Hi. I know Faramarz both from the Green Party and work outside
the 2000 Democratic Convention.  He's a very bright, honest and
progressive young man who wrote to comment on Prop. 89. As  I
sent you that letter from one of its creators, I thanked him and
asked if he'd research the Judges list, which nobody seemed to
have a clue on.  Well, he's come up with the most detailed
analysis I've seen anywhere, progressive or not, on every aspect
of next Tuesday's choices, and they're very worth considering. .

I will only add that democracy demands the voice and power of
the public on an ongoing basis. The only way that can happen is
through independent organization and parties outside the 2 bigs,
pressuring, demanding, offering counter analyses and themselves
and their ideas during election times. A good rule of thumb is to vote
alternate where either the Dem or Rep is 10pts ahead in the polls.
So, I'm voting Peter Camejo for Governor, Donna Warren for Lt. Gov.,
Jack Harrison Atty. Gen., Marsha Feinland for Senator, and strongly
urging those in the beach cities to vote for Jim Smith, vs Jane Harmon.
Sarah Knopp, a remarkable educator, for State Suprintendant of Educ.
Debra Bowen is very special and in an apparently tight race.  I can
think of nobody more needed or worthy of putting in time, phone calls
or whatever it takes to get her elected, this corrupted voting system
corrected and our democracy preserved.  Other than that, I pray the
Dems will have a Congressional majority, at minimum.  Conyers and
Waxman holding hearings can do wonders in exposing, educating
and stopping Bush's creeping fascism, our #1 priority in this election.

A sad note.  The daughter and son-in-law of dear friend, Karen Bass,
died in a fiery car accident early Sunday morning.
Ironically, I was with Karen (and many others) saturday night at the
CSPG annual dinner where she presented an award.  We spoke and
I commented on how happy and fulfilled she seemed, proud mother
with a loving daughter and actually enjoying being in the assembly.
I've known Emilia almost since she was born.  I can only  imagine the
grief Karen is going through now.  Many of you also know her and
share my own sorrow and condolences.

Now, here's Faramarz.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Faramarz Nabavi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 10:21 PM
Subject: Voting recommendations w/judges, proposition, local races


Election Day: Tuesday, November 6, 2006
Hours of voting: 7:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.

To find your voting location or sample ballot,
go to http://www.lavote.net or call 800-815-2666


NOTE: To the best of my ability, I have listed candidates who are
anti-war/pro-civil liberties for federal office, and for state office who
are not prominent promoters of the death penalty. Third party candidates
are listed in "safe seats" where the Democrat won by at least 10 points
more than the Republican in the previous race and where the current
Democratic candidate does not deserve to be elected and is not in danger,
with one exception (Treasurer). I have not recommended any candidate I
find strongly objectionable. The recommendations listed here do not
represent the views of any particular organization.

Also, check out my new daily blog at http://faramarz.freeshell.org


Governor: Phil Angelides (D)
Lieutenant Governor: John Garamendi (D)
Secretary of State: Debra Bowen (D)
Controller: John Chiang (D)
Treasurer: Gerald Sanders (PF) or Mehul Thakker (G)
Attorney General: Jerry Brown (D)
Insurance Commissioner: Cruz Bustamante (D) [with reservations]
Member State Board of Equalization 4th Dist: Judy Chu (D)


Marsha Feinland (PF)***
*** this is important not only because Dianne Feinstein (D) is pro-war,
pro-business, and anti-civil liberties, but also to keep the Peace and
Freedom Party on the ballot; the Green Party won't lose ballot status
because it has a sufficient number of registered voters as party members.


28th: Byron De Lear (G)
29th: Lynda Llamas (PF) or Bill Paparian (G)
30th: Adele Cannon (PF)
31st: Xavier Becerra (D)
32nd: Hilda Solis (D)
33rd: Diane Watson (D)
34th: Lucille Roybal-Allard (D)
35th: Maxine Waters (D)
36th: James Smith (PF)
39th: Linda Sanchez (D)


24th: Gloria Romero (D)
28th: Jenny Oropeza (D)


37th: Ferial Masry (D)
39th: Richard Alarcon (D)
41st: Julia Brownley (D)
43rd: Paul Krekorian (D)
44th: Anthony Portantino (D)
47th: Karen Bass (D)
49th: Mike Eng (D)
51st: Curren Price (D)
53rd: Karl Abrams (PF)
56th: Tony Mendoza (D)
57th: Ed Hernandez (D)
61st: Nell Soto (D)


YES Joyce L. Kennard
NO Carol A. Corrigan

(Counties: Los Angeles, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura)

