From: Jeff Blankfort
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 2:48 PM

Subject: Election of Amir Peretz analyzed by Gilad Atzmon

Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli living in London who mixes his award-
winning jazz offerings with important commentaries on issues
related to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

National Socialism As Opposed to Global Capitalism

The case of Amir Peretz by Gilad Atzmon

The recent election of Amir Peretz as the Chairman of the Israeli Labour
Party is far more significant than many commentators would seem to admit.
For the first time, the Israeli Labour party is led by a real fiery working
class leader. Peretz is a relatively young man who grew up in a council
estate in Sderot, a southern Israeli shantytown that was built especially
for Arab Jews back in the 1950's. At the time, the Jewish Ashkenazi elite
couldn't tolerate the idea of Arab Jews flooding into their newly erected
European metropolises. The vast majority of Arab Jews were not part of the
Israeli demographic landscape until after the foundation of the Jewish
state. They were brought to Israel en mass in a massive exodus operation,
which often times was forced. The idea behind the operation was the
necessity to beef up the majority of the Jewish population by outnumbering
the Palestinian population that refused to flee in 1948. Once in Israel, the
Arab Jews were treated rather badly. Immediately upon their arrival they
felt the heavy hand of Ashkenazi supremacist discrimination. The majority of
the new immigrants were dumped in council estates in the Negev desert and
other unpopular regions. They were there to serve the Zionist cause either
as a cheap labour force or just as a human shield between the emerging
European Jewish cities and the hostile Arabs on the other side.

Peretz grew up in Sderot and in the 1980s he became the town's mayor. In
1995 he was elected as the head of the Histadrut, the major Israeli trade
union. A few days ago, Mr. Peretz made it to the very centre of the Israeli
political stage. He had managed to oust Shimon Peres, the never dying and
yet the most defeated politician in modern history.

Amir Peretz's appearance is such a big revolution that Sharon and the Likud
party are in a real state of panic. But the Likud isn't alone, Shas, the
Orthodox Sepharadic party is mighty concerned as well. For the first time, a
secular Sepharadic man is leading one of the two biggest parties. Moreover,
the man is an ordinary human being, he isn't an heroic veteran IDF general.
He isn't an ex Mossad assassin, he doesn't have Arab blood on his hands. He
didn't adopt the Ashkenazi's pretentious jargon. He wasn't appointed by an
Ashkenazi politician as political bait to pull in Arab Jews. He is a simple
Israeli man who managed to take over the second biggest Israeli party, he
did it on his own right and he is an Arab Jew.

Mr Peretz was born in Morocco. He immigrated to Israel at the age of four.
He has never denied his origin or tried to assimilate into the Ashkenazi
Israeli world. I would allow myself to argue that if there is any remote
hope for the integration of Jews into the region, it is a man like Peretz
who may deliver the goods. It is a man like Peretz, himself an Arab, who can
treat his neighbours with respect. Rather than Shimon Peres's global dream
of 'new Middle East' in which Israel delivers wealth to the 'inferior'
Arabs, Amir Peretz's message to the Israeli people is rather simple and far
less pompous: once we address our social problems we will be ready to talk
peace with our neighbours. This message is actually deeper than any other
Israeli political manifesto I can think of. To start with, it is genuine.
For the first time an Israeli politician considers peace as a meaningful
signifier rather than an empty slogan. For the first time an Israeli
politician refuses to drop the word 'shalom' just for the sake of dropping
it. But not only is Peretz's message authentic, it may as well be a message
to the European community: No more global capitalism. Rather than serving
big business politics you better look into your back garden. This message
may help the confused French left address their current crisis. Unless some
social justice is introduced into our national discourse, Europe would turn
into hell. Don't you forget, for many it is hell already.

It isn't a coincidence that Peretz came with such a message. Israel is ahead
of Europe in terms of moral deterioration. Being an Americanised state, it
has been suffering the impact of global politics for many years. Israel is
but a mere microcosm of a ferocious cultural battle. Being at the forefront
of the so-called 'cultural clash', Israel is the place where East meets
West. Where the colonial meets the oppressed colonized. Where black meets
white. Israel is the pain Western colonialism dispersed to the Arab world.
The Israelis are the occupiers but at the same time they themselves are the
first to suffer from being the carrier of those doomed policies.

