LA and DC march details follow these wonderful essays.  -Ed

The Nation, September 19th, 2005

Theocracy Lite, by Katha Pollitt

  So now we know what "noble cause" Cindy Sheehan's son died for in Iraq:
Sharia. It's a good thing W stands for women, or I'd be worried. The new
Constitution, drafted under heavy pressure from the Administration, sets
aside the secular personal law under which Iraqis have lived for nearly half
a century in favor of theocracy lite. "Islam is the official religion of the
state and is a basic source of legislation," Article 2 begins--the spin is
that this language is a victory because Islam is not the source. "(a) No law
can be passed that contradicts the undisputed rules of Islam." On the other
hand, "(b) No law can be passed that contradicts the principles of
democracy" and "(c) No law can be passed that contradicts the rights and
basic freedoms outlined in this constitution"--as in, for example, Article
14: "Iraqis are equal before the law without discrimination because of sex,"
religion, ethnicity and so on.

There's enough right here to keep a conclave of political theorists busy for
years. Equal before which law? How can women be equal before Islamic law,
according to which they are unequal? How can a non-Muslim be equal in a
Muslim state? Who decides which Islamic rules are undisputed and which are,
well, disputable? As with our own multiple versions of Christianity, doesn't
that depend on which imam is holding the Koran? And what happens when (a)
(Islam) conflicts with (b) (democracy) or either (a) or (b)--or
both--conflict with (c) (human rights)? Don't laugh, it could happen.
Fortunately, the Constitution has come up with just the thing to settle
those knotty questions--a Supreme Federal Court "made up of a number of
judges and experts in Sharia (Islamic Law) and law." As prowar pundits are
quick to remind us, it's a lot like our own Constitution--except for the
official religion part, and that's not for lack of effort by Justice Scalia.

Bush has professed himself delighted with the document. "This Constitution
is one that honors women's rights and freedom of religion," he announced in
Arizona, where he was taking a vacation from his vacation. The
freedom-of-religion bit alludes to a slightly bewildering provision that
seems to hold out the possibility of separate courts for each religion.
Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, the head of Iran's ultra-Shiite Guardian Council,
isn't too worried by this ecumenical gesture: "Fortunately, after years of
effort and expectations in Iraq, an Islamic state has come to power and the
Constitution has been established on the basis of Islamic precepts."

We don't yet know what any of this means concretely, but if Iraq turns out
to resemble Iran--and boosting Iran's regional influence was another thing
Casey Sheehan died for--women have a lot to look forward to: being married
off at the age of 9, being a co-wife, having unequal rights to divorce and
child custody, inheriting half as much as their brothers, having their
testimony in court counted as half that of men, winning a rape conviction
only if the crime was witnessed by four male Muslims, being imprisoned and
flogged for premarital sex, being executed for adultery, needing mandatory
permission from husband or father to work, study or travel. Bush supporters
who find any of this disturbing--hello? Independent Women's Forum?--can
console themselves with the thought that, as former CIA official Reuel Marc
Gerecht said on Meet the Press, "women's social rights are not critical to
the evolution of democracy." Another plus: Ayatollah al-Sistani is
antichoice. According to his website,, even a rape victim can
have an abortion only if her relatives would murder her for getting
pregnant. So Iraqi fetuses are all set.

Is this what all those purple fingers were about? They looked like a nation
demanding democracy from reluctant occupiers but really they were making an
ethnic and religious power grab? In 2004 Iraqi women's groups, quietly
backed by then-US occupation chief Paul Bremer, forced the Governing Council
to rescind Resolution 137, which would have replaced secular family law with
Sharia. That was reassuring to those who wanted to believe that the US
government was on some sort of Wilsonian human-rights mission. This time
around we're supposed to take comfort in the promise of secular courts for
those who prefer them, in the banning of honor killings and in the
Constitution's transitional 25 percent set-aside for women in Parliament,
even as Sunni and Shiite theocratic gangs assault and murder unveiled
educated and professional women who venture out alone.

"We have lost all the gains we made over the last thirty years," said Safia
Taleb al-Souhail, last seen sitting in the balcony with Laura at the State
of the Union address, smiling and waving her purple finger. "It's a big
disappointment." Even blunter words come from Dr. Raja Kuzai, an
obstetrician and secular Shiite who served in the assembly's
Constitution-writing committee and, as the President tells it, greeted him
as "My Liberator" when she visited the Oval Office in 2003: "I think it is
over now," she writes in the San Antonio Express-News. "I want the American
people to know that our dreams are gone, our work was in vain. There will be
no future for our children and our grandchildren in the new Iraq. The future
is for the clerics. They will lead the country.... This is not the democracy
we dreamed of. This is the dictatorship of the majority!" Dr. Kuzai has
announced that she is leaving Iraq.

