelp
hid=\"sw:CheckBox:TP_OPTPRINT_PAGE:CB_CTRLFLD\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 87717, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_FORMAT_CAT\"\> at
Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 87717, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \</ahelp\> at Position 200 "elp
par_id3147262 2 0 de Nachfolgend sehen Sie eine vollständige Liste
aller in $[officename] Math verfügbaren Formatierungen, wobei nur die
mit einem Symbol versehenen über das Fenster Elemente (Menü
\<emph\>Ansicht - Elemente\</emph\>) oder über das Kontextmenü im
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 87717, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \<link
href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context
menu\"\> at Position 248  "eine vollständige Liste aller in
$[officename] Math verfügbaren Formatierungen, wobei nur die mit einem
Symbol versehenen über das Fenster Elemente (Menü \<emph\>Ansicht -
Elemente\</emph\>) oder über das Kontextmenü im
\<emph\>Kommandofenster\</emph\> eingefügt werden können. 20130618 1"
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 87717, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \</link\> at Position 340 "die mit einem
Symbol versehenen über das Fenster Elemente (Menü \<emph\>Ansicht -
Elemente\</emph\>) oder über das Kontextmenü im
\<emph\>Kommandofenster\</emph\> eingefügt werden können. 20130618
Error: Translation, Line 94241, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\swriter\01\05030800.xhp/help/par_id3152771/16//: Missing
quotes ( \" ) in Tag: \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\"
name=\"Line numbering<link href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\"
name=\"Line Numbering\"\> at Position 32  ""
Error: Translation, Line 94241, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\swriter\01\05030800.xhp/help/par_id3152771/16//: Found
displaced characters 'text' in Tag : \<link
href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\" name=\"Line numbering<link
href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\" name=\"Line Numbering\"\> at
Position 32  ""
Error: Translation, Line 94241, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\swriter\01\05030800.xhp/help/par_id3152771/16//: Parsing
error in Tag : \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\" name=\"Line
numbering<link href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\" name=\"Line
Numbering\"\> at Position 32  ""

On 9/2/13 4:52 PM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

I have merged last week the db into po files and merged the po files
against the latest templates. So far so good. After the merge the word
count of the source language matched with the templates and only 8 words
needed translation.

Today I tried to update German again and the word count is again
different. And furthermore gsicheck shows the following errors below.
What's going on here?


Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 20283, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\sbasic\shared\03090407.xhp/help/bm_id3154347///: Extra
Tag in Translation: \<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03090407.xhp\"
name=\"Rem Statement [Runtime]\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 20283, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\sbasic\shared\03090407.xhp/help/bm_id3154347///: Extra
Tag in Translation: \</link\> at Position 106  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 21421, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\sbasic\shared\03102100.xhp/help/bm_id3149812///: Extra
Tag in Translation: \<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03102100.xhp\"
name=\"Dim Statement [Runtime]\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 21421, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\sbasic\shared\03102100.xhp/help/bm_id3149812///: Extra
Tag in Translation: \</link\> at Position 106  ""
Error: Translation, Line 45107, UniqueID
Expected Symbol: Close tag for \<emph\> at Position 35 ""
Error: Translation, Line 45107, UniqueID
Expected Symbol: Close tag for \<emph\> at Position 11 ""
Error: File format, Line 46859, UniqueID
Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46860, UniqueID
Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46860, UniqueID
Translation Language entry double. Checking both.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46869, UniqueID
Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46870, UniqueID
Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46870, UniqueID
Translation Language entry double. Checking both.  ""
Warning: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 47887, UniqueID
Property 'id': FIXED different value in Translation : \<variable
id=\"Typ\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 70087, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \<ahelp hid=\".\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 70087, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \<link
href=\"text/shared/01/01070000.xhp\"\> at Position 77  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 70087, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \</link\> at Position 131 ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 70087, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \</ahelp\> at Position 185
"lorer\database\menufile.xhp 0 help par_idN105D9 0 de Exportieren
20130618 17:22:18"
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
Property 'href': value different in Translation : \<link
href=\"text/shared/guide/doc_autosave.xhp\" name=\"Saving Documents
Automatically\"\> at Position 32  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\shared\guide\doc_autosave.xhp/help/hd_id3155536/2//: Missing Tag in Translation: \<variable id=\"doc_autosave\"\> at Position
0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \</variable\> at Position 163
"source\text\shared\guide\doc_autosave.xhp 0 help hd_id3155536 2 0 de
Wählen Sie \<emph\>\<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline
select=\"MAC\"\>%PRODUCTNAME -
Einstellungen\</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>Extras -
Einstellungen\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> - \<link
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\shared\guide\doc_autosave.xhp/help/hd_id3155536/2//: Extra Tag in Translation: \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\> at Position 19 ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\shared\guide\doc_autosave.xhp/help/hd_id3155536/2//: Extra Tag in Translation: \<caseinline select=\"MAC\"\> at Position 50 ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \</caseinline\> at Position 107  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \<defaultinline\> at Position 122  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \</defaultinline\> at Position 161  "2
source\text\shared\guide\doc_autosave.xhp 0 help hd_id3155536 2 0 de
Wählen Sie \<emph\>\<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline
select=\"MAC\"\>%PRODUCTNAME -
Einstellungen\</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>Extras -
Einstellungen\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> - \<link
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \</switchinline\> at Position 179
"ed\guide\doc_autosave.xhp 0 help hd_id3155536 2 0 de Wählen Sie
\<emph\>\<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline
select=\"MAC\"\>%PRODUCTNAME -
Einstellungen\</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>Extras -
Einstellungen\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> - \<link
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 75309, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \<image id=\"img_id1002\"
src=\"sfx2/res/symphony/open_more.png\" width=\"0.25in\"
height=\"0.25in\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 75309, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \<alt id=\"alt_id1002\"\> at Position 102  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 75309, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \</alt\> at Position 145  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 75309, UniqueID
Extra Tag in Translation: \</image\> at Position 153 "pcontent2
source\text\shared\guide\sidebar_window.xhp 0 help hd_id0300 0 de
\<image id=\"img_id1002\" src=\"sfx2/res/symphony/open_more.png\"
width=\"0.25in\" height=\"0.25in\"\>\<alt
id=\"alt_id1002\"\>Konfigurationsmenü\</alt\>\</image\> 20130618
Warning: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 78231, UniqueID
Property 'hid': FIXED different value in Translation : \<ahelp
hid=\"sw:CheckBox:TP_OPTPRINT_PAGE:CB_PTAB\"\> at Position 0  ""
Warning: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 78259, UniqueID
Property 'hid': FIXED different value in Translation : \<ahelp
hid=\"sw:CheckBox:TP_OPTPRINT_PAGE:CB_CTRLFLD\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 87717, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_FORMAT_CAT\"\> at
Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 87717, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \</ahelp\> at Position 200 "elp
par_id3147262 2 0 de Nachfolgend sehen Sie eine vollständige Liste
aller in $[officename] Math verfügbaren Formatierungen, wobei nur die
mit einem Symbol versehenen über das Fenster Elemente (Menü
\<emph\>Ansicht - Elemente\</emph\>) oder über das Kontextmenü im
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 87717, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \<link
href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context
menu\"\> at Position 248  "eine vollständige Liste aller in
$[officename] Math verfügbaren Formatierungen, wobei nur die mit einem
Symbol versehenen über das Fenster Elemente (Menü \<emph\>Ansicht -
Elemente\</emph\>) oder über das Kontextmenü im
\<emph\>Kommandofenster\</emph\> eingefügt werden können. 20130618 1"
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 87717, UniqueID
Missing Tag in Translation: \</link\> at Position 340 "die mit einem
Symbol versehenen über das Fenster Elemente (Menü \<emph\>Ansicht -
Elemente\</emph\>) oder über das Kontextmenü im
\<emph\>Kommandofenster\</emph\> eingefügt werden können. 20130618
Error: Translation, Line 94241, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\swriter\01\05030800.xhp/help/par_id3152771/16//: Missing
quotes ( \" ) in Tag: \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\"
name=\"Line numbering<link href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\"
name=\"Line Numbering\"\> at Position 32  ""
Error: Translation, Line 94241, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\swriter\01\05030800.xhp/help/par_id3152771/16//: Found
displaced characters 'text' in Tag : \<link
href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\" name=\"Line numbering<link
href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\" name=\"Line Numbering\"\> at
Position 32  ""
Error: Translation, Line 94241, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\swriter\01\05030800.xhp/help/par_id3152771/16//: Parsing
error in Tag : \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\" name=\"Line
numbering<link href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\" name=\"Line
Numbering\"\> at Position 32  ""

