Hello Dirk,
Am 12.11.18 um 14:07 schrieb Dick Groskamp:
> Mechtilde / Matthias,
> I'm no techie at all but i saw 'localize' in main/solenv/bin after
> reading this
> https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Localization_for_developers

yes I know tat wiki entry, but it doesn't work

> "Once in a while (for every milestone) run solenv/bin/localize (which
> forwards the call to solver/340/<platform>/bin/localize_sl<.exe> which
> forwards it to solver/340/<platform>/bin/localize<.exe>)"
> I have no build but after executing localize there it complained of
> having no environment and using 'setsolar'

THat is the problem

I try
localize -e -l en-US -f en-US.sdf and localize -e -l en-US -f ~/en-US.sdf
I get: "bash: localize: command not found"

I also try:
solenv/bin/localize -e -l en-US -f en-US.sdf and solenv/bin/localize -e
-l en-US -f ~/en-US.sdf

I get: "No environment found, please use setsolar"

But there is no "setsolar". So I didn't what i can do?

> Then I was completely lost ;-)

Kind regards
Mechtilde Stehmann
## Apache OpenOffice
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