Egypt’s “Correct the Path”
Written by Brian Adams Tuesday, 13 September 2011
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*Almost seven months after the fall of Mubarak, the revolution in Egypt is
far from over. The old regime is still in power and the masses can feel the
revolution slipping through their fingers. Everything has changed, and yet
everything remains the same. However, the anger of workers and youth has not
gone away as the recent spate of strikes indicates.*

[image: September 9, towards Tahrir Square. Photo: Lorenz Khazaleh]
bourgeois media in Britain and elsewhere prefer, on the other hand, to
concentrate on other issues, such as last week’s storming of the Israeli
embassy in Cairo. They have jumped on this incident, displaying images of
burning Israeli flags, to try and distract from the real revolutionary
events taking place both in Egypt and in Israel itself (Israel witnesses
biggest march in its
*In Defence of Marxism*, 5th September).

The New York Times* *referred to the attack – in an article entitled “Beyond
Cairo, Israel Sensing a Wider Siege” –as a “diplomatic crisis, in which
winds unleashed by the Arab Spring are now casting a chill over the region”.
The New York Times goes on to describe the scene of “Israeli military jets
sweeping into Cairo at dawn on Saturday to evacuate diplomats after the
Israeli Embassy had been besieged by thousands of protesters.” (Beyond
Cairo, Israel Sensing a Wider
*New York Times*, 10th September 2011).

Later on in the same article, the comparison is made to the events of the
Iranian revolution in 1979: “It was an image that reminded some Israelis of
Iran in 1979, when Israel evacuated its embassy in Tehran after the
revolution there replaced an ally with an implacable foe...”

“...‘Egypt is not going toward democracy but toward Islamicisation,’ said
Eli Shaked, a former Israeli ambassador to Cairo who reflected the
government’s view. ‘It is the same in Turkey and in Gaza. It is just like
what happened in Iran in 1979’.”

The implication being made here is clear. Once again the bourgeois media and
politicians are attempting to whip up a sense of hysteria around the Arab
revolutions. The representatives of the capitalist class have always used
the example of the Iranian revolution as a stick to beat any revolutionary
movement in the Arab world with, ever since the theocratic Ayatollahs filled
the political vacuum and hijacked the revolution in 1979, in essence
crushing the revolution and carrying out a counter-revolution. Their message
is essentially this: “Don’t think about giving the people in the Arab
countries any freedoms. If you do, the Islamic fundamentalists will take
power and will destroy Israel – the bastion of democracy in the Middle East!
What we need is a leader that will provide stability!”

Such hysteria is completely unfounded. As has been seen in the Arab
revolutions so far – and especially in the Egyptian revolution – the Islamic
groups, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, have not played a leading role and
have actually distanced themselves from the movement. (This was seen again
last Friday when the Muslim Brotherhood opposed the mass protests.) The
Egyptian revolution was notable for its distinct lack of any religious
character, and images were frequently seen of Muslim, Coptic and secular
Egyptians demonstrating side by side.
The context of the demonstrations

The attack on the Israeli embassy will undoubtedly also be used by the
Israeli state, which uses such attacks to justify its “siege mentality”,
i.e. its large state apparatus and aggressive military policy, but it will
also be used by the Egyptian Military Council, which has now announced the
return of “emergency law”, allowing the use of extra-judicial detentions and
live ammunition in order to prevent protests. But all the hue and cry over
the attack is in fact aimed at deflecting attention away from the really
important developments that are taking place in Egypt.

[image: Rally for the AUC strike, September 12. Photo: Maggie Osama]
events of Friday, September 9, can only be understood in the context of a
whole week of escalating class struggle. In the run up to the day of action
a wave of strikes was developing, involving key sectors of the working class
in Cairo and across Egypt. An example of this was seen on Sunday
11thSeptember, with the beginnings of a student and worker strike at
American University in Cairo (AUC). Students demanding lower tuition fees
were joined by university bus drivers, cleaners, and security staff
demanding higher wages and shorter working days. This strike follows on from
other recent strikes and threats of strike action in both the public and
private sector, as trade unionists become further disillusioned by the
failed promises of Prime Minister Essam Sharaf and the Military Council.

