Syria Cracks down on Hama

Posted on 08/07/2011 by Juan

*Tens of thousands of Syrians demonstrated on August 5, the first Friday of
the holy fasting month of
amid regime crackdowns that were *especially harsh in
with some 13 killed there on Friday alone.

*Aljazeera English reports on the Syrian government’s severe
especially in Hama:

*AJE also reports on government’s
rationale*<>that Hama has
been taken over by hooligans and terrorists.
*The language is identical to that used by the Ben Ali regime in Tunisia,
Mubarak in Egypt, and Muammar Qaddafi in Libya. Paint dissenters as violent
sabotaging thugs, they seem to think, and then you can do whatever you like
to them and no one will care. What they don’t know is that revolutionary
movements are watered with the blood of the martyrs…*

Saturday, August 6, 2011
   The Great 
 *Both Assad supporters and opponents are not as homogeneous as they are
said to be, and both hold deeply held beliefs about the “other side,” but
only the protesters have so far shown demonstrable willingness to rise above
their prejudice and reach out to the other side. Assad supporters have
responded by lies, accusations, and mindless violence.*

 *Saturday August 6, 2011 *

Eyewitness reports that Hama City has now completely fallen under the
control of Assad troops. Most inhabitants have left the city and those left
are now hostages. Power is still out and many streets are reportedly strewn
with bodies of residents who were killed by the shelling and/or snipers.
Food supplies are running low, and the city virtually ran out of baby
formulas. Eyewitnesses report serious shortage of potable water.

In response to allegations that the Iraqi Government will be providing $10
billion in aid to the Assad regime, the Iraqi Minster of Finance, Rafei
Aleissawi, issued a statement recently clarifying that the amount is
actually $6 billion only, to be paid in three installments over the next 9
months, beginning from the agreement date signed between the two governments
on July 27th.

Human Rights Organization put the death toll for Friday August 5, excluding
Hama City, at 29, with dozens reported missing.

The Austrian Central Bank decided to stop abiding by a bilateral agreement
to mint Syrian currency.

Syrian security officers arrest the known dissident Walid Al-Bouni, and his
two sons.

Syrian army sends more tanks and troops into Homs and Deir Ezzor City.

*Links* **
*Prominent Syria poet calls on Assad to step
Poet Adunis is one of the Arab world's well-respected intellectuals;
describes Syria's oppostion movement as disunited.
*Gulf countries call on Syria to end
Gulf states called for an "immediate halt to violence and bloodshed" in
Syria after security forces killed at least 24 civilians in the latest round
of anti-government protests.
*Leading politician urges EU to withdraw diplomats from
A leading member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats has
called for EU ambassadors to be withdrawn from Syria. Meanwhile, Germany's
foreign minister says change is inevitable in Damascus.
*Syria looks toward parliamentary elections by year's
But Syrian opposition members say it's questionable whether the move could
end decades of single-party Baathist rule without constitutional reform.
Observers say one of the articles of the Syrian constitution guarantees
supremacy for the ruling Baath party.
*Syria Forces Extend Siege on Hama as Toll
Activists also said that the death toll could be much higher, but that a
comprehensive and accurate count was almost impossible, given the state of
communications in the city, the siege and the difficulty of moving around.
They said that they feared the near-total media blackout imposed on the city
could mean that the military was carrying out an unrestrained operation.
*Syria: inside the city under
It was the start of the Muslim month of Ramadan, supposed to be a period of
daytime fasting and prayer to reinforce the virtues of patience,
spirituality, humility and submission to God.
*Police run Syria, defector
Lieutenant Khalaf, who served in the Syrian army for 10 years, said the
military itself is "completely" subject to the security apparatus, adding
that Syrian prisons are filled with hundreds of army officers who refused to
open fire on civilians.
*Senator Robert Casey: Bashar al-Assad must step
… the United States should continue to pursue a resolution at the U.N.
Security Council condemning the Syrian government’s behavior. Last week’s
statement by the council was a positive step but should be bolstered by a
strong resolution.

The Assads do have supporters on the ground, after all the protesters are
not killing themselves. But, and  while the majority of the supporters of
the Assads come from an Alawite, Christian, Druze and Ismailite background,
not all members of these communities are in agreement with the Assads and
many have been part of this Revolution since the beginning.

On the other hand, the Assad support base include a significant Sunni
component whose membership is not only derived from the ranks of the Sunni
commercial elite and the upper middle class, but also from the ranks of
poorer urban and rural classes whose family members are connected one way or
another to the Assads’ large security apparatus, and Baath institutions.

In theory, these communal intersections between the supporters and opponents
of the Assads should facilitate dialog and negotiations at some point, but
now is clearly not the time for that.

To be clear, the Assads can never be part of any dialog. Theirs has always
been an all-or-nothing approach, which makes them unable to offer anything
of substance to the protesters. Moreover, the Assads don’t seem to have
reached the stage yet where they may be willing to negotiate an exit
strategy for themselves. They still believe, it seems, as do their
supporters, that they can somehow contain and survive the Revolution with
little change. Current developments reflect continued commitment to this
mentality. The Assads can never be part of any solution.

But there cannot be a solution, one that can help us avoid significant
bloodshed, without successfully reaching out to the Assad support base.

The problem here is that if top military general and security chiefs have
shown themselves to be too far gone to be promising candidates for a
successful outreach effort, the civilian component does *not* seem that
promising either, at least at this stage.

