Greece: Situation becoming
Written by Stamatis Karagiannopoulos in Athens Monday, 17 October 2011

*The situation in Greece is becoming more and more revolutionary as each day
passes. The country has been paralysed by a wave of strikes centred on the
public sector and state owned enterprises, which is the workers’ response as
they attempt to ward off the terrible attack of the government. This wave of
strikes was anticipated by the mass occupation movement in the universities
and schools in September, which proved once again that the youth is a
sensitive barometer of the class struggle.*

[image: March 13 general
are seeing mobilisations in those workplaces where we have the most powerful
Trade Unions of the Greek working class. Workers in transport, the ports,
electricity generation, local government, ministries, hospitals, education,
tax offices, and the archaeological sites have decided to take all-out
strike action and are also occupying one government buildings after another.

For the first time the workers in these sectors have the overwhelming
support of the unemployed workers and of the workers in the private sector.
The perception of the past that the workers in these sectors, i.e. state
employed workers, were privileged no longer exists within the ranks of the
workers in the private sector because it is precisely this sector that is on
the receiving end of the harshest attack, with mass redundancies and big
cuts of up to 50% in their salaries. The line separating the workers of
public and private sector has ceased to exist as a result of the brutal
attack of the government.

Also in the private sector now we have a huge government attack, with a the
same new law demanded by the troika of the ECB, EU and IMF, being put to
Parliament this coming Thursday, which is aimed at reducing the minimum wage
from 750 euros to 550 euros by removing the National General Collective
Agreement and all sectoral collective agreements. In fact, the law de facto
removes the official role of the unions "until the crisis ends."

The result of all this is that the atmosphere among the workers has become
more militant than ever. This time what stands out clearly is the
determination to fight until the end. Trade union activists and trade union
leaders are saying openly to the media that the strikes are political. A
leading trade unionist from the bus workers said last Friday in a famous TV
programme that "we will continue the strikes until the overthrow of the
government. We want to wipe out that gang!"

The most militant are the refuse collectors who have been on strike for the
past ten days and have staged an occupation in the rubbish dumps. The
government sent in the Special Police Forces yesterday to terrorize the
strikers but they refused to end their occupation. They stated that if the
government did not back this would lead to "the spilling of blood.'' The
government then proceeded to award the collection of refuse to private
companies who, however, are incapable of collecting any rubbish from the
streets because they receive constant attacks and insults from ordinary
people who shout ''scabs'' at them. This one incident expresses very clearly
the rock solid support for the strikes on the part of the majority of the
Greek people.

As a result of the huge pressure from the rank and file, the 24-hour general
strike of the GSEE and ADEDY is looking more and more like it could be a
48-hour general strike on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. But the mood
that is maturing among the working class is going even beyond that, and the
idea that what is needed is an all-out political general strike is gripping
the minds of many workers.

This situation is putting enormous pressure on the PASOK government, which
is now a lot weaker than it was in the summer. The parliamentary group of
the PASOK – many of whom can see that if they continue to openly support
austerity their seats in parliament will be at risk – is coming under
immense pressure from the trade unions and the workers in general. Already
one PASOK MP has said that he intends to vote against the new law and
another has threatened that he would resign. This risks reducing
Papandreou’s majority in parliament to unworkable levels. The PASOK has 154
MPs in a parliament of 300 members.

The PASOK’s loss of popular support is also being reflected inside the
unions. The PASOK has its own factions – known as PASKE – within the trade
unions. Already, PASKE in the municipal workers’ union and the teachers’
union had split from the PASOK earlier this year. Last Wednesday PASKE in
the railway workers’ union announced it was breaking with the PASOK. We are
also witnessing all over Greece a wave of resignations from the party of
many of the PASOK’s cadres.

The Stalinist leadership of the KKE for the first time, and after pressure
from the workers, has abandoned its appeals for early elections and has,
instead, decided to organise a spectacular encirclement of the Parliament
building this coming Thursday. The occupation of the area in front of the
Parliament building that we saw in the summer on the initiative of the
People's Assembly of Syntagma Square had much more of a spontaneous but
unorganised and "amateur" character to it. An encirclement of the building
organised by PAME (the KKE’s faction inside the unions) and the KKE will be
entirely different. It will be organised with the participation of the
“heavy battalions" of the working class, the building workers, the shipyards
workers, etc. This means that the conflict this time will involve much
bigger numbers and will also be much more organised.

Thursday’s general strike will mark another important turning point in the
situation in Greece. It will be an expression of the intense anger that has
built up among workers and youth all over Greece, who are not prepared to
take these attacks lying down. Class struggle on unprecedented levels is
being prepared in Greece and in this we see the future of the whole of

We will be updating on the situation later this week once the general strike
has started.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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