Potemkin Village
NY Times Op-Ed: December 11, 2005

WHEN a government substitutes propaganda for governing, the Potemkin village
is all. Since we don't get honest information from this White House, we must
instead, as the Soviets once did, decode our rulers' fictions to discern
what's really happening. What we're seeing now is the wheels coming off: As
the administration's stagecraft becomes more baroque, its credibility tanks
further both at home and abroad. The propaganda techniques may be echt
Goebbels, but they increasingly come off as pure Ali G.

The latest desperate shifts in White House showmanship say at least as much
about our progress (or lack of same) in Iraq over the past 32 months as
reports from the ground. When President Bush announced the end of "major
combat operations" in May 2003, his Imagineers felt the need for only a
single elegant banner declaring "Mission Accomplished." Cut to Nov. 30,
2005: the latest White House bumper sticker, "Plan for Victory," multiplied
by Orwellian mitosis over nearly every square inch of the rather "Queer Eye"
stage set from which Mr. Bush delivered his oration at the Naval Academy.
And to no avail. Despite the insistently redundant graphics - and despite
the repetition of the word "victory" 15 times in the speech itself -
Americans believed "Plan for Victory" far less than they once did "Mission
Accomplished." The first New York Times-CBS News Poll since the Naval
Academy pep talk, released last Thursday, found that only 25 percent of
Americans say the president has "a clear plan for victory in Iraq." Tom
Cruise and evolution still have larger constituencies in America than that.

Mr. Bush's "Plan for Victory" speech was, of course, the usual unadulterated
nonsense. Its overarching theme - "We will never accept anything less than
complete victory" - was being contradicted even as he spoke by rampant
reports of Pentagon plans for stepped-up troop withdrawals between next
week's Iraqi elections and the more important (for endangered Republicans)
American Election Day of 2006. The specifics were phony, too: Once again
inflating the readiness of Iraqi troops, Mr. Bush claimed that the recent
assault on Tal Afar "was primarily led by Iraqi security forces" - a fairy
tale immediately unmasked by Michael Ware, a Time reporter embedded in that
battle's front lines, as "completely wrong." No less an authority than the
office of Iraq's prime minister, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, promptly released a
59-page report documenting his own military's inadequate leadership,
equipment and training.

But this variety of Bush balderdash is such old news that everyone except
that ga-ga 25 percent instantaneously tunes it out. We routinely assume that
the subtext (i.e., the omissions and deliberate factual errors) of his
speeches and scripted town meetings will be more revealing than the texts
themselves. What raised the "Plan for Victory" show to new heights of
disinformation was the subsequent revelation that the administration's main
stated motive for the address - the release of a 35-page document laying out
a "National Strategy for Victory in Iraq" - was as much a theatrical prop as
the stunt turkey the president posed with during his one furtive visit to
Baghdad two Thanksgivings ago.

As breathlessly heralded by Scott McClellan, this glossy brochure was "an
unclassified version" of the strategy in place since the war's inception in
"early 2003." But Scott Shane of The New York Times told another story.
Through a few keystrokes, the electronic version of the document at could be manipulated to reveal text "usually hidden from
public view." What turned up was the name of the document's originating
author: Peter Feaver, a Duke political scientist who started advising the
National Security Council only this June. Dr. Feaver is an expert on public
opinion about war, not war itself. Thus we now know that what Mr. McClellan
billed as a 2003 strategy for military victory is in fact a P.R. strategy in
place for no more than six months. That solves the mystery of why Lt. Gen.
Martin Dempsey of the Army, who is in charge of training Iraqi troops, told
reporters that he had never seen this "National Strategy" before its public
release last month.

In a perfect storm of revelations, the "Plan for Victory" speech fell on the
same day that The Los Angeles Times exposed new doings on another front in
the White House propaganda war. An obscure Defense Department contractor,
the Lincoln Group, was caught paying off Iraqi journalists to run upbeat
news articles secretly written by American Army personnel and translated
into Arabic (at a time when American troops in harm's way are desperate for
Arabic translators of their own). One of the papers running the fake news is
Al Mutamar, the Baghdad daily run by associates of Ahmad Chalabi. So now we
know that at least one P.R. plan, if not a plan for victory, has been
consistent since early 2003. As Mr. Chalabi helped feed spurious accounts of
Saddam's W.M.D. to American newspapers to gin up the war, so his minions now
help disseminate happy talk to his own country's press to further the
illusion that the war is being won.

