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 *When the NYPD isn't busy targeting Muslims for entrapment, harassing
black and Hispanic people by conducting stop-and-frisks, or beating up
Occupy protesters, it's busy firing randomly into crowded city streets, as
if its officers are starring in an action movie. Except it's not
make-believe: real people get hurt. This past week, 9 of them to be exact,
all of whom were lucky not to be killed. *
*In a continuing American tradition, yet another disgruntled white male
hauled off and shot somebody to death. And the police, in trying to
apprehend him simply fired randomly on a crowded city
Some, like NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly, say they "had" to do it. But I
think it shows not only how trigger-happy cops are, but how much they hold
us, the citizens, in contempt. So what if a few of us go down as
"collateral damage"? *
*I guess you could say it's poetic justice. After all, we're doing it
overseas. Why not at home?*


 *There are many people doing the hard work of trying to uphold civil
liberties, the rule of law, peace, justice, integrity, honor. From
activists in the streets to community organizers to unheralded writers
toiling in the blogosphere, many people are working in the struggle to
stave off brutality and injustice. In journalism, that number is much
smaller. And when journalists go against the grain, don't toe the party
line, and speak out on behalf of principle, not tribal loyalty, they're
usually derided and cast out. *
*Such people are heroes in my book. One of them is Glenn
He is unrelenting in calling out abuses, no matter who's in power, no
matter where, no matter when, no matter what flowery language any leader
uses to try to hide those abuses. That means he's called out Obama just as
often as Bush. And, of course, the cocktail-party liberals don't like it.
They were all behind Greenwald when Bush was in office -- they all loved
him -- but now that "their" guy is in the White House, my, how the worm has
turned. Suddenly they all want him to shut up. Well, tough sh*t. He's not
going to shut up. He's just as willing to speak truth to power as ever. And
that truth includes exposing the mainstream media's
it comes to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.



*Peter Rothberg of The Nation highlights the five most under-reported
stories of the summer <> --
everything from state election hijinks to military suicides to Islamophobia
to climate change to one particular corporation's immense power.*
*Happy Belated Birthday, Howard Zinn.  --Lisa Simeone*

Howard Zinn at 90 -- Lessons from the People's
*by Bill Bigelow <>*

This past Friday -- August 24 -- would have been the 90th birthday of the
great historian and activist Howard
who died in 2010. Zinn did not merely record history, he made it: as a
professor at Spelman College in the 1950s and early 1960s, where he was
ultimately fired for his outspoken support of students in the Civil Rights
Movement, and specifically the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
(SNCC); as a critic of the U.S. war in Vietnam, and author of the first
book calling for an immediate U.S. withdrawal; and as author of arguably
the most influential U.S. history textbook in print, *A People's History of
the United States <>*. "That book will
knock you on your ass," as Matt Damon's character says in the film *Good
Will Hunting*.

It's always worth dipping into the vast archive of Zinn scholarship, but at
the beginning of a school year, and as the presidential campaign heats up,
now is an especially good time to remember some of Howard Zinn's wisdom.

Shortly after Barack Obama's election, the Zinn Education Project sponsored
a talk by Zinn <> to several hundred
teachers at the National Council for the Social Studies annual conference
in Houston. Zinn reminded teachers that the point of learning about social
studies was not simply to memorize facts, it was to imbue students with a
desire to change the world. "A modest little aim," Zinn acknowledged, with
a twinkle in his eye.

In this talk, available as an online
video<> as
well as a transcription <>, Zinn
insisted that teachers must help students challenge "fundamental premises
which keep us inside a certain box." Because without this critical
rethinking of premises about history and the role of the United States in
the world, "things will never change." And this will remain "a world of war
and hunger and disease and inequality and racism and sexism."

A key premise that needs to be questioned, according to Zinn, is the notion
of "national interests," a term so common in the political and academic
discourse as to be almost invisible. Zinn points out that the "one big
family" myth begins with the Constitution's preamble: "We the people of the
United States..." Zinn noted that it wasn't "we the people" who established
the Constitution in Philadelphia -- it was 55 rich white men. Missing from
or glossed over in the traditional textbook treatment are race and class
divisions <>, including the rebellions
of farmers in Western Massachusetts, immediately preceding the
Constitutional Convention in 1787. No doubt, the Constitution had elements
of democracy, but Zinn argues that it "established the rule of
slaveholders, and merchants, and bondholders."

