Senate Passes Patriot Act  Extension
.c The Associated Press 

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate on Wednesday passed  a six-month extension of 
the terror-fighting USA Patriot Act as a last resort  after Democrats and a 
small group of GOP senators blocked President Bush and  Republican 
leaders' attempt to make most of the anti-terrorism law  permanent.

Approval of the six-month extension came on a voice  vote, and cleared the 
way for a final vote in the House possibly as early as  Thursday. Sixteen 
provisions in the current law expire Dec. 31 unless the  Congress and White 

Patriot Act critics said  White House-pushed legislation did not provide 
enough civil liberty safeguards  and blocked the Republican-controlled Senate 
approving it last  week.

The six-month ``extension ensures that the tools provided  to law enforcement 
in terrorist investigations in the Patriot Act remain in  effect while 
Congress works out the few differences that remain,'' said Sen.  John Sununu, 
R-N.H., one of a small group of Republicans who crossed party lines  to block 
Patriot Act legislation.

``This will allow more time to  finally agree on a bill that protects our 
rights and freedoms while preserving  important tools for fighting terrorism,'' 
added Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., who  was the only senator to vote against the 
original Patriot Act in  2001.

Despite insisting earlier that a short-term extension of the  Patriot Act 
would not be acceptable, Bush seemed to indicate in a late-night  statement 
he would sign it.

``The work of Congress on the Patriot  Act is not finished,'' Bush said. 
``The act will expire next summer, but the  terrorist threat to America will 
expire on that schedule. I look forward to  continuing to work with Congress to 
reauthorize the Patriot Act.''

Senate  Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said he had no choice but to 
accept a  six-month extension in the face of a successful filibuster and the 
Patriot Act's  Dec. 31 expiration date. ``I'm not going to let the Patriot Act 
die,'' Frist  said.

Frist said he had not consulted with House Speaker Dennis Hastert,  R-Ill., 
yet on the six-month extension. Senior Republicans there have opposed  any 
temporary extension of the current law, insisting that most of the expiring  
provisions should be renewed permanently, but it would be difficult for the  
to reject a plan agreed to by the Senate and President  Bush.

Republicans who had pushed for legislation that would make most of  the 
expiring provisions permanent said the agreement only postpones the ongoing  
arguments over the Patriot Act for six months. ``We'll be right back where we  
right now,'' said a clearly frustrated Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah.

Sen.  John Cornyn, R-Texas, added, ``Our intelligence and law enforcement 
officials  should not be left wondering, yet again, whether the Congress will 
manage to  agree to reauthorize the tools that protect our nation.''

The bill's  critics gained momentum Wednesday when they released a letter 
crafted by Sununu  and Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., showing they had 52 
agreeing to  support a three-month extension.

``This is the right thing to do for the  country,'' Schumer said after the 
deal had been announced. ``To let the Patriot  Act lapse would have been a 
dereliction of duty.''

President Bush,  Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Republican 
congressional leaders have  lobbied fiercely to get the House-Senate compromise 
and issued dire  warnings of what would happen if the Patriot Act expires.

Most of the  Patriot Act - which expanded the government's surveillance and 
prosecutorial  powers against suspected terrorists, their associates and 
financiers - was made  permanent when Congress overwhelmingly passed it after 
Sept. 11 terrorist  attacks on New York City and Washington.

Making permanent the rest of the  Patriot Act powers, like the roving 
wiretaps which allow investigators to listen  in on any telephone and tap any 
computer they think a target might use, has been  a priority of the Bush 
administration and Republican lawmakers.

If  Congress fails to renew 16 expiring provisions of the USA Patriot Act by 
Dec.  31, America will be less safe, Gonzales and Homeland Security Secretary 
Michael  Chertoff warned Wednesday. Chertoff said every morning he reviews 
threat  information against the United States and lies awake at night worrying 
about  ``what's coming next.''

``The threat is still very much alive,'' Chertoff  said, referring to terror 
groups that want to strike the United  States.

12/22/05 00:02 EST 

Recent U.S. House passage of the racist  anti-immigrant bill
_12/17: Analysis - Sensenbrenner/King Bill Passes  House_ 
By National Immigration  Forum 
In indepth analysis of the the  House passed H.R. 4437, the Border 
Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal  Immigration Control Act, sponsored by 
Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Peter King  (R-NY). 
_12/15: America's real enemies_ 
By Pasadena Weekly  (California) 
Well, it's official. The  Republican Party has finally thrown in the towel 
and decided that it really  isn't "the party of Lincoln" any longer... 
_12/16: House OKs Bill to Tighten Immigration  Laws_ 
By JIM ABRAMS - The Associated  Press 
The House acted Friday to stem  the tide of illegal immigration by taking 
steps to tighten border controls and  stop unlawful immigrants from getting 
But lawmakers left for next year the  tougher issue of what to do with the 11 
million undocumented people already in  the country. 
_12/15: Sensenbrenner Bill Boosts Immigration System's Worst:  Indefinite 
By William Youmans - Catholic  Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) 
Despite broad-based agreement  on the need to reform
legal immigration to the United States, House Judiciary  Committee
Chairman James Sensenbrenner is promoting legislation that would  worsen
one of the broken features of current immigration enforcement law.ΓΏ  This
bill, the "Border Protection, Anti-Terrorism, and Illegal  Immigration
Control Act of 2005" (H.R. 4437), will expand the number of  detainees
held indefinitely." 
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

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Immigrant Solidarity Network 

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