In the public sector, postal workers have been on strike for over two weeks
demanding a 7% annual pay increase to keep up with inflation, along with the
removal of corrupt officials in the postal service from the Mubarak era who
are still in power. Similar demands for higher wages and against corruption
in the public sector have led doctors, teachers, and university professors
to threaten strike action later in September. According to Ahram Online:

“Teachers and university professors are also preparing for nationwide
actions in the middle of the month over wages, work conditions and issues of
workplace democracy.

“A recent spike in strike action seems to reflect a sense that many workers
in the public sector have run out of patience with Sharaf’s government,
which made a number of promises to the public to improve living standards
when it first took office last March, but has not adequately delivered...

“...Sharaf’s cabinet has also failed so far to put a cap on the excessive
salaries it pays to top officials in the public sector, a widely popular
demand among public sector workers.

“To add insult to injury, many workers think that Sharaf has, for the most
part, treated Mubarak-era officials with kid gloves, and dismissed only a
handful from high positions.

“In fact, most Egyptian workers across the country come to work every
morning, seven months after they played a key role in toppling the former
dictator, to be greeted by the same old bureaucrats and authoritarian
figures from the Mubarak years.” (Egyptian Postal workers strike a big
headache for 
Ahram Online, 7th September)

In the private sector, engineers have been threatening strike action and
22,000 workers at the country’s largest textile factory in Mahallah, who
have consistently been at the forefront of industrial struggles over the
last five or six years, began an open-ended strike on the 10th September
over wages and benefits.
The slow pace of change

The occupation of the Israeli embassy was not the main event of the day, but
followed on from a demonstration in the famous Tahrir Square, where tens of
thousands had gathered to protests against the slow pace of change that has
followed the departure of Mubarak in February earlier this year. As we have
reported previously (Masses return to the Streets in
*In Defence of Marxism*, 11th July), the workers and youth in Egypt are
frustrated and angered by the complete lack of progress that has been made
by the Military Council regime, either in terms of political or economic
change. The statement made by the Union of Egyptian Socialist Youth (UESY)
in advance of last Friday’s protest sums up the situation facing the masses
in Egypt:

“Seven months since the victory of the first wave of the revolution that
toppled Hosni Mubarak, and the revolution still has not achieved its goals.
All that has been achieved is the bloodshed of our martyrs and our comrades.
The ranks of the counter-revolutionaries have organised throughout this
period, including the Islamic forces and the military rulers. They claim
that the revolution has ended, but the revolutionary forces will not stop,
and the revolution will not end until the achievement of its objectives.

“The system is still the same as that which ruled in the era of Mubarak; it
is still biased in favour of the capitalist class, which sucks the blood of
our poor, and steals billions of dollars to support the rich. Whilst this
regime leans on the support of the poor, they are running away from the
demands for a minimum wage, a maximum wage, and for decent pensions, and
they have sentenced many protestors in military trials.

“We in the Union of Socialist Youth consider the Military Council and the
Government of Essam Sharaf to be but a continuation of the Mubarak regime.
We emphasise the need to spread the slogan of the revolution, ‘the people
want to overthrow the regime’, which affirms that we want to get rid of the
old system and all its symbolic gestures of economic and social development.

“We emphasise that we will not accept half a revolution; we will not deprive
Egypt's poor of their social, economic, and political rights. The current
‘rights’ do not guarantee the equitable distribution of wealth and do not
guarantee real democracy in either its social form or its political form. We
will not accept a revolution that does not protect the Constitution of the
people, does not provide jobs for youth, and does not grant independent
jurisdiction. We will not accept any electoral laws that impose a distorted
revolution and do not give the right to vote to Egyptians living abroad. We
will continue our revolution until victory, until all these objectives are