The Lincoln Group's articles (e.g., "The Sands Are Blowing Toward a
Democratic Iraq") are not without their laughs - for us, if not for the
Iraqis, whose intelligence is insulted and whose democratic aspirations are
betrayed by them. But the texts are no more revealing than those of Mr.
Bush's speeches. Look instead at the cover-up that has followed the Los
Angeles Times revelations. The administration and its frontmen at once
started stonewalling from a single script. Mr. McClellan, Pentagon
spokesmen, Senator John Warner and Donald Rumsfeld all give the identical
answer to the many press queries. We don't have the facts, they say, even as
they maintain that the Lincoln Group articles themselves are factual.

The Pentagon earmarks more than $100 million in taxpayers' money for various
Lincoln Group operations, and it can't get any facts? Though the 30-year-old
prime mover in the shadowy outfit, one Christian Bailey, fled from Andrea
Mitchell of NBC News when she pursued him on camera in Washington, certain
facts are proving not at all elusive.

Ms. Mitchell and other reporters have learned that Mr. Bailey has had at
least four companies since 2002, most of them interlocking, short-lived and
under phantom names. Government Executive magazine also discovered that Mr.
Bailey "was a founder and active participant in Lead21," a Republican
"fund-raising and networking operation" - which has since scrubbed his name
from its Web site - and that he and a partner in his ventures once listed a
business address identical to their Washington residence. This curious tale,
with its trail of cash payoffs, trading in commercial Iraqi real estate and
murky bidding procedures for lucrative U.S. government contracts, could have
been lifted from "Syriana" or "Glengarry Glen Ross." While Mr. Rumsfeld and
Mr. McClellan valiantly continue their search for "the facts," what we know
so far can safely be filed under the general heading of "Lay, DeLay and

The more we learn about such sleaze in the propaganda war, the more we see
it's failing for the same reason as the real war: incompetence. Much as the
disastrous Bremer regime botched the occupation of Iraq with bad decisions
made by its array of administration cronies and relatives (among them Ari
Fleischer's brother), so the White House doesn't exactly get the biggest
bang for the bucks it shells out to cronies for fake news.

Until he was unmasked as an administration shill, Armstrong Williams was
less known for journalism than for striking a deal to dismiss a messy
sexual-harassment suit against him in 1999. When an Army commander had
troops sign 500 identical good-news form letters to local newspapers
throughout America in 2003, the fraud was so transparent it was almost
instantly debunked. The fictional scenarios concocted for Jessica Lynch and
Pat Tillman also unraveled quickly, as did last weekend's Pentagon account
of 10 marines killed outside Falluja on a "routine foot patrol." As the NBC
correspondent Jim Miklaszewski told Don Imus last week, he received calls
within hours from the fallen's loved ones about how the marines had been
slaughtered after being recklessly sent to an unprotected site for a
promotion ceremony.

Though the White House doesn't know that its jig is up, everyone else does.
Americans see that New Orleans is in as sorry shape today as it was under
Brownie three months ago. The bipartisan 9/11 commissioners confirm that
homeland security remains a pork pit. Condi Rice's daily clarifications of
her clarifications about American torture policies are contradicted by new
reports of horrors before her latest circumlocutions leave her mouth. And
the president's latest Iraq speeches - most recently about the "success"
stories of Najaf and Mosul - still don't stand up to the most rudimentary
fact checking.

This is why the most revealing poll number in the Times/CBS survey released
last week was Mr. Bush's approval rating for the one area where things are
going relatively well, the economy: 38 percent, only 2 points higher than
his rating on Iraq. It's a measure of the national cynicism bequeathed by
the Bush culture that seeing anything, even falling prices at the pump, is
no longer believing.


