Hi Mechtilde,

While I can see the Amharic directory in Pootle:

it does not appear in the drop down list in the upper left side.
Can you have a look?



Am 19.05.19 um 08:19 schrieb Mechtilde:
> Welcome! Account samson created and enabled.
> Please go to https://translate.apache.org/accounts/password/reset/ to
> receive your password.
> Then you will able to login at
> https://translate.apache.org/accounts/login/ and translate at
> https://translate.apache.org/$LANGCODE/aoo40/
> A detailed Pootle guide is available at
> http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Pootle_User_Guide
> If you don't want to miss announcements you should subscribe to this
> mailing list: send an empty e-mail message to
> l10n-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org and respond to the confirmation
> request you will receive.
> Regards
> Mechtilde
> Am 18.05.19 um 21:26 schrieb sam:
>> First of all I want to send a big hello to all the OpenOffice volunteers
>> around the globe, my name is Samson and I'm from Ethiopia.
>> I want to apply for a Pootle account in order to be able to translate
>> the available projects into Amharic.
>> I state that my contributions are under the Apache 2 license and if
>> is possible I want a username like: Samson.
>> I understand that a password will be created in a second more private
>> step and that I have read the instructions:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/XBT8AQ

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