 [image: September 9. Photo: Jonathan Rashad]
words express the real situation facing workers and youth in Egypt. The
tragedy, as ever, is the lack of a revolutionary leadership to point the way
forward and present an alternative. The UESY is playing a positive role, but
they are not a mass force and their resources are limited. Meanwhile, the
self-appointed “leaders” of the January 25th movement, such as the
“Coalition of Revolutionary Youth”, which includes the representatives of
the Muslim Brotherhood Youth and the supporters of UN official El Baradei,
has a programme that is completely devoid of any social or economic demands.
As has been pointed out earlier, the Muslim Brotherhood is in fact
distancing itself from the movement, and opposing the most recent protest

Protest at Israeli embassy

As the protestors in Tahrir Square dispersed later in the afternoon, many
headed towards the Israeli embassy in Giza, a suburb of Cairo. There has
been a great deal of anger towards Israel in Egypt since the killing of six
Egyptian border guards by the Israeli army in August, and the Israeli
embassy in Cairo has been the target of several protests in the weeks since.

[image: Barricade at Israeli embassy being torn down. Photo: Maggie Osama]
of the embassy protest indicate crowds of over 5000, with a variety of
layers including students, workers, and football supporters’ clubs. The
protective wall that had been built to protect the embassy was shaken and
then destroyed. Hundreds stormed the building, climbing to the roof in order
to bring down the Israeli flag for the second time in the last few weeks. It
was not long before the Central Security Forces (CSF), the Egyptian riot
police, turned up and began firing canisters of tear gas into the crowds –
canisters that were engraved with “Made in USA”. Some protestors eventually
broke into the document archives within the embassy and began to shower the
crowds below with papers. One eyewitness on Ahram Online, an English
language Egyptian news website, describes the content of these official

 “We caught the papers and examined them. It took hundreds of people a few
minutes of sorting through them before we realised that we were looking at
Israeli Embassy records in Arabic, Hebrew and English...

“...There were records of phone deals between major Egyptian private and
public telecommunications firms and Israel. I also saw documents that listed
names of business transactions between the embassy and all sorts of Egyptian
authorities, from customs officials to CEOs of tourism firms, bringing
Israeli travellers to Egypt, and on and on.

“Much of the confetti that was dropping on us dated back to the 1990s and
even the 1980s, as its typeset indicated.

“The revolutionaries upstairs sent at least six or seven separate sets of
documents on us every 10 minutes or so for a whole hour. TV cameras hustled
to interview dozens of people with documents that they believed showed *the
depth of the embassy’s penetration into the economic and political scene in
Egypt*.” (The storming of Cairo’s Israeli embassy: an eyewitness
10th September, Ahram Online, our emphasis)

Here we can see yet another reason why ordinary Egyptians are angered by the
Israeli state, whose tentacles reach all the way into the daily activity in
all areas of Egyptian society. In this respect, much of the anger felt by
Egyptian workers and youth is a healthy opposition to Zionism and the
imperialist Israeli state that intervenes militarily and economically across
the Middle East, in Egypt, Palestine, and Lebanon.
“Correct the Path” Friday

The events at the Israeli embassy last week have to be put into the general
context of the situation that exists in Egypt today, months after the fall
of Mubarak. It is not by chance that last Friday was dubbed “Correct the
Path” day. There is a widespread feeling that although Mubarak has gone, his
regime still stands. Many key positions are held by people who were heavily
involved in the old regime.

Last Friday saw several protests across Egypt, with Tahrir Square once again
at the centre of the mobilisations. Five hundred students marched from the
American University in Cairo. Demonstrators were chanting slogans against
the ruling military council, against military trials and, significantly, for
the implementation of fair minimum wages. Football supporters’ clubs were
also involved. In fact members of the Zamalek Football supporters’ club, in
an unprecedented show of unity, joined their rival supporters at the Ahly
club in taking part in the protests, and in the process changing their usual
football stadium singing into political slogans against the ruling military
council and the police.

