Egypt: Christian and Mulsim workers and youth united despite manoeuvres of
Written by Brian Adams Friday, 14 October 2011

*Faced with ever increasing contradictions, the military rulers in Egypt
have looked to cut across the recent wave of class struggle by attempting to
divide the workers and youth along religious lines. This is the context in
which the recent deaths of 24 Coptic Christian Egyptian protestors must be

[image: October 13 vigil for Maspero dead. Photo: Omar Robert Hamilton]
latest events began after a brutal clampdown by the army of a Coptic protest
in the Aswan province against the burning of a church. The protestors in
Aswan were calling for the dismissal of the Governor of Aswan, who they
claimed had done nothing to prevent the burning of Coptic churches, and who
had in fact tried to blame the Copts themselves for building churches in the
first place.

On Sunday 9th October, Coptic Christians in Cairo, who make up approximately
10% of Egypt’s 85 million population, marched from Shoubra, a predominantly
Coptic suburb of Cairo, to Maspero, the location of the Egyptian state
television, to protest against the state violence against the Copts in
Aswan, and once again demanding the removal of the Aswan Governor. The
demonstration began with around 200 Copts, but grew in size as it headed
towards Maspero, with reports of over 1000 by the time it had reached the
state television building. *Importantly, numerous reports indicate that the
protest was composed of both Copts and a large number of Muslims by the end
of the march.*

What ensued was the worst state brutality seen in Egypt since Mubarak let
his marauding band of thugs and policemen loose upon the revolutionaries in
Tahrir Square earlier this year. The army attacked the peaceful protest of
Copts and Muslims with unbelievable ferocity. An eyewitness report on Al
Masry Al Youm <> describes the
army attacks:

“[The protest at Maspero] was immediately met with gunfire in the air. As
protesters continued moving forwards, the gunfire continued.

“Suddenly, there was a great surge of people moving back, and something
strange happened. Two armored personnel carriers (APCs) began driving at
frightening speed through protesters, who threw themselves out of its path.
A soldier on top of each vehicle manned a gun, and spun it wildly,
apparently shooting at random although the screams made it difficult to
discern exactly where the sound of gunfire was coming from.

“It was like some brutal perversion of the military show the armed forces
put on for the 6th of October celebration three days before. The two
vehicles zigzagged down the road outside Maspero underneath the 6th of
October Bridge and then back in synchronicity, the rhythm for this
particular parade provided by the ‘tac tac tac’ of never-ending gunfire, the
music the screams of the protesters they drove directly at.

“And then it happened: an APC mounted the island in the middle of the road,
like a maddened animal on a rampage. I saw a group of people disappear,
sucked underneath it. It drove over them. I wasn’t able to see what happened
to them because it then started coming in my direction.”

 [image: Osama Heikal, minister of "information". Illustration: Latuff]
also show the massacre of the protestors by the army in great
with army vehicles driving manically into the peaceful crowds and tear gas
being fired from all sides. The latest figures indicate that at least 24
were killed and 329 injured – the most severe death toll since the January
and February days of the revolution.

The Egyptian state media have attempted to excuse this brutality as a
defensive act against the “violent Coptic protestors”. As an article on

“Egyptian state television not only failed to calm matters, but actually
played a role in aggravating an already tense situation.

“In an unprecedented move, broadcasters on state television at one point
called on the Egyptian public to head to Maspero en masse to defend Egyptian
soldiers from what they described as ‘angry Christian protesters’.

“Indeed as the night unravelled, vigilante mobs attacked demonstrators
fleeing police bullets and tear gas, using machettes, swords and cudgels.”

However, countless sources indicate that: a) the march was entirely peaceful
before being attacked by the army; and b) the march was not merely a few
angry Copts, but thousands of Copts and Muslims, who were protesting
side-by-side against the illegitimate military regime, which they see as
trying to steal the gains of the revolution from under their noses. As one
eyewitness commented, “This is not religious strife, this is state sponsored
terrorism towards the Copts.”

These attempts by the state to divide the Egyptian masses along religious
lines and set Copts and Muslims against each other must be seen in the
context of the recent waves of strike action and growing class struggles
that have emerged over the past month in Egypt, which have exposed the
military regime as being both deeply unpopular and extremely

In addition, imperialist states elsewhere will try (and are trying) to use
examples such as the Coptic protests to show how the Egyptian revolution
will “inevitably” end in religious sectarianism and violence, similarly to
how they use nationalism and religious differences between Arabs and Jews to
divide Egyptian and Israel

[image: Oct 13 vigil. Photo: Jonathan Rashad]
attempts to divide the Egyptian workers and youth along religious lines only
serve to demonstrate how weak the military regime in Egypt really is. The
burgeoning labour movement and intensification of the class struggle has
scared the regime and has even caused splits at the top: the Egyptian deputy
Prime Minister has resigned in protest over the state violence at Maspero on
Sunday. Interestingly, the (now former) deputy PM, Hazem El-Beblawi, also
cited the regime’s refusal to implement a public sector maximum wage and
improve social insurance as a cause of his

The workers and youth of Egypt, however, know with clarity who their real
enemy is, and are no longer willing to listen to any attempts to whip up
Muslim-Christian conflict. The revolution that started at the beginning of
this and which toppled Mubarak saw class unity expressed very clearly. This
cut across all the attempts to divide the people along religious lines. But
the present rulers – Mubaraks’ military men – are desperate to divert the
masses away from class struggle and push them down the blind alley of
sectarian conflict. The problem they are facing is that the consciousness of
the workers and youth of Egypt has reached a level whereby they can easily
see through the blatant manoeuvres of the military. As one protestor (speaking
in this 
clearly puts it:

“We, the Muslims, are with the Christians... The military council is the
second Mubarak. Understand you idiots [speaking to the state television]:
the Egyptian people are 85 million people – don’t provoke them!”

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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