Agreed. In fact, the question is whether we need accelerator keys at all in the text of a pre-build translation if they get inserted automatically at a later stage anyway.

The text would be much cleaner without the tilde (breaking words, impeding spell-checking, and making search more difficult).



2020-02-16 23:40, Maciej Jaros rašė:
Aivaras Stepukonis (2020-02-16 17:17):
The LT translation does not contain the accelerator mark-up (~). As a result, Pootle throws 3 250 errors. I was told years ago it's not a problem since accelerators are automatically inserted during the building of the program from its source code. That it is actually not a problem is further attested by the fact that the LT installation does contain all the accelerators. My question is this: should I do anything about the critical errors in Pootle or should I just ignore them?

I think this is a bug in new Pootle. I mean that missing accelerators shouldn't be marked as critical errors.

From what I've seen Polish translation doesn't contain accelerator in many cases yet GUI is showing an underline.

So I would rather have the accelerator shown only as a warning in Pootle. IMHO in most cases adding accelerators is a waste of time (as I would have to review all translations to add a unique accel and accels in anything but main menu doesn't really make sense -- there is just no way you can remember them).

Maciej Nux Jaros.

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