*- Havana Times.org - http://www.havanatimes.org -*

*Some Challenges Facing Cuba’s Press*

Posted By *Circles Robinson* On September 17, 2012 @ 9:17 am In *
leftcol3,Opinion* |

*Esteban Morales** <http://estebanmoralesdominguez.blogspot.com/> [1]

Entrance to Havana Bay. photo:Caridad

HAVANA TIMES — Everything seems to indicate that there are now two presses
in Cuba. There’s one that some want all of us to read, and another one that
reaches only 10 percent of the population (though summaries of it are
broadcast over “Radio Bemba” [“Radio Lips,” or the grapevine], which Raul
Castro himself once said transmits better than the Cuban Institute of Radio
and Television).

Since the time that President Raul Castro made that statement, however,
there have now come into existence email and internet, which are highly
efficient means for circulating information that our press still doesn’t
dare to even think about printing.1

The written press, which has two main national newspapers, often duplicates
the news, making it possible to find the same things in both papers.2

These are newspapers that people purchase every day with the hope of seeing
major events and especially their concerns reflected in an open, fresh and
frank way – which is to say, what everyone is talking about and asking on
the street.

People ask: What’s happening with all this corruption? Whatever became of
the underwater cable that was assured would connect us to Venezuela and the
world? When will the output of the Cuban agriculture system start
reflecting more produce at lower prices? When will we see the changes in
immigration regulations, something that was energetically promised? When
will we actually be able to read the text of the new tax law? What will
happen with the accumulation of negative opinions concerning the latest
customs regulations? And so on…

This written press seems like something that’s not really Cuban. It’s too
over-simplified, too secretive, too bland. It has almost nothing to do with
the unique character and nature of Cubans, who laugh even their own

It’s a press that’s able to ferret out all the negatives concerning the
United States, sometimes putting news about that country on the front page
when that same information doesn’t even take up a tenth of a page in *USA
Today*, the most popular newspaper in the United States.

There’s no doubt that lately we’ve begun to note that our press is making
an effort, but it’s still far from meeting the expectations of the average
citizen. To some extent, this can be seen in the Friday section of the
official *Granma* newspaper and in a few sporadically published articles.

The Havana Bay tunnel. photo: Caridad

Next year’s announced congress of the Cuban Journalist’s Association (UPEC)
will inevitably have to “grab the bull by the horns” if we really want to
have a press in line with our times.

This would be a press that serves as an effective instrument for criticism,
for improving the economic model and changing people’s collective
mentality, which has been requested by the top leadership of the country.

Nonetheless, despite these modest gains, it’s sad to see that our national
newspapers are losing readers. Those who buy them do so almost by inertia
(or because there aren’t any alternatives) hoping to someday find in these
dailies what concerns them or what they want to know about and learn.

Unquestionably, with a press like this, the battles to be waged have been
lost in advance. The reasons for this include the following:

• The public has gotten tired of reading newspapers that don’t reflect our
real life situation or what’s happening overall.

• The gap between what the media reflects and reality has introduced
skepticism and suspicion.

• People have begun looking around for better alternatives – which is very

• Average citizens are turning to the national radio, which is always
spontaneous, and from there they are accessing foreign broadcasts, some of
which even broadcast in Spanish, with many directed specifically at Cuba
(the worst of which is so-called “Radio Marti”).3

• A mindset is being created whereby people seek information on events in
Cuba from sources abroad — news that should be available here — handing the
breaking news and information from the island on a silver platter to the
foreign media.4

• Citizens have become more perceptive of trumped-up stories and the
distortion of information.

• There is a lack of more realistic, democratic, open news coverage that
permanently eliminates secrecy, censorship and old, dogmatic and apologetic

• We are missing out on the inclusion of revolutionary Cuban intellectuals
who can reflect more realistic ideas, in addition to open and intelligent
criticism. People are distanced from those who can confront
counterrevolutionary criticism from positions that recognize our
shortcomings, before the enemy throws them in our face and turns those
arguments into arms for conducting subversive diplomacy, something which is
promoted by the policy of “regime change” advocated by the current US

• We haven’t grasped the fact that the enemy’s technological superiority
doesn’t have to be a disadvantage for us if we wisely use the weapons of
truth, consistency, systematic criticism and the valuable revolutionary
scientific and intellectual potential that’s available.

A society that in the middle of an information revolution tries to control
the ears and eyes of its citizens will not survive. Recovering people’s
confidence is becoming exceedingly difficult because they are now reacting
to the absence and the poor quality of information. It’s like something
that belonging to them or owed to them is being stolen from them or that
power is being used to deny them what’s theirs.

This is a feeling that is now dangerously gaining ground among us. What’s
more, it’s quite legitimate, as even the top leadership of the country has
criticized the press, speaking about its numerous shortcomings – among them

It was the president himself who opened the channels of criticism and has
pushed for the press to follow his call. But there has been no change as a
result, while people continue to wait with increasing impatience for what
still hasn’t occurred.

Esteban Morales. photo: Patricia Grogg/IPS

Nonetheless, a significant share of the revolutionary intelligentsia is
finding space on the national intranet and the internet. Though only a
limited number of people have access to this medium, articles and comments
by our intellectuals are being spread across the country through email,
reaching a number of people that’s greater than what might be assumed.