Israeli society is falling apart under the burden of many conflicting
interests. On the one hand we can trace the liberal Western footprints of
hard capitalism and privatisation. Israeli economy is run by big companies,
that itself has led to a society obsessed with consumerism. On the other
hand, we can see a rapidly growing economic gap between the rich and the
poor, something that evolved into some serious social unrest. The rise of
Peretz is a direct reaction to global capitalism. The Local grass-roots hero
is apparently the best answer to the faceless Global enemy.

It is hard capitalism and global interests that may make Amir Peretz into
Israel's next Prime Minister. It becomes clear that the only way to confront
global capitalism is to fight it locally and socially. This is what the
Israeli Labour party has decided to do. Wisely, they dumped their old
globalist Peres in favour of a man of the people. In the next election the
Israeli people will have to choose between the hard capitalistic vision of
the notorious Netanyahu and the call for social transformation and equality
led by Mr Peretz.

I allow myself to assume that this is where Europe is aiming. The turbulence
within the Labour backbenches that led to Blair's defeat in the House of
Commons less than a week ago, points out that it is the local concerns that
will eventually topple Blair rather than his numerous war crimes in Iraq.
Unless France endorses a sincere social attitude, it is aiming towards civil
war. If the European parliamentary left is interested in rescuing itself as
well as Europe from a complete defeat to American values of greed and
radical egotism, it may want to explore Peretz's moves in the coming months.
The only way for the European left to survive this doomed era is to detach
itself immediately from big business politics. To address a particular
social strategy that addresses the unique local discourse and circumstances
of what is left of the national state.


>From Kathleen & William Christison

Here's the letter we just sent to Hillary Clinton.  It's long, as is typical
of us, but it fit with lots of room to spare into the 10,000-character limit
in the letter form on Clinton's website.

If she's ever elected president, I think I'm going to go live in Palestine.


Dear Senator Clinton:

We were utterly dismayed to hear your comments yesterday upon seeing the
separation wall that Israel is building in the West Bank.  You said that
this is being done for the Palestinians.  Israel has the right, if it
desires, to build the wall on its own side of the border, but it has no
legal or moral right to build most of that wall outside its border in
Palestinian territory.  The fact that Israel is doing this is precisely what
causes all the problems.  Did you know that in fact the major portion of the
wall is being constructed on Palestinian territory inside the West Bank?
Did you know that approximately 10% of the West Bank and all of Arab East
Jerusalem will be on Israel's side of the wall?  Did you know that
approximately 200,000 East Jerusalem Palestinians will be on Israel's side
of the wall, which will cut off the West Bank from its commercial and social
capital and will cut Jerusalemites off from their West Bank hinterland?

Did you know that the wall bisects the West Bank's most fertile agricultural
lands, often separating villages from their farmlands and making the lands
inaccessible to their Palestinian owners?  Did you know that well over half
of the Palestinians' fresh water wells will be on Israel's side of the wall,
inaccessible to the Palestinian communities that own them?  Did you know
that thousands of olive trees, the staple of Palestinian agriculture, have
been bulldozed to make way for the wall?  Did you know that many small
Palestinian villages have forever lost all or most of their farmland because
it lies in the path of the wall?  Did you know that 50 Palestinian
communities of various sizes, home to 245,000 people, are surrounded on at
least three and in some cases four sides by the wall, that some of these
communities are permitted no entry or exit by road, only on foot, and that
the remainder can be reached by only one Israeli-controlled road?

Did you know that the lives and livelihoods of half a million Palestinians
will be directly affected by the wall-that adults have been cut off from
their jobs and from medical care, that students have been cut off from their
schools, that commerce has been destroyed in many areas, particularly in
Jerusalem and other cities where the concrete wall runs down the middle of
streets or cuts right across streets in commercial districts?  Did you know
that hundreds of homes, private homes owned by Palestinians not even
suspected of terrorism, have been demolished because they lie in the path of
the wall?

Do you think this is humane?  Do you think this kind of oppression will
enhance Israel's security?  You say that the wall is a response to
terrorism.  But do you not believe that the proper response to terrorism is
to prosecute the terrorists, not harm the innocent?  Do you not recognize
that punishing the entire Palestinian people for the terrorist crimes of a
few is collective punishment, which is prohibited by international law and
is morally insupportable?

Construction of the wall is a monstrous crime against humanity, perpetrated
by a prime minister whom you have just characterized as "courageous."  Do
you truly think there is any moral justification for an action as monstrous
as this wall and all its ramifications?

Kathleen & William Christison


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