Teaching history through the lens of class, race, and gender conflict is
not simply more accurate, according to Zinn; it makes it more likely that
students -- and all the rest of us -- will not "simply swallow these
enveloping phrases like 'the national interest,' 'national security,'
'national defense,' as if we're all in the same boat."

As Zinn told teachers in Houston: "No, the soldier who is sent to Iraq does
not have the same interests as the president who sends him to Iraq. The
person who works on the assembly line at General Motors does not have the
same interest as the CEO of General Motors. No -- we're a country of
divided interests, and it's important for people to know that."

Another premise Zinn identified, one that has become an article of faith
among the Tea Party crowd, is "American exceptionalism" -- the idea that
the United States is fundamentally freer, more virtuous, more democratic,
and more humane than other countries. For Zinn, the United States is "an
empire like other empires. There was a British empire, and there was a
Dutch empire, and there was a Spanish empire, and yes, we are an American
empire." The United States expanded through deceit and theft and conquest,
just like other empires, although textbooks cleanse this imperial bullying
with legal-sounding terms like the Louisiana *Purchase* and the Mexican *

Patriotism is another premise that we need to question. As Zinn told
teachers in Houston, "it's very bad for everybody when young people grow up
thinking that patriotism means obedience to your government." Zinn often
recalled Mark Twain's distinction between country and government. "Does
patriotism mean support your government? No. That's the definition of
patriotism in a totalitarian state," Zinn warned a Denver audience in a
2008 speech, included in a new volume, *Howard Zinn
edited by Anthony Arnove (Haymarket Books, 2012.)

And going to war on behalf of "our country" is offered as the highest
expression of patriotism -- in everything from the military recruitment
propaganda that saturates our high schools to the social studies curriculum
that features photos of U.S. troops heroically battling "enemy soldiers" in
a section called "Operation Iraqi Freedom" in the popular high school
textbook *Modern World History*.

Howard Zinn cuts through this curricular fog: "War is terrorism ...
Terrorism is the willingness to kill large numbers of people for some
presumably good cause. That's what terrorists are about." Zinn demands that
we reexamine the premise that war is necessary, a proposition not taken
seriously in any high school history textbook I've ever seen. Instead, wars
get sold to Americans -- especially to the young people who fight those
wars -- as efforts to spread liberty and democracy. As Howard Zinn said
many times, if you don't know your history, it's as if you were born
yesterday. Leaders can tell you anything and you have no way of knowing
what's true.

Howard Zinn wanted educators to be deeply critical, but never cynical. When
speaking to the teachers in Houston, Zinn insisted that another premise we
needed to examine is the idea that progress is the product of great
individuals. Zinn pointed out that Abraham Lincoln had never been an
abolitionist, and when he ran for president in 1860 he did not advocate
ending slavery in the states where it existed. Rather, it was largely the
"huge antislavery movement that pushed Lincoln into the Emancipation
Proclamation -- that pushed Congress into the 13th and 14th and 15th

Zinn urged educators to teach a *people's*
:* "We've never had our injustices rectified from the top, from the
president or Congress, or the Supreme Court, no matter what we learned in
junior high school about how we have three branches of government, and we
have checks and balances, and what a lovely system. No. The changes,
important changes that we've had in history, have not come from those three
branches of government. They have reacted to social movements."*

Thus when we single out people in our curriculum as icons, as "people to
admire and respect," Zinn advocated shedding the traditional pantheon of
government and military leaders: "But there are other heroes that young
people can look up to. And they can look up to people who are against war.
They can have Mark Twain as a hero who spoke out against the Philippines
war. They can have Helen Keller <> as a
hero who spoke out against World War I, and Emma Goldman as a hero. They
can have Fannie Lou Hamer as a hero, and Bob Moses as a hero, the people in
the Civil Rights Movement -- they are

And to this, there is one final "people's history" premise we need to
remember -- whether in education or the world outside of schools. As Howard
Zinn reminded the audience of social studies teachers in Houston: "People
change." Zinn did not look to President Obama to initiate social
transformation; but in 2008, he saw the election as confirmation that the
long history of anti-racist struggle in the United States produced an
outcome that would have been inconceivable 30 years before. And this shift
in attitude should give us hope.

As we remember Howard Zinn on what would have been his 90th birthday, let's
count him among the many social justice heroes who offer proof that
people's efforts make a difference -- that ordinary people can change the


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