Abuse Cited In 2nd Jail Operated by Iraqi Ministry
Official Says 12 Prisoners Subjected to 'Severe Torture'

By Ellen Knickmeyer
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, December 12, 2005; A01

BAGHDAD, Dec. 11 -- An Iraqi government search of a detention center in
Baghdad operated by Interior Ministry special commandos found 13 prisoners
who had suffered abuse serious enough to require medical treatment, U.S. and
Iraqi officials said Sunday night.

An Iraqi official with firsthand knowledge of the search said that at least
12 of the 13 prisoners had been subjected to "severe torture," including
sessions of electric shock and episodes that left them with broken bones.

"Two of them showed me their nails, and they were gone," the official said
on condition of anonymity because of security concerns.
A government spokesman, Laith Kubba, said Sunday night that any findings at
the prison would be "subject to an investigation," but he declined to
comment on the allegations.

The site, which was searched Thursday, is the second Interior Ministry
detention center where cases of prisoner abuse have been confirmed by U.S.
and Iraqi officials.

U.S. troops found the first site last month when they entered an Interior
Ministry building in central Baghdad to look for a Sunni Arab teenager they
believed had been detained, officers said at the time. Several prisoners at
that site appeared to have suffered beatings, and many were emaciated, U.S.
and Iraqi officials and witnesses said.

The abuse alleged at the prison found this week appeared to have been more
severe. Asked specifically what types of torture were found in the
commandos' prison, the official cited breaking of bones, torture with
electric shock, extraction of fingernails and cigarette burns to the neck
and back.

International law, including the U.N. Convention Against Torture, bans
torture in all cases. U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad issued a sharp public
rebuke of the Iraqi government after the secret prison was discovered last
month, demanding in a statement that all detainees nationwide be treated in
accord with human rights.

Prime Minister Ibrahim Jafari, under heavy pressure from Khalilzad and Army
Gen. George W. Casey Jr., the top U.S. commander in Iraq, ordered a
nationwide investigation of detention centers after that discovery. The
prison investigated Thursday was the first center examined as part of the
government-ordered inquiry.

Investigators said they found 625 prisoners at the center but declined to
give details about them. Most of the detainees found at the secret prison
last month were Sunni Arabs who had been picked up by forces of the Shiite
Muslim-dominated Interior Ministry.

Rudisill said the 56 freed prisoners were released on the recommendation of
Iraqi judges who took part in the inspection. "They quickly looked through
and found in these cases specifically there were no reasons to hold these
individuals," he said.

The country's Sunni minority has accused the Interior Ministry of taking a
leading role in severe abuses, including the targeting of Sunnis by alleged
death squads. Since the current government took office in late April, the
bodies of scores of Sunni men have been found dumped on roadsides, in dry
riverbeds and in fields. Most of the men were found handcuffed and shot. In
several cases, family members have said the men were taken away by people in
Interior Ministry uniforms and vehicles.

The government has repeatedly said it was investigating the allegations. No
results of any investigations have been announced.
"The investigation was extended," Jafari, a member of another Shiite
religious party in the governing coalition, told the Reuters news agency on
Sunday. "It is not finished. We are investigating all violations. We do not
accept any violations committed against any Iraqis."

Last week, the Interior Ministry fired its top human rights official, Nouri
Nouri, without providing an explanation.
Sunni political leaders charge that similar incidents of torture are
occurring at other Interior Ministry detention facilities and have
identified some of the sites by name.

Shiite political leaders say the U.S. military frequently visits the
facilities and suggest that American authorities would know about any abuse.

Last week, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld ordered military commanders
to come up with clear rules for how U.S. forces should respond if they
witness detainee abuse. The order followed an exchange between Rumsfeld and
Marine Gen. Peter Pace, the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, at a news
conference Nov. 29.

Pace said then that it was "absolutely the responsibility of every U.S.
service member if they see inhumane treatment being conducted to intervene
to stop it."

Rumsfeld said, "I don't think you mean they have an obligation to physically
stop it; it's to report it."
Pace responded, "If they are physically present when inhumane treatment is
taking place, sir, they have an obligation to try to stop it."

U.S. officials have said the FBI and the U.S. military are aiding the prison
investigation. Authorities have identified more than 1,000 detention centers
across Iraq.

© 2005 The Washington Post Company

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