---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rebekah Spicuglia <rspicug...@arc.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 11:19 AM
Subject: Request for your sign-on to "Drop the I-Word" campaign

Hello media friends, thanks again for coming out to Facing Race! Looking
forward to reading your pieces - please send links over when you have them,
and I'll help promote:)

I'm writing to ask if your media outlet would sign on **in support of the
Drop the I-Word public education campaign that ARC and Colorlines launched *
today*. You can play an important part by committing to drop the i-word,
"illegals," from your outlet, many of you have already done so.

With this campaign, we are reaching out to communities to drop the i-word
and to ask all media to do the same: http://droptheiword.com/. While we do
public education with the community, we will start outreach to media outlets
that recognize that calling people "illegals" is dehumanizing, racially
charged and not neutral or accurate journalism. Already signed:
ColorLines.com, GritTV, The Progressive, The Nation Foundation,
feministing.com, LinkTV, FreespeechTV.

We want to be able to *say that your outlet is an "i-word-free
zone."*Please let us know if you will endorse or have any questions. I
attached the official pledge language and for your reference, a style guide
entry in use by ColorLines.


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colleagues, allies and friends,

Today we are excited to announce the launch of Drop the
a national public education campaign focused on eradicating the racial slur
"illegals" from media use and public discourse.

The i-word is a damaging term that divides and dehumanizes communities and
is used to discriminate against immigrants and people of color. It is
shorthand for "illegal alien," "illegal immigrant" and other racially
charged terms.

an extension of the work of the Applied Research Center and
ColorLines.com, to popularize racial justice and give people the tools they
need to make structural changes together. This is a cross-generational,
multiracial initiative aimed at raising the public awareness of, and
commitment to, human rights, dignity and racial justice for all people.

We can stop unintentionally fueling racial profiling and violence directed
toward immigrants when we Drop the
a designation for our neighbors, children and families. We can
others to uphold the same human values and professional journalistic

*Take the pledge to stop using the i-word and ask media to do the

* today.  *

*Rinku Sen*
Executive Director, Applied Research Center
Publisher, ColorLines Magazine

*Rebekah Spicuglia
Communications Manager*
Applied Research Center
32 Broadway, Suite 1801
New York, NY 10004
Ph: 415.290.2970

*Drop the I-word. Take the pledge at http://droptheiword.com:
*    I don’t call people “illegals” or other words that feed hate.
    I ask media and government to do the same.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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