by Eve Ensler

I am over rape.
I am over rape culture, rape mentality, rape pages on Facebook.
I am over the thousands of people who signed those pages with their real names 
without shame.
I am over people demanding their right to rape pages, and calling it freedom of 
speech or justifying it as a joke.
I am over people not understanding that rape is not a joke and I am 
over being told I don't have a sense of humor, and women don't have a 
sense of humor, when most women I know (and I know a lot) are really 
fucking funny. We just don't think that uninvited penises up our anus, 
or our vagina is a laugh riot.
I am over how long it seems to take anyone to ever respond to rape.
I am over Facebook taking weeks to take down rape pages.
I am over the hundreds of thousands of women in Congo still waiting for the 
rapes to end and the rapists to be held accountable.
I am over the thousands of women in Bosnia, Burma, Pakistan, South 
Africa, Guatemala, Sierra Leone, Haiti, Afghanistan, Libya, you name a 
place, still waiting for justice.
I am over rape happening in broad daylight.
I am over the 207 clinics in Ecuador supported by the government that are 
capturing, raping, and torturing lesbians to make them straight.
I am over one in three women in the U.S military (Happy Veterans Day!) getting 
raped by their so-called "comrades."
I am over the forces that deny women who have been raped the right to have an 
I am over the fact that after four women came forward with 
allegations that Herman Cain groped them and grabbed them and humiliated them, 
he is still running for the President of the United States.
And I'm over CNBC debate host Maria Bartiromo getting booed when she asked him 
about it. She was booed, not Herman Cain.
Which reminds me, I am so over the students at Penn State who 
protested the justice system instead of the alleged rapist pedophile of 
at least 8 boys, or his boss Joe Paterno, who did nothing to protect 
those children after knowing what was happening to them.
I am over rape victims becoming re-raped when they go public.
I am over starving Somalian women being raped at the Dadaab refugee 
camp in Kenya, and I am over women getting raped at Occupy Wall Street 
and being quiet about it because they were protecting a movement which 
is fighting to end the pillaging and raping of the economy and the 
earth, as if the rape of their bodies was something separate.
I am over women still being silent about rape, because they are made 
to believe it's their fault or they did something to make it happen.
I am over violence against women not being a #1 international 
priority when one out of three women will be raped or beaten in her 
lifetime -- the destruction and muting and undermining of women is the 
destruction of life itself.
No women, no future, duh.
I am over this rape culture where the privileged with political and 
physical and economic might, take what and who they want, when they want it, as 
much as they want, any time they want it.
I am over the endless resurrection of the careers of rapists and 
sexual exploiters -- film directors, world leaders, corporate 
executives, movie stars, athletes -- while the lives of the women they 
violated are permanently destroyed, often forcing them to live in social and 
emotional exile.
I am over the passivity of good men. Where the hell are you?
You live with us, make love with us, father us, befriend us, brother 
us, get nurtured and mothered and eternally supported by us, so why 
aren't you standing with us? Why aren't you driven to the point of 
madness and action by the rape and humiliation of us?
I am over years and years of being over rape.
And thinking about rape every day of my life since I was 5-years-old.
And getting sick from rape, and depressed from rape, and enraged by rape.
And reading my insanely crowded inbox of rape horror stories every hour of 
every single day.
I am over being polite about rape. It's been too long now, we have been too 
We need to OCCUPYRAPE in every school, park, radio, TV station, 
household, office, factory, refugee camp, military base, back room, 
night club, alleyway, courtroom, UN office. We need people to truly try 
and imagine -- once and for all -- what it feels like to have your body 
invaded, your mind splintered, your soul shattered. We need to let our 
rage and our compassion connect us so we can change the paradigm of 
global rape.
There are approximately one billion women on the planet who have been violated.
The time is now. Prepare for the escalation.
Today it begins, moving toward February 14, 2013, when one billion women will 
rise to end rape.
Because we are over it.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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