Hi.  Talking with friends and driving the freeways today convince me
that Thanksgiving vacation has already begun.  So here's a bit of
meaningful fun for stay-near-homes. I just got turned on to this
hilarious site, of which the news conference is just one of many.
Click on these websites for a very full monte. Thanks to Deb Lagutaris.


or <http://investigatingtheobvious.notlong.com>

November 6, 2005
The Committee For Investigating the Obvious is called to order
At a press conference this morning, President Bushky announced he'd
appointed a committee to investigate everybody he ever appointed or ran for
office with, including the committee he just appointed.

"I'm bound and determined to get to the bottom of all the reports that Vice
President Boss Hawg and Cooter Libby and Turdblossom were doing bad things
like lying and revenging an American diplomat and telling our soldiers to
fuck the terrorists and give them the rack," he stated firmly, with steely
resolve, "because one thing I've learned is that Americans will say 'you're
doing a heckuva job, Bushky' when I act concerned and order investigations
and stuff."


Helen Thomas: "Mr. President, how can your investigation committee
investigate those guys when you appointed Cheney, Libby and Rove to be the
entire committee?"

Bushky: "That's a good question, Helen. Just watch them and they'll show you
how it's done. But before they investigate themselves, they'll be
investigating who leaked the information to you that they were conducting
this investigation, since it's classified information."


Brian Williams: "Mr. President, it's been reported by an unnamed source that
Vice President Cheney and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld have been a tag team in
every Republican administration and have been in the middle of every foreign
policy fiasco Republican administrations have been involved with over the
past 35 years. Is that true?"

Bushky: "Who told you that?"

Brian Williams: "Dick Cheney."

Bushky: " That can't be true, because when Dick headed my transition team, I
told him to carefully investigate my potential running mates to make sure
they never were involved in any potentially unethical things. And Dick
assured me, when he narrowed the list to only himself, that he was perfectly

"And I trust Dick so completely that I named my daughter, Jenna, after him."


Tim Russert: "Mr. President, I understand you've taken the bold and leaderly
step of sending the top officials in your administration to ethics classes.
And I really think that's super and visionary, don't you?"

Bushky: "Good question, Tim. Yes, I felt a remedial.. I mean, refresher
course would be good for morale, by reminding my staff that even if they've
made an error or two, they've been following a majority of the commandments,
which is pretty good compared to some people I was raised with. And in an
effort to streamline the ethics regulatory process, I even narrowed the Ten
Commandments down to eight."


Judith Miller: "Mr. President, since we're winning the war on Iraq, and
Afghanistan is a democracy now, where else do you think we should bomb next
to force the barbaric natives to vote for people you pick?"

Bushky: "I was thinking it should be California, Judith, because it appears
the natives are thinking about replacing their elected leader with a shadowy
figure who tries to invade the governor's stage. And everyone knows he's
been linked to bombs and his wife is an environmental terrorist."

And then I think we'll attack Virginia, because, after letting Bin Laden
slip through our hands, I'm not going to rest until we get Hitler, too.


Bob Schieffer: "Since you mentioned the environment, sir, is there truth to
the rumor that the House is planning to pass a bill to allow oil companies
to drill the oily sebaceous glands on the faces of the pimply adolescents in
Miss Fringle's seventh grade classroom in Springfield?"

Bushky: "Well, Bob, it's important to end our dependency on foreign oil,
Bob, and yes, the House leadership is convinced that the gallon and a half
of oil available annually there could significantly lower gasoline costs for


Bill O'Reilly: Good morning Mr. President. Despite the wonderful job you've
done in Iraq, there are now some disloyal ingrates who are reporting there's
something crooked about Halliburton's excellent rebuilding adventure in
Iraq. And some particularly anti-democracy traitors are saying that Vice
President Cheney has been profiteering from his old company. What would you
say to discredit those liberal terrorist-huggers?"

Bushky: "As you know, Bill, I've long said that Halliburton's no-bid
contracts and windfall profits, and Dick's former CEO position with them was
nothing more than a coincidence. But Dick has now convinced me it's the
perfect example of the existence of Intelligent Design."