On 8/30/13 1:22 PM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
On 8/30/13 1:07 PM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
On 8/29/13 11:21 PM, janI wrote:
On Aug 29, 2013 8:13 PM, "Regina Henschel" <rb.hensc...@t-online.de> wrote:

Hi Jan,

janI schrieb:

On Aug 29, 2013 3:57 PM, "Regina Henschel" <rb.hensc...@t-online.de>

Hi Jürgen,

I have had a look at the first warning

Warning: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 13145, UniqueID


Property 'id': FIXED different value in Translation : \<variable
id=\"err51\"\> at Position 0  ""

There is a problem. The record is in online Pootle not reachable. Search

for "err51" results nothing and search for id3153957 results

<variable id="err53">53 File not found</variable>

But the same search for id3153957 in target language Danish results

<variable id="err51">51 Internal error</variable>

and here I see the wrong id in German, which I have chosen to be shown

additional source language.

So there is something wrong with the German data base.

Please advise what I shall do.

my best advice. is to do refesh-stat, sync. Delete german and upload
po files, that wil rorganize the db.

That is nothing I can do, but that needs a Pootle admin.
Sorry regina, my fault forgot to write it was a hint to the admin (juergen)

this might solve the problem but I am again more concerned about the
different word count of the source compared to other langs

de = 439446
others = 439417

This shows me that something unexpected happened that I don't understand.

I will try to merge the de help against the latest templates again, most
often this helps

done and this specific problem is solved now but there are now 8 words left.

The update for German will not be part of the upcoming snapshot because
I have started to build it yesterday already. But as soon as it is
complete, I will merge it back from Pootle ...



jan i

Kind regards

jan i

Kind regards

Jürgen Schmidt schrieb:


I wanted update the German translation and gsicheck showed me the
following errors

Maybe somebody has time to take a look on this

Warning: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 13145, UniqueID


Property 'id': FIXED different value in Translation : \<variable
id=\"err51\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 20283, UniqueID


Tag in Translation: \<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03090407.xhp\"
name=\"Rem Statement [Runtime]\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 20283, UniqueID


Tag in Translation: \</link\> at Position 106  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 21421, UniqueID


Tag in Translation: \<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03102100.xhp\"
name=\"Dim Statement [Runtime]\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 21421, UniqueID


Tag in Translation: \</link\> at Position 106  ""
Error: Translation, Line 45107, UniqueID


Expected Symbol: Close tag for \<emph\> at Position 35  ""
Error: Translation, Line 45107, UniqueID


Expected Symbol: Close tag for \<emph\> at Position 11  ""
Error: File format, Line 46859, UniqueID

Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46860, UniqueID

Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46860, UniqueID

Translation Language entry double. Checking both.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46869, UniqueID

Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46870, UniqueID

Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.  ""
Error: File format, Line 46870, UniqueID

Translation Language entry double. Checking both.  ""
Warning: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 47887, UniqueID
Property 'id': FIXED different value in Translation : \<variable
id=\"Typ\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID


Property 'href': value different in Translation : \<link
href=\"text/shared/guide/doc_autosave.xhp\" name=\"Saving Documents
Automatically\"\> at Position 32  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID


Missing Tag in Translation: \<variable id=\"doc_autosave\"\> at
0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID


Missing Tag in Translation: \</variable\> at Position 163
"source\text\shared\guide\doc_autosave.xhp 0       help

   hd_id3155536    2                       0 de

Wählen Sie \<emph\>\<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline
select=\"MAC\"\>%PRODUCTNAME -
Einstellungen\</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>Extras -
Einstellungen\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> - \<link
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID


Extra Tag in Translation: \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\> at Position


Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID


Extra Tag in Translation: \<caseinline select=\"MAC\"\> at Position 50


Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID


Extra Tag in Translation: \</caseinline\> at Position 107  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID


Extra Tag in Translation: \<defaultinline\> at Position 122  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID


Extra Tag in Translation: \</defaultinline\> at Position 161  "2
source\text\shared\guide\doc_autosave.xhp 0       help

   hd_id3155536    2                       0 de

Wählen Sie \<emph\>\<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline
select=\"MAC\"\>%PRODUCTNAME -
Einstellungen\</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>Extras -
Einstellungen\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> - \<link
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 72605, UniqueID


Extra Tag in Translation: \</switchinline\> at Position 179
"ed\guide\doc_autosave.xhp      0       help hd_id3155536    2

                  0       de      Wählen Sie

\<emph\>\<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline
select=\"MAC\"\>%PRODUCTNAME -
Einstellungen\</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>Extras -
Einstellungen\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> - \<link
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 75309, UniqueID


Extra Tag in Translation: \<image id=\"img_id1002\"
src=\"sfx2/res/symphony/open_more.png\" width=\"0.25in\"
height=\"0.25in\"\> at Position 0  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 75309, UniqueID


Extra Tag in Translation: \<alt id=\"alt_id1002\"\> at Position 102 ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 75309, UniqueID


Extra Tag in Translation: \</alt\> at Position 145  ""
Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 75309, UniqueID


Extra Tag in Translation: \</image\> at Position 153  "pcontent2
source\text\shared\guide\sidebar_window.xhp 0       help

   hd_id0300                               0 de

\<image id=\"img_id1002\" src=\"sfx2/res/symphony/open_more.png\"
width=\"0.25in\" height=\"0.25in\"\>\<alt


Error: Translation, Line 94241, UniqueID


quotes ( \" ) in Tag: \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\"
name=\"Line numbering<link href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\"
name=\"Line Numbering\"\> at Position 32  ""
Error: Translation, Line 94241, UniqueID


displaced characters 'text' in Tag : \<link
href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\" name=\"Line numbering<link
href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\" name=\"Line Numbering\"\> at
Position 32  ""
Error: Translation, Line 94241, UniqueID


error in Tag : \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\" name=\"Line
numbering<link href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\" name=\"Line
Numbering\"\> at Position 32  ""

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you can search for the strings.

Use the par_id (replace slash at the end of par_id by a dot and include the two digit number behind it for the exact string) and serach on Location.

Searching for par_id3150202/30 (replace slash by dot) gave me
wgich indeed was missing the slash in the closing <emph> . Fixed it.

First four items should be

Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 20283, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\sbasic\shared\03090407.xhp/help/bm_id3154347///: Extra
Tag in Translation: \<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03090407.xhp\"
name=\"Rem Statement [Runtime]\"\> at Position 0  ""

Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 20283, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\sbasic\shared\03090407.xhp/help/bm_id3154347///: Extra
Tag in Translation: \</link\> at Position 106  ""

Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 21421, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\sbasic\shared\03102100.xhp/help/bm_id3149812///: Extra
Tag in Translation: \<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03102100.xhp\"
name=\"Dim Statement [Runtime]\"\> at Position 0  ""

Error: Translation Tag Missmatch, Line 21421, UniqueID
helpcontent2/source\text\sbasic\shared\03102100.xhp/help/bm_id3149812///: Extra
Tag in Translation: \</link\> at Position 106  ""

where a wrong type of text instead of the bookmark is placed (not fixed by me)

Apache OpenOffice 4.0.0 (Dutch) and scanned with Ziggo extended security 

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