[image: Logo Venezuela Analysis] Terrorist Accomplice Supports Venezuelan
Opposition Candidate

Sep 21st 2012, by Jean-Guy Allard – Correo del Orinoco International
[image: Ricardo Koesling (Aporrea.org)]

Ricardo Koesling (Aporrea.org)

Ricardo Koesling, the leader of opposition political party Piedra (“Rock”
in English) who declared “we’ll use bullets, fists, kicks, everything we’ve
got, to force the Chavistas out” and publicly reiterated his ongoing
support for right-wing candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski, just happens
to be the top Caraca sbased boss of Miami’s Cuban- American Mafia and the
Venezuelan link in Luis Posada Carriles’ international terrorist network.

*The Rock Star*

Koesling was absolutely hysterical last week after his party announced its
break with Capriles Radonski, a decision made public by Piedra Secretary
General Leonardo Chirinos.

Insisting that he continues to serve as the group’s lawyer and finance
secretary, Koesling issued a rage-filled tirade during an interview on
Radio Caracas, promising to “force out” Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez no
matter what the results of this year’s presidential election.

Close to high-level officials in the government of President Jaime Lusinchi
(1984- 89), Koesling helped Miami based terrorist Luis Posada Carriles
escape from Venezuela’s San Juan de los Morros Prison in 1985. His links to
Cuban-American terrorism, however, date back to the 1970’s.

On April 12, 2002, as part of the right-wing coup d’etat against Venezuelan
President Hugo Chavez, Koesling led an assault on the Cuban Embassy in
Caracas. Koesling’s attack on the embassy was supported, on the ground, by
Salvador Romani, now exiled in Miami with the complacency of the US State

Another active participant in this act of terrorism against a country’s
sovereign diplomatic mission (in this case Cuba’s) was none other than
right-wing candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski – then mayor of the Caracas
municipality of Baruta.

The international, Cuban- American terrorist network coordinated by Luis
Posada Carriles includes Francisco Pimentel, an accomplice in the terrorist
attacks across Havana in 1997, and Hermes Rojas, known to have tortured
innocents alongside Posada while in El Salvador.

Among others visited by Koesling in Caracas is Henry Lopez Sisco, the most
notorious torturer and assassin for Venezuela’s secret police (Disip) under
former President Carlos Andres Perez (1974-79, 1989-93). Exiled in Costa
Rica, the now elderly Sisco facilitated private meetings, in August 1975,
between state agents of the Perez government and Manuel Contreras, then
Chief of Pinochet’s secret police (DINA).

Another member of Koesling’s inner circle worth mentioning is coup-monger
Alejandro Peña Exclusa, now head of the Latin American fascist organization
UnoAmerica, a group backed by ex military officials tied to Operation
Condor and other accomplices of terrorist attacks.

Two years ago, Peña Exclusa was found in possession of illegal explosives
after admitted Salvadorian terrorist Francisco “El Panzon” Chavez Abarca
confessed to Venezuelan authorities of plans to violently disrupt the 2010
parliamentary elections. No one should forget that Chavez Abarca’s
confessions, after his arrest in Caracas, linked him directly to
international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles.

In 1997, Francisco Chavez Abarca was contracted by Posada, entered Cuba,
and committed three bomb attacks aimed at putting a violent end to tourism
on the island. While in Havana, he also organized a series of parallel
bombings carried out by fellow Salvadorian Ernesto Cruz Leon, one of which,
on September 14th, resulted in the death of Fabio di Celma, a young Italian
tourist. Chavez Abarca, extradited to Cuba by Venezuelan authorities, later
described how he recruited, trained, and sent a number of other mercenaries
into Havana.

*Koesling: “You Will All Burn Alive”*

Speaking to Radio Caracas last week, Koesling declared, “Capriles is going
to be President, and we’ll use bullets, fists, kicks, everything we’ve got,
to force the Chavistas out”. He also called the decision by Piedra
Secretary General Leonardo Chirinos “illegal” and accused Chirinos of
“receiving $200,000 dollars to pull support” from the opposition candidate.

In an interview with Caracas daily CiudadCCS, Chirinos quickly denied
Koesling’s claims, confirmed Piedra’s decision to withdraw its support for
Capriles, and reminded readers that Koesling left the party on September
11, 2012, a decision made public in right-wing daily El Nacional that same

According to Chirinos, Koesling ordered his name be removed from the Piedra
website and threatened to “burn all of us alive if we did not do what he
asked”, words that are reflective of the violent nature of a veteran of
imperial terror.

*Mobster Troops of Capriles*

Ever since the initial triumph of Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution
(1998- present), the Miami-based mafia – which for decades executed CIA
plans to destroy the Cuban Revolution – opened up its membership to a gang
of Venezuelans that made opposing the Venezuelan President a business of
its own.

These Venezuelans are now modeling themselves after what the Cuban-
Americans have done since 1959, serving as accomplices of former Dictator
Fulgencio Batista, receiving both open and discrete support of different US

Towards the end of February, 2009, at the request of Posada Carriles and
Angel De Fana Serrano, a group of Miami-based terrorists and Cuban-American
mobsters held a public meeting alongside Venezuelan coup-mongers including
Patricia Poleo and exiled Venezuelan military officers.

De Fana, linked to the 1997 plot to assassinate Cuban leader Fidel Castro
during the Ibero-American Summit, was seated next to Patricia Poleo, wanted
by Venezuelan authorities for her role in the cowardly killing of
prosecutor Danilo Anderson. Next to them both was none other than former
Venezuelan Colonel Gustavo Diaz, one of Pedro Carmona’s loyal soldiers
during the short-lived 2002 coup against President Chavez.

Also present was National Guard Captain Javier Nieto Quintero, tied to the
2004 case of Colombian paramilitaries planning to assassinate President
Chavez while dressed as members of the Venezuelan Armed Forces, and
Lieutenant Jose Antonio Colina Pulido, responsible for the 2003 bombings of
Spanish and Colombian diplomatic missions in Caracas. Another “soldier”
present was former Disip Chief Joaquim Chaffardet, a fellow resident of
Florida, found in 2009 to possess explosives as well as other materials
linked to the 1976 downing of a Cuban airliner.

Miami is now home to numerous other Venezuelan delinquents, corrupt
officials, and fugitives of justice including Guillermo Zuloaga, former
head of news corporation Globovision, and Raul Diaz Peña, Colina Pulido’s
fugitive accomplice. This brotherhood of criminals, with whom Koesling
identifies, represents the current, not-so-desirable US-based support for
opposition candidate Capriles Radonski.
*Source URL (retrieved on 21/09/2012 - 11:39am):*

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