It always seemed a little strange to me that Bush was carrying the standard
of secularism and pluralism and women's rights in the Muslim world when he
is so keen against all three here at home. In the liberal hawks' fantasy
war, Bush was the love child of Mary Wollstonecraft and Voltaire, striding
forth to battle the combined forces of Osama bin Laden and Jacques Derrida.
Sometimes I thought that to Bush, as an evangelical Christian, even the
Enlightenment was better than Islam, the rival faith. But given the way
things are turning out, it's clear that Bush's world is big enough for two
kinds of religious mania: America gets creationism, Iraqis get Sharia.
Fundamentalists get both countries, and women get the shaft.


CounterPunch - Sep 15, 2005

"Call Me Bush-tail..."

Bush, God and Katrina


In literature, God has sent warnings. In Moby Dick, Herman Melville's sea
saga, Captain Ahab refused to recognize God's limits. The white whale (God's
creature?) warns Ahab in a first encounter by chewing off the captain's leg.
Instead of respecting this admonition, the commander of the commercial
whaling vessel sought revenge ­ domination over nature, in the form of a
large animal. Ahab moved decisively to assert domination over the natural

In Life, George Bush froze ­ unscripted-when world-shaking issues fell onto
his morally weak shoulders. Suffering and death confound him. Perhaps
Barbara traumatized the seven year old W when little sister died of
leukemia? The day after the funeral, the Bushes played a round of golf ­the
proper set dealing with death. Barbara, according to Dr.  Justin Frank, had
trouble connecting emotionally with her son.

W's father also played a role in W's "character pathology: "emotional and
physical absence during his son's youth triggered feelings of both adoration
and revenge." The President suffers from "grandiosity" and megalomania." He
sees himself, America and God as interchangeable. Bush on the Couch 2004

Indeed, as US troops invaded Iraq, commerce secretary Don Evans said that
"Bush believes he was called by God to lead the nation at this time." (Judy
Keen, USA Today, April 2, 2003) W's spiritual adviser Rev. James Robison W
said that Bush told him: 'I feel like God wants me to run for President. I
can't explain it, but I sense my country is going to need me. Something is
going to happen... I know it won't be easy on me or my family, but God wants
me to do it.' The Observer, November 2, 2003,

On 9/11 something did happen. But W didn't disentangle himself from the plot
of My Pet Goat, which he continued to read to Florida second graders for
seven minutes after aides told him a jet had flow into the Twin Towers. A
day later he emerged from his daze. He didn't appear at the scene of the
tragedy until September 14.

Likewise, when Katrina struck, God apparently didn't tell Bush to go to the
tragedy site.  The Pres remained on vacation, jogged and did fundraisers and
other religious work. After five days, Bush finally visited the disaster
site. Was anyone less qualified to "love thy neighbor as thyself?"

Unable to overcome his emotional learning disability, inability to grasp
emotionally or intellectually the scope of the human tragedy, he posed for
photo ops by hugging women and then joked about his drinking days in

"Very funny," said the diseased and half dead. Then Bush talked with
sincerity about how Senator Trent Lott (R-MS) ­ a multi millionaire-- had
also lost a house. But he would replace it with "a fantastic house - and
I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch."

How better to humiliate the world's most powerful nation then to saddle it
with a Bush in the midst of a tragedy? How best to show limits to arrogant
Americans then by placing in charge a bungler incapable of responding to
other people's pain?

After even the toady media recognized his incompetence, White House handlers
scripted return visits to the disaster sites. But deep inside, W wanted to
return to his Eden, Crawford, a place to enjoy riding bikes and jogging. His
mother Barbara had, after all, reassured him ­ and the nation ­ that since
"so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged
anyway, so this-this [she emits a chuckle referring to government programs]
is working very well for them."

She saw the evacuation of people to Houston as an example of her boy's
successful administration. "What I'm hearing which is sort of scary is they
all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality.
Almost everyone I've talked to says we're going to move to Houston" (Barbara
Bush, after touring the devastated areas, NPR "Marketplace" September 5).

Bush had described himself as a leader and "leaders lead." But God did not
imbued W with take charge qualities. Bush doesn't grasp difficult situations
and therefore can't see how to deal with them.

He looked down from Air Force One at the broken 17th Street levee through
which water flooded New Orleans. Then W landed and spoke about the urgent
need to control lawlessness, not suffering and death. He probably forgot
Defense Secretary Rumsfeld's wisdom on looting. Rummy had ordered US troops
not to crack down "on looting in Iraq because it might alienate the Iraqi
people they are trying to win over." Rumsfeld understood looting as part of
a process. "U.S. forces should not be blamed for the lawlessness and looting
in Baghdad as it is a natural consequence of the transition from a
dictatorship to a free country" (UPI 4/11/03).

