Lets get ready to march on NATO/G8 Nations in Chicago next year!

Carlos Montes 

Mayor Emanuel: We demand permits to march!
Anti-war and other groups respond to threats of mass arrests at NATO/G8 protests

By Staff

Chicago, IL - People from two dozen organizations attended a press conference 
here, July 28, in front of the office of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. They were 
there with one immediate goal: to demand permits to march on the May 2012 
summit of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the G8 (Group of Eight).
"Why are we here so early in this process, ten months before the NATO/G8 
summit?" asked Joe Iosbaker of the United National Antiwar Committee (UNAC). To 
answer the question, he held up a copy of a recent Chicago Sun-Times.
On behalf of UNAC, Iosbaker had started the process of applying for protest 
permits in June when the Obama administration announced the summit would be 
held in Chicago May 15th to 22nd next year. The response from the Emanuel 
administration came sooner than expected, when the Sun-Times ran a front page 
story in which the Superintendent of Police, Garry McCarthy, said he was 
preparing the 13,000 officers under his command for mass arrests of protestors. 
McCarthy also made it clear that there would be federal agencies involved in 
the repression of protestors as well.
The 40 activists on Thursday delivered a letter to Emanuel that was written by 
a committee of local anti-war and community activists. The letter demanded:

Grant us permits to rally and march to the NATO/G8 summit
Guarantee our civil liberties
Guarantee us there will be no spying, infiltration of organizations or other 
attacks by the FBI or partner law enforcement agencies

The right to protest against war and austerity
Iosbaker explained that, "The wars and economic policies of the NATO and G8 
nations are not just and will be met by protest." Following him, speaker after 
speaker rose to add their voices.
Jokarhi Shakur, a student leader with the Save City Colleges (SCC) coalition, 
reminded Emanuel that students, faculty and workers in the City Colleges were 
opposed to the budget cuts coming down on them. Shakur and the SCC had been the 
first group in town to protest the new mayor, having protested at the 
inauguration in May.
The peace movement in Chicago has a number of prominent activists, but none who 
are more recognized around the country and around the world than Kathy Kelly of 
Voices for Creative Non-Violence. She spoke of the 10 years of war that the 
Afghan people had suffered under NATO direction.
One of the biggest rounds of applause was received by Mark Clement of the 
Campaign to End the Death Penalty. Clement spent 28 years in prison after a 
Chicago cop tortured him into confessing to a crime he didn't commit. The 
repressive and violent nature of the Chicago Police Department is clear from 
his story and those of the many other victims of police torture.
Andy Thayer of the Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism (CCAWR), and the 
Gay Liberation Network, pointed out that it was this history of police abuse 
that caused the city of Chicago to lose its bid to host the 2016 Olympics. He 
recalled the years that CCAWR spent fighting for the right to protest against 
the administration of Mayor Daley. In addition, he talked about the unlawful 
mass arrest of 800 marchers carried out by 2,000 riot police on the night the 
Iraq War began in 2003, and the long class action legal battle that was 
Tom Burke of the national Committee to Stop FBI Repression remarked that the 
mobilizations against NATO and G8 would put Chicago in the forefront of the 
struggle against war and austerity. "Rahm Emanuel seems to think he's in charge 
of an empire, like a new Napoleon. But Chicago belongs to the people of this 
city, and we're going to march, we're going to bring our families and our 
children, and we will invite our friends from around the country to join us in 
Burke is one of the 23 anti-war and international solidarity activists targeted 
by raids and a grand jury investigation that started in September 2010. That 
experience was on the minds of the activists when the third demand was added to 
the letter to Emanuel.
Joe Lombardo, the co-chair of UNAC, flew in from Albany, New York to speak at 
the press conference. He warned that McCarthy's statements "set the stage for 
violence on the part of the police." He also reported that the Dept. of Justice 
has inquired about the August 28th meeting called by UNAC and local anti-war 
activists to form the coalition to lead the protests in the spring. "They're 
trying to silence our voices, but we won't be silenced."
At the end of the press conference, Pat Hunt of Chicago Area Code Pink and 
Chicago Area Peace Action presented the letter to an aide to the mayor, and 
informed the woman that she would be getting a phone call in one week to learn 
the administration's response. "This is only the beginning of our fight," Hunt 
declared to cheers from the group.

Read more News and Views from the Peoples Struggle at 
http://www.fightbacknews.org. You can write to us at i...@fightbacknews.org

Sent to carlosmmont...@aol.com — 
Fight Back! News · P.O. Box 582564 · Minneapolis, MN 55440 


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