U.S. "advisors" embedded within Honduran police and judiciary since 2010/11
Sat, 09/29/2012 - 09:02 — AP

Click image for larger version of FOIA-released document. Text (with key
passages bolded) below image.


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2011-04671 Doc No.
C17685398 Date: 09/19/2012 [released; issued 03/22/11]
Page 3 of 5

[…]majority of crimes are not solved, leading to a sense of impunity and
lawlessness, which undermines the population's faith in the democratic
system. Drug traffickers and other criminals are able to operate unhindered
in many parts of the country, especially in the remote La Mosquitia region
in the east of the country bordering Nicaragua and the western region of
Hondurans, bordering Guatemala.

6. (U) The Embassy is helping Honduras address this scourge. The Embassy
and the Government of Honduras have established a bilateral task force to
implement programs under the Merida/Central American Regional Security
Initiative (CARSI). *The Task Force pursues a bilateral multi-agency
approach to combat the shared threats to security and stability in both
Honduras and the United States* as well as the Americas region from
transnational illicit trafficking and criminal organizations. The Task
Force is co-chaired by President Lobo and the Ambassador. *The Task Force
has formed eight inter-agency working groups to focus in-depth on the
issues of counternarcotics operation, anti-gang programs, social
development and crime prevention, border security, seized criminal assets
and financial crimes, investigation and prosecution capacity-building, La
Mosquitia (the remote, undeveloped region most vulnerable to narcotics
trafficking), and human rights.* In late January, the GOH created a Task
Force to fight impunity and to address violent crimes of particular
concern. This Task Force, which was the result of discussions that the
executive branch conducted with the Attorney General and the judicial
branch, serves as a coordination mechanism to bring together all relevant
law enforcement agencies. A Financial Crimes Task Force has also been
created to prosecute cases under the 2010 Seized Asset Forfeiture law. *Each
task force has two embedded U.S. advisors: a police advisor to facilitate
the Investigative process with the National Police and a prosecutorial
advisor to assist the Public Ministry in case preparation.* Honduras needs
to be able to work effectively with not just the United States, but other
nations in the region as well to combat this serious threat to its

Saturday, September 29, 2012
 Behind the Model Cities Memorandum of Understanding
 There's a lot of misinformation floating around about who is behind the
Honduras Model Cities memorandum of opportunity (MOU).  This is the
agreement, announced by Juan Orlando Hernandez of the Honduran Congress,
that would authorize a specific group of investors to build the first such
enclave in Honduras.

So here's what we can find out:

Grupo MGK  (note, not NKG, NGK, or MKG as the careless or perhaps
terminally dyslexic Honduran papers keep reporting) is the consortium
behind the memorandum of understanding signed last week with Honduras to
develop a model city.

The group, whose bare bones generic website (in English and
Spanish) was hastily erected in the last week, claims to have developed
plans for a model city-like project in Estonia, but shelved it upon hearing
of the Honduran opportunity.

Their new <> website has already
been updated since it was first made public. Michael Strong registered the
domain name with GoDaddy on September 8. The website was last updated on
September 21.

There are currently four public faces for Grupo MGK:  Michael Strong,
Gabriel Delgado, Robert Haywood, and Nadine Spencer.

Michael Strong reportedly
studied<>economics at
the University of Chicago, but dropped out of the graduate
program when he was offered a job teaching his socratic training seminar to
teachers in Homer, Alaska. This in turn, led to a 15 year career in
education consulting.

Strong met John Mackey, the founder of Whole Foods, during this period, and
together they founded Freedom Lights Our World (FLOW), dedicated to the
proposition that entrepeneurs and markets were the most effective way of
creating a better world.  They have since moved on to more targeted
projects: Conscious Capitalism <>, Radical
Social Entrepeneurs <>, and Peace
Through Commerce <>.

Strong is also a founder of the Free Cities
whose website, described as "gorgeous" in this
its founding, has since disappeared.  Free Cities were the
focus <> of a conference held
in Guatemala in April 2011, sponsored by the Universidad Francisco
Marroquin, in Guatemala.

All of these movements share the idea that bad legal systems create poverty
by keeping poor people from founding businesses and therefore keeping them
off the road to wealth and success.

Robert Haywood is Director <> of the World Economic
Processing Zones Association (WEPZA), a collective for Free Trade Zones
world wide.  WEPZA was founded by Richard Bolin, who performed the economic
studies that led to the development of Mexico's *maquila* industry.  WEPZA
is a dependency of Bolin's Flagstaff Institute <>.
Haywood is 
have participated in the design and development of Honduras's
*maquilas* as well.

Nadine Spencer is an entrepeneur, born in Jamaica, who is founder and CEO
of Nadine Spencer, Inc <>. a gourmet food and
lifestyles conglomerate.  Her expertise is in marketing.  She particularly
supports work to develop women entrepeneurs.

Gabriel Delgado is described as a telecommunications entrepeneur and fellow
in the Aspen Institute <>, an education and
policy studies nonprofit that is generally described as "centrist".  He
reportedly founded and developed IT companies in Chile, Guatemala, and

On the website, Strong and Delgado are described as the "Leadership" while
Haywood and Spencer are described as "advisors".  Delgado was added to the
Leadership section in a round of revisions to the website.  His name has
not previously appeared associated with Grupo MGK.

Grupo MGK lists a single investor, Calidad
a real estate development company located in Guatemala and El Salvador, a
branch of Grupo Entero. The real estate company specializes in urban
development projects.

Grupo Entero <> is a
Guatemalan company founded using the principles of Stephen Covey's The
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People to develop its own staff.  They
focus on commercial and residential real estate, construction, and health
in large parts of Latin America.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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