Indeed, there is a certain level of paranoia and denial within the ranks of
Assads’ supporters that leaves little room for any kind of dialog or
outreach, again at this stage. They keep seeing networks of Salafists and
terrorists springing up all over Syria leading to the establishment of one
Kandahar after another, when the only evidence in this regard is the verbal
assertions of regime propagandists and inflammatory reports on state-run
media. Regional and international news networks that provide evidence to the
contrary, evidence that highlights regime brutality and the peaceful nature
of the Revolution, are seen as part of an ongoing conspiracy, and their
evidence is ignored.

Even Assad supporters living in the West and who have access to reportage by
known western journalists like Anthony Shadid among others, who actually
managed to visit Hama City, walked down its streets and talked to its
residents and protest leaders, chalk off the observations of these people on
the peaceful nature of the protest movement as part of the international
conspiracy or as reflection of the naivety of the journalists involved.

Furthermore, signs of religiosity among the protesters are taken as evidence
of extremism, and the rural appearance of some as evidence of backwardness
and lack of readiness for democracy. Meanwhile, most Assad supporters,
especially those who joined the army or security forces or became members of
the proliferating pro-Assad militias, themselves come from a rural
background and are no less religiously observant than the protesters, as
evidenced by the jewelry and/or tattoos they wear: the crosses, the Allah
engraving and the mini forked swords (a Shiite and Alawite religious
symbol). Religiosity is simply not the exclusive domain of the Sunnis in

How can rational dialog take place in these conditions? What sort of
guarantees can be offered to change this mentality? What sort of statements
and/or actions can the protesters offer to appease the fear and worries
involved? Assad supporters seem to be currently cruising on a “cut down the
tall trees” mode, it’s pretty much doubtful that they will stop for a
serious rational chat anytime soon. So long as they cling to the belief that
the Revolution can and should be crushed, and that Assad should be in charge
of whatever “reform” process to take place, they leave little room for
dialog or even negotiations.

Religious and sectarian prejudice is deeply ingrained in our culture, this
is something that no one can deny. And yes, both protesters and supporters,
irrespective of their particular religious sectarian backgrounds, are guilty
in this regard. But the protesters have been trying to rise above theirs
since the beginning of the Revolution. The discourse of some of their
“spokespeople” might occasionally fall short of the slogans of national
unity they raise, a shortcoming characteristic of such nascent movements and
which at this stage also comes as a reaction to the ongoing brutal crackdown
and the lies and provocations that come with it, but the preponderance of
their actions come as a reflection of a sincere desire to build something
new and inclusive.

Their efforts at outreach, however, are unlikely to have the desired effects
at this stage. It is only when the regime is at the very point of collapse
that we can hope to begin negotiating and dialoging with the other side,
because only then some might be willing to listen, driven by the same
existential angst that is being manipulated by the Assads today and
channeled into the current crackdown.

Right now, the focus of the protesters should be on winning, and that, in
large part, calls for keeping their activities peaceful. With increasing
violence on part of the Assads and their supporters and loyalists, and
increasing attempts by fringe elements to push for retributions, protest
leaders have their work cut out for them.

The focus on winning, however, does not preclude the need for enunciating a
vision for an inclusive tomorrow and coming out with a plan for the
transitional period, seeing that our ability to acquire international
legitimacy and to successfully reach out to that important segment of the
population that remains silent seems to hinge on this.

At the end of the day, however, it seems quite probable that the Assads will
have some diehard supporters who will fight for them to the end. While so
many are focused on the potential drive for retribution on part the
revolutionaries, it is more than likely that these diehard elements, who are
responsible for the preponderance of the violence today, will be the ones to
seek retributions tomorrow when their cause is lost, after all they are the
better organized and armed side, and the brainwashed ones whose paranoia is
fueling the current mayhem.

 *Hama City:* the havoc (Aug 6) (Aug 5) , Despite these
tragic developments in Hama City herself, resident of nearby communities in
the larger Province take on the mantle of rebellion: *Kfar Zita*

*Deir Ezzor City:* defiant before the looming crackdown ,

More *Defections * ,, , , ,

*Nawar BoulBoul*, a known young actor, leading a demonstration in *Homs*,
shouting “Allahu Akbar (God Is Great), Hurriyeh (Freedom), Silmiyyeh
(Peaceful), Muslims and Christians, Sunnis and Alawites”

*Damascus / Douma:* a video showing how protesters came under fire and
stayed defiant on Friday

*Damascus / Zamalka:* security officers celebrating yesterday’s crackdown

*Bashar Al-Assad Cartoon:* Bashar complains to Ahmadinejad of the protest
movement, who takes him to see Khamenei. Khamenei advises Bashar to lay
siege to cities, confiscates all freedom, and lie, lie, lie until he is

This recently uploaded video records the demonstration by Palestinians
refugees in the *Damascus’* *Yarmouk Camp *that took place on June 6. The
demonstration came one day after Palestinian youths were bused to the Golan
by Syrian security officers and were made to cross the border into Israeli
occupies parts. The act led to a massacre that was perpetrated by Israeli
border patrols. The demonstration on June 6 was marred by another massacre,
this one perpetrated by Syrian security forces. The trigger seems to have
been the chants against Bashar and Maher Al-Assad.

Funerals were held in *Nahr Eisheh* (for Alaa Yassin, a child that was
killed on Friday) ,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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