
*The British government says it may decide to raid the Ecuadorian
embassy to arrest Julian Assange.  Today President Rafael Correa is
expected to make a decision on granting political asylum to Assange.

Ecuador's foreign minister, Ricardo PatiƱo, raged against perceived
threats from Britain to "storm" the embassy and warned that such a
"dangerous precedent" would be met with "appropriate responses in
accordance with international law," reports the British /Guardian./

It would appear the Empire is in cardiac arrest over having its war
crimes revealed to the controlled masses, with the UK as its top
obedient lieutenant.  Assange's strategy appears to be to get a deal
that he will not be extradited to the USA should he willingly surrender,
since escaping the UK may be otherwise all but impossible.*


*Mass media are spreading the lie that "defense" spending will be cut by
$600 billion because of the Congressional deal reached to make automatic
cuts to government spending last year. /Pro Publica/ explains
that they have overstated this in a report titled "How Politicians and
the Press Overstated Military Budget Cuts by $100 Billion."

This propaganda is not by accident, they would take all of the cuts out
of food stamps, Medicaid and any other program keeping the poor from
dying if they could in order to continue the "defense" profits flooding
to the 1%.

Without the controlled mass media, democracy would have a chance to
break out in the land.  The American people constantly show in polling
they would like the bloated defense budget cut, and they want
disadvantaged kids to have food and medical care.

*Margaret Flowers posted yesterday a plan to occupy the TPP
in Leesburg, VA from 6 to 15 September.  People should be aware that the
Obama regime is secretly negotiating this Trans-Pacific Partnership
trade deal that will

- Offshore good-paying jobs to low-wage nations and undercut working
conditions globally

- Create new tools for attacking environmental and consumer safety standards

- Expand the deregulation of banks, hedge funds and insurance companies

- Further concentrate global food supplies, displacing family farmers
and subjecting consumers to wild price fluctuations

- Institute longer patents that restrict access to affordable, generic

/LUV News/ will be represented there, and we urge everyone to come and

**In what mass media call our "free and open democracy," we don't know
if President Obama is directly involved now in the war to overthrow the
Syrian government because it's secret.  We learned, somewhat after the
fact, that he planned to bomb the Libyan people without even consulting
with the Congress.  His 30,000 troop surge in Afghanistan so soon after
taking the White House has us thinking the entire "peace candidate"
election line had been a scam.

Nobody in Congress tried to stop Obama from trying to back out of the
Bush agreement to withdraw troops from Iraq by the end of 2011, but
thankfully, the government of Iraq forced him to abide by the
agreement.  He has expanded the wars in Pakistan, Yemen and Central
Africa, without a peep from Congress.

The American people say they want the troops brought home, but Congress
and the President obviously don't represent the American people. Nobody
in the mass media notices.  The pretense of democracy scam works, as
designed  --Jack Balkwill

**Democracies Don't Start Wars, But Fake Democracies Sure Do!**

**by Dave Lindorff**
We've all heard it said by our teachers when we were in school, we've
all heard it said by politicians, including presidents: "Democracies
don't start wars."**


**And yet we have had the decades-long American war on Vietnam, the
Reagan invasion of Grenada, the LBJ invasion of the Dominican Republic,
the George H.W. Bush invasion of Panama, the G.W. Bush back-to-back
invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and now we have President Obama
talking about launching an unprovoked war on Iran.**


**Is the much touted axiom wrong? **


**I don't think so. I believe that in a democracy, where the will of the
people is paramount, it would be very unlikely to have a country start a
war. People generally don't like war. They need to feel truly threatened
or even under attack before they will accept the idea of their or
anyone's fathers, husbands, brothers and sons (and now mothers, wives,
daughters and sisters) being marched off to face the horrors of war.**


**Clearly the reason we have seen the US starting so many wars is that
the US is and has not for a very long time been anything approaching a



**Democracy in the US is a purely formalistic thing. People get to vote
once every two and four years to chose from a narrow list of
pre-selected candidates approved by the real rulers of the country, who
are the wealthy owners of the large business interests, many of which
prosper when there's a war on, and many more of which are happy to have
periodic wars, or the threat of wars, to keep people in line and willing
to tolerate the kind of abuse that is typically heaped on the average
working person: financially starved school districts, starvation-level
welfare grants, no public health system, rusting bridges, pot-holed
roads, almost no public transit, and falling real wages, etc.**


**I think it's largely true that real democracies do not start wars, but
the endless string of wars big and small started by the US, particularly
since the end of the Second World War, provide ample evidence that this
country of ours has long since ceased to be democratic. In both domestic
and foreign policy, the federal government does not reflect the true
wishes of the broad public. If it did, as I wrote recently, polls
suggest that we would have a much smaller military, we'd have a
well-funded Social Security retirement program and Medicare for all,
with better benefits, we'd have low-cost college education for all, we'd
have clean air and water, we'd have serious action to combat global
climate change, we'd have job programs to employ the jobless and
policies to prevent the tax-subsidized shipping away of jobs to Mexico,
China and elsewhere, we'd have a much more progressive tax structure
with the rich paying much higher tax rates, we'd have bankers behind
bars and breaking rocks. We'd also have legal marijuana, guaranteed paid
vacations, solid protections for union organizing, unfettered abortion
rights, and good schools for all our kids.**


**These are the things that the public has said it wants. It does not
want wars, and by solid majorities, it has said it wants the military to
be scaled back, and American troops brought home.**


**As founding father James Madison once said:


**Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be
dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War
is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies,
and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many
under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of
the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors,
and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds
are added to those of subduing the force of the people. The same
malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of
fortunes and the opportunities of fraud growing out of a state of war,
and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals engendered by both. No
nation could reserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.


**Boy, did Madison nail it!**


**We have been having a state of continual warfare, and we in the US
have seen all the above evils growing apace, to the point that the
country today is barely recognizable as the one that was founded in
1776, or that came out of the Civil War in 1865, or that survived the
Great Depression in the '30s. Our freedoms are vanishing, working people
are being legally robbed by the rich, and our votes are a joke.**


**The answer clearly is that we have to stop the wars, stop the
war-mongering, and slash the military down to a fraction of its current
size or eliminate standing armies altogether. Then we can maybe get our
democracy back, and have a hope of proving that the old axiom was right
all along.**


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