But unfortunately, the internet benefits from that, relaying information
and commentary to Cuba that the country itself should provide [in it media].

That is the damage we’re doing with this “overzealous” approach to the
internet, which is more harmful than what the internet itself could do to
us. In order to survive in this world in which we live, it’s demanded that
we confront the risks of being in it.

How can we reverse that equation in which our national media are also
beginning to lose face internationally?

The shortcomings and inadequacies of the Cuban press and media also have
negative repercussions abroad, where there’s great interest in the events
and the situation in Cuba due to the very concerns raised by criticisms of
the situation on the island and because criticism is now recognized in
official discourse.

Even many foreign friends of Cuba are concerned about what’s happening on
the island, but they feel that they don’t receive sufficient reliable
information about our circumstances. They realize that the Cuban press
doesn’t provide this information and that it is more realistic to learn
about Cuba via the internet, intranet and other alternative media sources.

Various revolutionary and non-revolutionary blogs, as well as online
magazines — such as *Espacio Laical*, *La Ceiba*, *Observatorio Critico*, *
Moncada*, *SPD* *(Socialismo Participativo y Democratico)*, *Café
Fuerte*, *Havana
Times*, *La Joven Cuba* and others — are moving forward. They are capturing
the attention of readers outside Cuba who are looking for more objective,
daring, critical news, as well as information that is generally more
consistent with the challenges everyone knows the country is facing.

This information simply isn’t provided in the national press, which usually
presents an almost idyllic image of the country, lacking sufficient
critiques, masking difficulties and disagreements, hardly reflecting our
reality and only doing so in a timid, secretive and restricted fashion.

In this way they prevent our potential friends outside of Cuba from knowing
enough, not only about what our problems are but also the arguments needed
to support us.

This involves a phenomenon that I don’t think the national media clearly
perceives, because often those foreign friends suffer from the same
problems we do in Cuba: they defend inflexibility, self-censorship, give
insufficient recognition to what’s negative here, serve as apologists and
build solidarity blindly. These are vices that we ourselves, Cuban
revolutionaries, have transmitted from here in Cuba on more than a few

In front of the Havana Capitolio Building. photo: Caridad

How do we get out of this disinformation quagmire so that defending the
Cuban revolution today is more realistic, more conscious, more in line with
the challenges now facing the country? How do we do this so that our people
can gain trust our press and so that our friends abroad can be of greater
help in confronting the avalanche of counterrevolutionary criticism?

These days, counterrevolutionary criticism is undoubtedly more intelligent
and more scientific, since it often relies not on simple lies, the gross
distortion of events or the exaggeration of our problems; instead, it takes
advantage of our real problems. They present them in a more sophisticated
and more finely manipulated manner, while searching for discouragement,
confusion and apprehension in our solutions.

I think there is only one path for our press to follow to overcome these
situations. As long as our media fails to achieve this alliance, everyone
will is on their, each with their arms (some quite rusty), and we’ll be no
more than a horde that is divided by mistrust, dogmatism, rationalization.

Moreover, we will suffer from the elitism of some who — from their
positions of power —  adopt the attitude of “pure” defenders while they
label others to be no more than liberals who want to hand over the job of
defending the revolution to its enemies.


1 There are excellent journalists (like Jorge Gomez Barata, Felix Sautie,
Fernando Ravsberg) whose articles would contribute substantially to our
press; however none of them are welcome there. On more than a few
occasions, when in-depth writings are published here that deal with the
problems of today’s world, these are merely “refried” articles originating
from foreign authors, though Cuba has plenty of people capable of writing
about these issues. We are observing a true divorce between the so-called
official press and the nation’s intelligentsia.

2 No doubt there’s a personality problem between the two newspapers, which
basically affects the youth newspaper (*Juventud Rebelde*), which
inevitably devotes a great deal of space to repeating news that isn’t
relevant to its young readers. They will run what appears in *Granma*, the
official newspaper of the Party, but very little about the problems of

3 No mention is made here about the phenomenon of the proliferation of CDs
with all types of programs that circulate throughout the domestic network.
This relates to a problem that is similar to that of the written press but
which relates to our TV programming; it is harshly criticized not because
of its lack of resources, but because its lack of creativity.

4 On the night of this past September 9, a significant portion of the
country suffered a black out and the national broadcast of Radio Reloj was
unable to inform people what was happening – something that wouldn’t have
happened a few years ago.

*(*) An authorized Havana Time translation of the original published by
Esteban Morales on his blog <http://estebanmoralesdominguez.blogspot.com/>

Article printed from Havana Times.org: *http://www.havanatimes.org*

URL to article: *http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=78694*

URLs in this post:

[1] *Esteban Morales**: *http://estebanmoralesdominguez.blogspot.com/*

[2] Image: *http://www.linkwithin.com/*

[3] : *http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/*

[4] : *http://www.counterpunch.org/*

[5] : *http://www.aljazeera.com/*

[6] : *http://rabble.ca/*

[7] : *http://therealnews.com*

[8] : *http://www.democracynow.org/*

[9] : *http://www.motherjones.com/*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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