--On Donnerstag, Oktober 14, 2004 13:51:33 +0200 Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

        So it might be that router ignores LCP on my side because it got
        ConfReq already. Perhaps, this is a bug in router (and only happens
        whet it is in PAP auth mode), but anyway, since Last Received
        ConfReq is available (passed on by LAC), I would like to inject it
        into PPPD, just in case...


are you using
  a) the LAN-to-LAN-Feature of the Vigor router
or b) do you have the ppp connection forwarded from a LAC?

in case a) it sure is a bug on the Vigor and you probably need a new firmware. We used to have some issues with Vigors, their firmware is lacking in QA, I guess :-) Sometimes power off / power on gets them back to reasonable behaviour.

in case b) it is still possible that my comment to a) applies as well. I find the AuthReq id's (0x8c/0x8d) a bit strange, though, in our logs they usually start with id=0x1. Assuming that the Vigor in your case starts with id=0x1, what happened to the other PAP AuthReq packets? Maybe there is a communication problem between LAC and your server (or possibly some more l2tp hops in between, if any)?

        Would it be sufficient to store corresponding AVP and use
        write_packet() right after start_pppd()?
Probably not, the peer should react if you send a "LCP ConfReq" anyway.
There is a small chance the Vigor sees the ConfReq and disregards it, because it has the same id (0x1) as one it has seen before, originating from the LAC or any l2tp hop in between. One possibility would be to start LCP ConfReq id's in pppd at a different value (I have not tried it; that would be in fsm.c, function fsm_init() ).
Before doing so you should plug a hub between the Vigor and the dsl modem if possible. Using tcpdump you can then follow what happens on the Vigor side.

Regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen
 Matthias Ferdinand
one4vision GmbH
Goethestrasse 3-5
D-66121 Saarbrücken
Tel: +49 681 96727 60            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax: +49 681 96727 69            http://www.one4vision.de

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