YES Robert M. Mallano
? Frances Rothschild
NO Roger W. Boren
NO Victoria M. Chavez
NO Patti S. Kitching
NO Richard D. Aldrich
NO Norman L. Epstein
NO Thomas L. Willhite
? Nora M. Manella
NO Steven Suzukawa
NO Richard M. Mosk
NO Sandy R. Kriegler
YES Arthur Gilbert
YES Dennis M. Perluss
NO Fred Woods
YES Laurie D. Zelon
YES Candace D. Cooper
YES Madeleine Flier

(County: Los Angeles)

Office No. 8: Deborah L. Sanchez
Office No. 18: John C. Gutierrez
Office No. 102: George C. Montgomery [with reservations]
Office No. 104: [do not have a recommendation]
Office No. 144: Janis Levart Barquist


YES on 84, 86, 87, 89
neutral on 1C, 1D
NO on 1A, 1B, 1E, 83, 85, 88, 90

NO 1A Transportation Funding Protection
NO 1B Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction
? 1C Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund
? 1D Kindergarten - University Public Education Facilities Bond
NO 1E Disaster Preparedness and Flood Prevention Bond
NO 83 Sex Offenders Sexually Violent Predators
YES 84 Water Quality, Safety and Supply [with reservations]
NO 85 Waiting Period and Parental Notification
YES 86 Tax on Cigarettes
YES 87 Alternative Energy Tax on California Oil Producers
NO 88 Education Funding Real Property Parcel Tax
YES 89 Political Campaigns Public Financing Corporate Tax Increase
NO 90 Government Acquisition, Regulation of Private Property


City Council Dist 5: Adele Andrade-Stadler

YES S Wilderness Park Expansion


YES H Affordable Housing General Obligation Bonds
YES J City of Los Angeles Proposition J Technical Change for Proposition F
Fire Stations
NO R Councilmember Term Limits of Three Terms; City Lobbying, Campaign
Finance and Ethics Laws

NO A Rose Bowl Renovation and Lease by NFL

City Council: Terry O'Day, Jonathan Mann, Linda Armstrong
YES Y Lowest Enforcement Priority for Adult, Personal Use of Marijuana


Water Replenishment Board, District 3
Lillian Kawasaki

Castaic Lake Water Agency
Jan Heidt - Division 1
Cam Noltemeyer - Division 2
Carole Lutness - Division 3
Isaac Lieberman - At Large



Governor: Angelides (D) has had a progressive record as Treasurer,
shifting state pension funds from the stock market to community
reinvestment, and promoting shareholder activism against irresponsible
corporations. He supports universal health care, public campaign
financing, and strong environmental protections. Schwarzenegger has vetoed
universal health care and almost every environmental bill this year, as
well as pushing hard to prevent the unjust "3 Strikes" law from being
voted out in 2004.

Lieutenant Governor: Garamendi (D) has defended consumers' interests
several times as Insurance Commissioner. McClintock is an
arch-conservative, anti-tax, anti-abortion, anti-environment, anti-union,
pro-business ideologue. More than a token position, the Lieutenant
Governor sits on several important state boards and casts tie-breaking
votes in the state Senate, in addition to filling in when the Governor is
not available.

Secretary of State: Bowen (D) is the rare state legislator who has given
large amounts of time and staff resources to supporting a grassroots
movement - in this case, to protect our right to vote and to have our
votes counted. Republican incumbent Bill McPherson (R) has been trying to
push through the same faulty Republican-owned electronic voting machines
that produced surprising Republican victories in other states.

Controller: I personally asked Chiang (D) what he would do if elected, and
he replied that going after the tax breaks for oil producers and
refineries would be one of his top goals. He is the only elected state
official to have organized free tax assistance for the indigent.

Treasurer: Lockyer (D) led the public lynch mob campaign to execute
Stanley "Tookie" Williams, which alone should disqualify from any office,
as well has having supported predatory lending, taking contributions from
companies he was supposed to regulate as the state's chief law enforcement
officer. By contrast, Sanders (PF) and Thakker (G) have both put forward
progressive visions about how the state should handle its finances, such
has moving its deposits away from corporate banks and investing in
renewable energy.

Attorney General: Brown (D) has publicly stated his personal opposition to
the death penalty, so although he will uphold his legal obligation to
support the prosecution in death penalty appeals, he hopefully won't
cynically use his position to curry favor with voters at the expense of a
person's life. His record on police issues in Oakland has not been
progressive, though.

Insurance Commissioner: Bustamante (D) accepted, then returned
contributions from the insurance industry. On the other hand, every
Republican who has held this office has been so bad for consumers that
Bustamante would not be worse. On balance, Bustamante is better; had I
felt strongly that his record was negative, I would not have recommended
him over his rival.

Member State Board of Equalization 4th Dist: Chu (D) has been one of the
most progressive legislators in the state.