John Adams (incredulous): "Mr. President, surely you don't mean by that
statement that you think the Vice President is God, do you?" (Hat tip to
Avedon Carol)

Bushky: "No, that would be Rumsfeld." (smirk) "Seriously, though, each
morning when Dick rolls back the stone and emerges from his crypt, it does
make me wonder."


Greg Palast: It's being reported that Americans now believe that you
knowingly used forged documents and sources known to be liars to make your
case for attacking Iraq. And the latest polls suggest you have only 35% who
approve of your performance anymore. What do you attribute your fall in
popularity to?"

Bushky: Greg, the Poles were among the people who joined our Coalition of
the Fawning Sycophants in Iraq, and the last Pope was a Pole, as well. So
not about to respond to your Polish jokes, but I do have some good blonde
jokes, if you're interested."


Andrea Mitchell: "Mr. President, is it true your committee intends to
investigate whether I can be objective about your administration's economic
policies when Big Al rides me every night like a well-preserved Shetland
pony? And whether the bear that used to boink me really made me frigid?"

Bushky: "I just know Big Al's done a heckuva job, Andrea, and your
certainly controlled my inflation, as did the video someone leaked to me."


Peter Jennings: "Mr. President, I can't ask any questions because I'm still

Bushky: "I also plan to have the investigation committee investigate whether
cigarette smoking causes cancer to determine whether that's how you came to
be dead. And then they'll be tasked with determining who it is exactly I'm
talking to here, because I really mean business."


Jeff Gannon-Guckert: "See? I am a journalist. This proves it, because you
called on me."

Bushky: "So why are you humping the leg of that Sergeant-at-Arms?"

Gannon-Guckert: "I'm a real journalist, Mr. President, and this is what real
journalists do."


Lois Lane: Mr. President, some critics charge that nobody could be as
dishonest or inept as you, and that you are really just a fictional
character. But you sure aren't Superman. You're not even as competent as
Clark Kent. So who are you?"

Bushky: "I'm not going to dignify that with an answer." (Clicks the heels of
his red shoes together, disappears, and wakes up on a cot in a Kansas

By Kevin Hayden   1:32 pm     Breach of Ethics, Media critique, Comedy &
Satire, Capital Investigations, Bush Games


----- Original Message ----- 

From: Michael Schwartz

Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 2:06 PM

Subject: Reply to anti-Republican humor

comments from Dan Clawson, well taken:

I would think you'd be very happy, and so should we all:

1.  The REPUBLICANS sponsor a let's-get-out-of-Iraq-when-we-can resolution.

2.  A leading Democratic conservative and hawk, a Vietnam combat veteran,
calls for immediate withdrawal and everyone takes it seriously.

3.  Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald re-opens his investigation of the
cover-up related to war intelligence.

4.  Tom DeLay's former aide turns on him and cuts a deal with prosecutors.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 3:13 PM
Subject: Anti-Republican humor

FROM a Friend of a friend:

Did you happen to see the action in the House of Reps today? I thought I
was watching the British parliament. The dems were actually screaming

at republican congressmen speaking against that "coward", nam vet Jack

I can't wait to see what the republican "lets attack another vet" team will

be doing in the coming days. I just heard on cnn that they are asking for
a special investigator to look into Murtha's brother's lobbying company. Is
there a congressman or senator who doesn't have a relative or close friend
involved in lobbying?

I predict that the swift boat commanders will write a new book which will

-- Murtha got his purple hearts when he was shot in the ass while

running away from 12 year old viet cong quadrapelegic.

-- Murtha's service revolver was used in the murder of Robert Blake's

-- as a 5 year old toddler in Tutor Time he admitted being a member of the
communist party.

-- Murtha's 90 year old mother is an undercover agent for the C.I.A

-- Murtha had a two year sexual affair with Al Franken

           IS THIS A GREAT COUNTRY ---- OR WHAT !!!

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