[image: Clashes outside the Israeli embassy. Protester holding US
manufactured tear gas canister. Photo: Jonathan Rashad]
the slogans heard on the marches one could hear the call for “change,
freedom and social justice”. Another significant slogan was “One, Two, where
did the revolution go?” When protestors passed by the Saudi Arabian embassy,
they chanted “Mubarak and Saudi Arabia are one hand.” The football
supporters concentrated their attention on the Interior Ministry, setting up
camp in front of the ministry building, chanting “We've not forgotten
Tahrir, you sons of *****”.

In Alexandria protesters shouted “No to the military council’s
monopolisation of power” and “Put all the murderous officers on trial”.
Again, referring to the slow pace of the revolution, they chanted
“Everything is the same even after the revolution.” In Suez there were
similar protests.

One small but significant detail was the fact that Abdel Hakim Abdel Nasser,
the youngest of former president Nasser’s sons, spoke from the main platform
in Tahrir Square while the protestors chanted pro-Nasser slogans. This
confirms the fact that the memory of Nasser is not dead in Egypt, and he
still embodies what many see as the period of anti-imperialist struggle in
the 1950s and 1960s. (Nasser and the Arab
*In Defence of Marxism*, 12th May).
Who is the real enemy of the Egyptian workers and youth?

It is undeniable that reactionary elements within Egypt will attempt to whip
up anti-Semitism and racism towards all Israelis as a means of cutting
across the class struggle that has erupted on a higher level in the recent
period. The capitalists, the military rulers, and the Islamists in Egypt
will do anything they can to prevent solidarity between Egyptian and Israeli
workers. In this way the ruling classes in Egypt and Israel enter into a
symbiotic relationship, with attacks by one against the other providing the
justification for the oppression of the working class in both.

However, the answer to any prejudices and racism that may exist amongst
ordinary Arabs and Jews towards one another can be seen in the events taking
place in Israel right now. The tremendous movement of over 500,000 Israelis
for social justice has clearly been inspired by the Arab revolutions, and
especially the Egyptian revolution, with tent cities being formed in cities
such as Tel Aviv, and slogans that employ almost identical language to that
seen during the 25th January movement in Egypt. Indeed, the Israeli movement
is composed of both Arabs and Jews, and many of the chants have been in a
mixture of Hebrew and Arabic. It is through the common struggle of workers
and youth against the oppressive and exploitative regimes across the Middle
East that the old tactic of “divide and rule” will be undermined and unity
on a class basis will be achieved.

The enemy of the Egyptian workers are not the workers and youth of Israel.
Their enemy is the Zionist ruling class in Israel and the Egyptian ruling
class, as well as the elites in countries like Saudi Arabia. In fact there
was an attempt to attack the Saudi embassy in Cairo on the same day, but the
police managed to hold the protestors back, but this gets less highlighted
in the bourgeois media. It is in the interests of the ruling classes of both
Israel and Egypt that national divisions should be fomented and
strengthened. It is in the interests of the workers in Egypt and Israel that
national barriers should be brought down and a common struggle should be
promoted of all workers against their respective bosses and rulers.
Not a light-bulb shines, not a telephone rings...

The solution to the problems faced by Egyptian workers and youth is to be
found in the strength of workers and youth themselves, who, when organised,
are an unstoppable force. One should not forget that it was the wave of mass
strike action during the revolutionary events of January and February that
finally led to the toppling of Mubarak.

The development of the movement on class lines is a clear threat to the old
rulers who still control the Egyptian state. The strikes, the escalating
demands for nationalisation, the explosions among the youth, all these
examples paint a picture of the real situation in the Egyptian revolution,
which is one of organised class struggle, not of “riots” as the media would
like us to believe. It is through these struggles that the workers and youth
in Egypt will learn and gain a sense of their own power – the power to run
society in their own interests, not in the interests of the military rulers
and the capitalist class that they maintain. As is often said, not a
light-bulb shines, not a wheel turns, and not a telephone rings without the
kind permission of the working class.

*[Note: we will shortly be following up on this article with more detailed
accounts of the strikes that have been taking place.]*

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