After his initial display of unconcern, Bush returned to Louisiana and
toured with Senator Landrieu, who initially believed he was making "a real
and significant effort to get a handle on a major cause of this
catastrophe." But when she flew over the same "critical spot again this
morning, less than 24 hours later" she realized it had been nothing more
than "a hastily prepared stage set for a Presidential photo opportunity; and
the desperately needed resources we saw were this morning reduced to a
single, lonely piece of equipment. The people of southeast Louisiana and the
Gulf Coast deserve far better from their national government..." (Landrieu,
September 3 press release)

As a religious man Bush knew that God created man and then woman.
Intelligent design? But Bush did not understand God's subsequent ambivalence
toward his creations. After they committed their initial sin, from which of
course they received knowledge and guile and got tossed out of Eden for
their disobedience, they lacked a collective brain. So, Adam and Eve and
their progeny began a long process of destroying His perfect environment.
Think of the millennia in which He watched people systematically erode His

With the industrial revolution, the attack on His intelligent design became
downright ferocious. Assaults on thousands of His species, the ozone layers
and the air, water and soil might well have offended even the most patient
of gods. Massive green house gas emission altered the very framework of His

Did God vindictively choose Bush to administer at times of great
catastrophes? He knew that the Bush family chose its servants on the basis
of loyalty. So He must have smiled smugly when Bush chose Michael Brown to
run the Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA.  Brown lost his previous
position as head of the Arabian Horse Association by apparently not properly
organizing horse shows. But for the Bushes, subservience was the perfect
trait for servants. Bush picked him first as deputy director and then head
of FEMA when the director resigned.

Brown shared Bush's ignorance of suffering. After Katrina struck, Kate Hale,
former Miami-Dade emergency management chief, said Brown had "done a hell of
a job, because I'm not aware of any Arabian horses being killed in this

Brown apparently didn't understand that FEMA, his agency, was created to
handle disasters.  "The U.S. Forest Service had water-tanker aircraft
available to help douse the fires raging on our riverfront," said Senator
Landrieu, "but FEMA has yet to accept the aid.  When Amtrak offered trains
to evacuate significant numbers of victims-far more efficiently than
buses-FEMA again dragged its feet. Offers of medicine, communications
equipment and other desperately needed items continue to flow in, only to be
ignored by the agency." (September 3, 2005, Landrieu press release)

Brown admitted to Paula Zahn that "The federal government did not even know
about the convention center people until today." (CNN, September 1, 2005).

"I think the other thing that really caught me by surprise," he said, "was
the fact that there were so many people, and I'm not laying blame, but
either chose not to evacuate or could not evacuate. And as we began to do
the evacuations from the Superdome, all of a sudden, literally thousands of
other people started showing up in other places, and we were not prepared
for that. We were, we were surprised by that." While corpses floated in the
waters that filled New Orleans, Brown patted himself on the back.
"Considering the dire circumstances that we have in New Orleans - virtually
a city that has been destroyed
- things are going relatively well." (CNN)

Critics of Bush's handling of Katrina assume that citizens deserve
efficiency and compassion from the federal government. But Bush's response
to catastrophe, judging from his behavior during the Katrina aftermath,
appeared to be as punisher ­ of the poor, not the rich -- not provider.

In 1785, Thomas Jefferson, reflected on slavery. "I tremble for my country
when I reflect that God is just. His justice cannot sleep forever." Was
Jefferson's God defining justice as sardonic revenge ­ not only by
inflicting us with Katrina, but placing George W. Bush as chief
administrator of its aftermath?

[Saul Landau is a fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies.]


Join Mass March and Rally in L.A.
>From Iraq to New Orleans
Fund People's Needs, Not the War Machine



MARCH: 12 NOON at Olympic & Broadway, Downtown LA

RALLY: 1:30 PM at the Federal Building, Los Angeles & Temple

Call ANSWER for more information: 323-464-1636

Co-Sponsors: L.A. County Federation of Labor, Alliance for Just and Lasting
Peace in the Philippines, Coalition for World Peace, Committee for Justice
to Defend the LA 8, Free Palestine Alliance, Frente Unido de los Pueblos
Americanos, Gabriella Network, Global Resistance Network, Global Women's
Strike, Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, International Socialist Organization,
Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, KMB - Pro-People Youth, Korean
Americans for Peace, Latino Movement USA, Muslim Students Association-West,
National Council of Arab Americans, National Committee to Free the Cuban
Five, National Lawyers Guild, Office of the Americas, Palestinian American
Women's Association, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Peace and Freedom
Party, South Asian Network, United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), U.S. Labor
Against War, Youth & Student A.N.S.W.E.R.


Demonstration in Washington, DC - Sept 24, 2005


Bus Drop Off, Parking, Maps, Tabling, Contingents, Housing & More!

Click on link below to obtain essential information for the September 24th
rally and demonstration in Washington, DC. Courtesy of the A.N.S.W.E.R.

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