Marsha Feinland (PF)***
*** this is important not only because Dianne Feinstein (D) is pro-war,
pro-business, and anti-civil liberties, but also to keep the Peace and
Freedom Party on the ballot; the Green Party won't lose ballot status
because it has a sufficient number of registered voters as party members.


28th: De Lear (G) is a peace activist running against the only CA Democrat
who supports the war, Howard Berman (D), who mis-represents a heavily
liberal district. Berman has been bad on so many issues - civil liberties,
corporate accountability, and anything on foreign policy - that you should
not only vote for De Lear (G), but give him money and tell every one of
your friends to vote for him too or bring 10 years of bad luck on

29th: Llamas (PF) is a peace activist who has led solidarity caravans to
Cuba, and Paparian (G) is a progressive lawyer and former Pasadena mayor,
whereas the incumbent, Adam Schiff (D), has a voting record on war, civil
liberties and foreign policy that is almost as bad as Berman.

30th: Cannon (PF), a long time progressive activist, is running against
Henry Waxman (D) because he supported the war and the Patriot Act. Waxman
mis-represents a very progressive district: he needs to get a message that
it's not enough to challenge the Republicans on corruption; he needs to
take a stand against the Iraq war and against starting a war on Iran.

31st: Becerra (D) opposed the war, supported civil liberties.

32nd: Solis (D) is a consistent progressive advocate on most issues.

33rd: Watson (D) opposed the war, supported civil liberties.

34th: Roybal-Allard (D) opposed the war, supported civil liberties.

35th: Not only is Waters (D) is a consistent progressive advocate on all
issues, she personally tried to save the South Central Farm and also
worked very hard to overturn the Bush Administration's coup d'etat against
the democratically elected government of Haiti, and denounced the
attempted coup against President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.

36th: Smith (PF) is a peace and labor activist running against the
wealthiest member of Congress, Jane Harman (D), who made her money through
military contracts, which is part of why she supports every war and
restriction on civil liberties.

39th: Sanchez (D) opposed the war, supported civil liberties.


24th: Romero (D) has been a leading advocate for stopping the emphasis on
imprisoning youth.
28th: After surviving cancer, Oropeza (D) has become one of the strongest
advocates for environmental justice.


39th: Alarcon (D) has made addressing poverty a focus of his work.
41st: Brownley (D) has good positions on the environment and health care.
43rd: Krekorian (D) has supported green building policies at the Burbank
school district.
44th: Portantino (D) has a good record of supporting open space and has
avoided the temptation of being a "centrist" even though he represented a
heavily Republican town. Costa (G) is also a good candidate with a clearly
progressive agenda.
47th: Bass (D) is a strong voice for progressive causes.
49th: As a Monterey Park councilmember Eng (D) has supported environmental
bills at the state level.
51st: Price (D) supported the campaign to stop Wal-Mart in Inglewood.
53rd: Abrams (PF) is a solid progressive; the incumbent, Ted Lieu (D), is
pro-war and has had a bad voting record on environmental and consumer
56th: Mendoza (D) was endorsed by labor and environmental groups in the
57th: Hernandez (D) was endorsed by labor and environmental groups in the
61st: Soto (D) has a good record as a state senator.


YES Kennard - had pro-defendant dissents on death penalty cases.
NO Corrigan - arch-conservative appointed by Schwarzenegger.


YES Mallano - Progressive rulings.
? Rothschild - Could not determine.
NO Boren - Conservative, endorsed by Republicans.
NO Chavez - Endorsed by Republicans.
NO Kitching - Conservative, endorsed by Republicans.
NO Aldrich - Conservative, endorsed by Republicans.
NO Epstein - Conservative, endorsed by Republicans.
NO Willhite - Conservative, endorsed by Republicans.
? Manella - On balance liberal, but some cases give pause.
NO Suzukawa - Conservative, endorsed by Republicans.
NO Mosk - Consistently anti-Iranian rulings on Iran-U.S. Tribunal.
NO Kriegler - Conservative, endorsed by Republicans.
YES Gilbert - Gave clear thought to clemency for death penalty cases.
YES Perluss - Progressive rulings.
NO Woods - Wrote ruling restricting sex discrimination cases.
YES Zelon - Champion of improving legal rights of the indigent.
YES Cooper - Strong advocate of affirmative action.
YES Flier - Progressive rulings.


8: Sanchez's opponent is a death penalty prosecutor.
18: Gutierrez's opponent is an anti-gang prosecutor.
102: Montgomery is less objectionable since he gives support to due process.
104: [no position]
144: Barquist leans liberal; her opponent is an anti-gang prosecutor.


NO 1A Keeps gas taxes for spending on highways. We need to shift this
money to more public transit and renewable energy.

NO 1B Road building pork barrel. Very little for public transit. Will
damage open space.

? 1C We need more affordable housing for everyone, not just small specific
groups. Bond financing is regressive.

