House Approves One Month Extension of  PATRIOT Act, Approves 453 billion 
defense spending bill
December 22, 2005
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At the last days of the House and Senate before Christmas vacation,  the 
House balked at a Senate plan to extend the USA Patriot Act by six months to  
Congress and President Bush more time to work out their differences,  instead 
forcing the Senate and the administration to accept a one-month  extension.  
At the same time, the House approved a $460 billion defense bill that  was 
shorn of a provision promoted by Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) that would have  
opened Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to  oil drilling. But it put 
until next year final agreement on a major budget  measure that would trim 
federal spending by nearly $40 billion over five years.  Read the full 
1) Patriot Act  Extension Is Reduced To a Month
House Action Overcomes Senate's  Longer Reprieve 
By Jonathan  Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday,  December 23, 2005; A01 
The House balked yesterday at a Senate plan to extend the USA Patriot Act by  
six months to give Congress and President Bush more time to work out their  
differences, instead forcing the Senate and the administration to accept a  
one-month extension. 
At the same time, the House approved a $460 billion defense bill that was  
shorn of a provision promoted by Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) that would have  
opened Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to  oil drilling. But it put 
until next year final agreement on a major budget  measure that would trim 
federal spending by nearly $40 billion over five  years. 
Congress finished a year in which it rebuffed Bush on many of his top  
priorities and showed a new willingness to assert its prerogatives after four  
during which the president largely dictated the terms and sought to expand  
executive power at the expense of the legislative branch. 
It was also a year marked by bitter infighting in a Republican caucus that  
had been known for exceptional discipline. Bush and GOP leaders were buffeted 
by  unforeseen events, most of all Hurricane Katrina, that continued to consume 
 lawmakers even as they tried to depart for the year. 
One of the most contentious disputes was over whether to reauthorize the USA  
Patriot Act, and it appeared as if the Senate had finessed an impasse with 
the  White House by agreeing Wednesday night to extend the existing domestic  
surveillance law -- set to expire on Dec. 31 -- by six months. But House  
Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) refused to go  
along with the agreement yesterday. He demanded that the House pass an 
only through Feb. 3, forcing a few senators to return to the Capitol last 
night  to give the Senate's consent. 
"The fact is that a six-month extension, in my opinion, would have simply  
allowed the Senate to duck the issue until the last week in June," said  
Sensenbrenner, who had largely prevailed in negotiations with the Senate on a  
version of the anti-terrorism law, only to see the compromise blocked by a  
Senate filibuster. "Now they came pretty close to wrecking everybody's  
I didn't want to put the entire Congress in the position of them  wrecking 
everybody's Independence Day." 
The Patriot Act was passed after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to  
strengthen the government's hand in combating terrorism. The administration  
sought to toughen some of the provisions and prevent 16 from expiring. Critics  
charged that the proposed renewal was too slanted in the government's favor  
regarding national security letters and special subpoenas that give the FBI  
significant leeway in obtaining records, among other concerns. 
The House action was a setback for Bush, who had repeatedly said he would not 
 accept a "short-term extension." Wednesday night's Senate action, which  
increased the proposed extension from three months to six, was seen in part as 
way for Bush and his allies to save face while accepting the collapse of a  
four-year renewal of the law; they had supported its renewal and the House had  
passed it on Dec. 14. 
Yesterday's House vote not only erased the face-saving measure, but it also  
forced Bush to accept the shortest extension that lawmakers had seriously  
Democratic lawmakers quickly hailed the House vote as a victory. Senate  
Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.) said: "Democrats are happy with a  
extension of the Patriot Act. We always said that we would accept a  
short-term extension to give negotiators time to get the final bill right." 
Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (Vt.) said: "The amount of time is less  important than 
the good-faith effort that will be needed in improving the  Patriot Act to 
strike the right balance in respecting Americans' liberty and  privacy, while 
protecting their security." 
Eric Ueland, chief of staff to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.),  
explained why Frist wanted a longer-term extension of the existing law. "For  
these investigations," he said, "a six-month extension allows the intelligence 
 community and the Department of Justice to manage investigations without 
having  to manage against the countdown clock." 
Despite the confused and discordant conclusion to this year's session of  
Congress, acting House Majority Leader Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) struck a positive 
rattling off the House's accomplishments. 
The House passed and sent to Bush yesterday a $460 billion defense spending  
bill that includes $50 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, $29 
billion in new  hurricane aid, $3.8 billion for bird flu preparedness and a 1 
percent,  government-wide spending cut, which excludes veterans programs. 
Congress also completed work this week on a defense policy bill that asserts  
congressional will in matters of war almost for the first time since the 
Sept.  11 attacks. The measure would ban cruel and degrading interrogation 
and  would limit the legal rights of detainees in military facilities. 
Other achievements cited by Blunt include revising the nation's bankruptcy  
laws; approving the largest highway and public works bill in history; passing 
an  energy bill that had been sought by Bush for four years; approving the 
Central  American Free Trade Agreement; winning House passage of a budget 
that  would slow spending on entitlement programs such as Medicaid; and 
approving new,  get-tough legislation on illegal immigration. 