? 1D Funding formula is not favorable to districts that have the greatest
need. Bond financing is regressive.

NO 1E This is meant to benefit agribusiness and large real estate
developers. It is not an environmental bill.

NO 83 Most sex offenders are actually relatives of victims, not strangers;
this does nothing to protect most victims. It does give Republicans one
more excuse to enact more police state measures to take away civil
liberties. First child molesters/gang members/terrorists, then everybody
else will get hit - just look at the Patriot Act. If the Republicans are
serious about stopping sex offenders, they should have been policing their
own members of Congress like Mark Foley (R-FL)!!!

YES 84 [with reservations] Having worked for two environmental nonprofits
on water issues, I think that the current framework for giving bond grants
is ineffective; I feel lukewarm about supporting yet another bond that
systematically favors big projects of modest benefit.

NO 85 This is an attack on abortion rights, defining life at conception,
and targets youth in particular through parental notification.

YES 86 A cigarette tax for public health expenditures.

YES 87 This is NOT, NOT a gas tax, and won't raise your gas prices. What
it will do is make companies extracting oil out of California pay a
similar amount of money as they do in states like Texas and Alaska -
incredibly, California basically gives away our resources virtually free,
unlike everywhere else - and invest that money in alternative energy. You
know it has to be something real good if the oil companies are spending
$100 MILLION (!) to defeat it. Tell the oil companies to drop dead -
instead of sending Americans to fight and die for their profits!

NO 88 No folks, this is worse than Prop. 1D because it uses a very
regressive type of tax by property parcel: in other words, a retired widow
on a minimal fixed income living in a small house in Compton would pay the
same tax as the owner of a high rise office building or shopping mall! The
benefits will also go disproportionately to charter schools vs. regular
public schools. Those are two of the reasons why Chamber of Commerce types
are supporting it: because the rest of us will foot the bill. Not every
initiative claiming to promise money for education is a good thing.

YES 89 Public campaign financing makes a real difference in leveling the
playing field: Maine passed a universal health care plan thanks to
grassroots candidates being able to challenge the insurance-funded
incumbents. The money for the campaigns will come from a corporate tax
increase. This system has proven to loosen the death grip corporate
lobbyists hold over government, though it won't make every politician

NO 90 This is about giving property owners even more rights to strangle
the public interest and steal our money. It is not going to eliminate
eminent domain, which is in the United States Constitution, but it would
give any property owner the right to sue any city or district that passes
a regulation which could cause a potential loss of profits, which the city
or district then have to pay. Although the transfer of property from one
private owner to another through eminent domain has been abused and needs
to be drastically curtailed, this is a "cure" that's even worse than the
disease. We need to be yanking the charters of criminal corporations, not
giving them the right to blackmail us out of protecting our communities!


City Council, District 5: Andrade-Stadler advanced progressive issues as
the District Director for Rep. Hilda Solis (D) and continues to be a
strong supporter of the environment and unions.

YES S will protect endangered open space.


YES H Will help generate badly-needed affordable housing for everyone.
YES J Will save money.
NO R Most of our city council consists of a bunch of lackeys for
developers. The last thing we should do is give an extra term in office to
the same bunch of crooked politicians who handed the South Central Farm to
a developer at a fraction of the market value, without any public notice
or comment. "arrgh" - VOTE NO ON R!!!

NO A Tell the NFL, a private for-profit entity, to invest its own money if
it wants a stadium built to its specs.

City Council: O'Day is a visionary leader in the environmental movement.
Mann and Armstrong have better positions than the incumbents. If you're
only voting for one of the three, vote for O'Day.
YES Y The cops need to be reminded that we really want the drug war to end
- even people like me who think smoking anything is bad for your health.

DISTRICT - these are recommendations from the Sierra Club. For Castaic
Lake, it is especially important because the agency has input into
approval of mega housing developments that require access to water
supplies in order to destroy large areas of wilderness to build thousands
of cookie-cutter houses.

Castaic Lake Water Agency
Jan Heidt - Division 1
Cam Noltemeyer - Division 2
Carole Lutness - Division 3
Isaac Lieberman - At Large

Water Replenishment Board, District 3
Lillian Kawasaki


League of Women Voters - www.smartvoter.org
Court of Appeal -
LA County Democratic Party - www.lacdp.org
LA County Peace & Freedom Party - www.la-peaceandfreedom.org
Green Party of California - www.cagreens.org
LA County Federation of Labor - www.launionaflcio.org
Sierra Club - angeles.sierraclub.org
Google - www.google.com
Southern California Republican Coalition - www.socalgop.com/voting_guide.htm
Ventura County Republican Party - www.vcrcc.org
[almost every judge endorsed by the GOP got an automatic "NO" on this list]

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