"When you look at what we set out for ourselves at the first of the year,  
even with Katrina and everything that had to be added after August, it's hard  
not to say the House finished the year hitting all of our objectives," Blunt  
But congressional experts and former Republican lawmakers say that, despite  
those accomplishments, the year will be remembered more for the indictment of  
former House majority leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) in September and the ensuing  
leadership discord, the growing stain of embattled Republican lobbyist Jack  
Abramoff, and the chaotic conclusion that kept Congress in active legislative  
session longer than in any year since 1987. 
In the final weeks of the legislative session, Republican leaders had to deal 
 with conservatives rebelling over hurricane aid spending, GOP moderates 
balking  at oil drilling and cuts to anti-poverty programs, and civil 
from  both parties objecting to key provisions of the Patriot Act compromise. 
"If you look at the whole, they didn't have a bad year," said former  
representative Vin Weber (R-Minn.), who remains influential with congressional  
Republicans. "But, unfortunately, what matters politically is not the whole, 
the end. And the end didn't end very well." 
Some Republican political strategists were sanguine yesterday about the  
coming year, when midterm elections will loom large but fortunes may improve,  
especially in Iraq. Former representative Bill  Paxon (R-N.Y.), an influential 
political tactician, said the president's  approval ratings are rising and 
perceptions of the economy are steadily  improving. 
Others are not so positive. Former DeLay aide Michael Scanlon has already  
agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors looking into Abramoff's  
relationships with members of Congress. Now Abramoff himself is nearing a plea  
agreement that could turn him against at least a dozen lawmakers and  
aides. Weber said House leaders should view the investigation with  "paramount 
"It's the cumulative effect of all of this, whether it is scandal, or failure 
 to get an agenda enacted or questions in the paper every day about 
unauthorized  wiretaps and the failure of Congress to get involved," fretted 
former  Republican congressman, Mickey Edwards (Okla.). "It's all adding up to 
pretty  serious situation." 
Staff writer Charles Babington contributed to this report. 
Recent U.S. House  passage of the racist anti-immigrant bill 
12/22: _Senate Passes  Patriot Act Extension
_ ( 
12/17: _Analysis  - Sensenbrenner/King Bill Passes House_ 
12/15: _America's  real enemies_ 
12/16: _House  OKs Bill to Tighten Immigration Laws_ 
12/15: _Sensenbrenner  Bill Boosts Immigration System's Worst: Indefinite 
2) House passes 453 billion defense spending  bill 
$50 billion for wars, $29 billion for Katrina relief included in  legislation 
MSNBC News Services 
Dec. 22, 2005 
WASHINGTON - The House cleared the way Thursday for a $453  billion defense 
spending bill that funnels $29 billion in hurricane aid to the  Gulf Coast and 
$50 billion more for wars in  Iraq and Afghanistan. 
The action came on the heels of  a move to give one month more life to the 
Bush administration’s anti-terrorism  powers under the Patriot Act. 
The $50 billion for the  Iraq and Afghanistan wars  is to carry the Pentagon 
until Congress acts on another emergency war  supplemental next year, which 
lawmakers expect to be from $80 billion to $100  billion. 
It is estimated that the  Pentagon is spending about $6 billion a month on 
the Iraq war effort.  
House passage of the defense  spending bill also brings to a close debates 
that raged all autumn over funding  for rebuilding from the devastation of 
Hurricane Katrina, and avian flu  prevention. 
The military spending bill  contains $29 billion to rebuild levees, schools, 
roads and other infrastructure  destroyed in August when Hurricane Katrina 
swept through Louisiana, Mississippi  and Alabama.  
Much of the money is being taken  from emergency hurricane aid already 
enacted but not yet spent by the federal  government. The rest of the funding 
being offset by other accounting  maneuvers.  
Bill includes funds for possible  pandemic
The defense spending bill also contains nearly $3.8  billion to begin 
preparations for a possible avian flu pandemic. The Bush  administration had 
more than $7 billion for stockpiling drugs and other  steps in case the deadly 
animal illness mutates in a way that makes it easily  transmissible to humans. 
The money would also be used to  increase international surveillance of the 
disease and to help state and local  authorities in the United  States prepare. 
The House passed the defense  bill and the Patriot Act legislation in a 
year-end scramble to finish its work,  complicated by standoffs with Democrats 
disagreements among Republicans. 
The Patriot Act extension keeps  the anti-terrorism laws in place until Feb. 
3. The Senate was scheduled to  reconvene to consider the legislation so it 
can become law. 
The House put the act on its  short leash after House Judiciary Committee 
Chairman James Sensenbrenner,  R-Wis., objected to a longer, six-month 
Patriot Act was set to expire Dec.  31
President Bush and Republican leaders had insisted the law  be permanently 
extended before its scheduled expiration on Dec. 31. They were  stymied by a 
Senate filibuster, led by critics who claimed the legislation  failed to 
the civil liberties of innocent Americans. 
Under a deadline laid down by  the Senate, the House had to address the 
defense spending bill, including  Gulf  Coast aid, before the end  of the day. 
It will not be the Christmas  present that President Bush wished for after 
Republicans earlier lost a  quarter-century campaign to open the Alaska 
Wildlife Refuge to oil  drilling. 
That drilling authority was  stripped out of the bill. The change also 
eliminated at least $2 billion in  emergency aid for low-income families facing 
heating bills this winter. 
Reuters  and The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

The War in Iraq Cost  the United States (as of 12/22)
URL: _http://www.costofwar.com_ ( 

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