Lies, half truths and bias - the world’s media and the Venezuelan election
Written by Jorge Martin - Hands off Venezuela Friday, 05 October 2012

*Once again there has been a remarkably well coordinated campaign of
disinformation regarding the Venezuelan presidential elections on Sunday
October 7.*

[image: Chavez rally]The whole of the world’s media has more or less
followed the same script: A tired, sick autocratic caudillo (military
dictator), Chavez, is facing the young, dynamic, democratic, centre-left
candidate of the united opposition. While Chavez is squandering the
country’s oil money, Capriles would maintain the social programs but bring
efficiency to them. While there is no scope for fraud, the campaign has not
been free and fair. Chavez commands hysterical support from the mobs in few
big rallies, while Capriles has criss-crossed the country getting his
message across to a population thirsty for change. The opinion polls are
allegedly showing a technical draw, while some in the last week have shown
Capriles to be ahead. Capriles supporters have faced violence from the
chavista mob, but the opposition candidate has kept his cool. Chavez has
threatened civil war if he loses, while Capriles is the candidate of peace.

Every single one of these sentences, which are taken literally from the
appalling media coverage of the Venezuelan elections, is either completely
false (a straight lie), extremely one-sided, or a biased comment passing as

“autocratic caudillo” (The Economist headline was “The Autocrat and the
Ballot Box”) has been elected and ratified in over a dozen electoral
contests in the last 14 years. The “young centre-left democratic and
dynamic” candidate of the opposition participated in the April 2002 coup
against democracy (as did all of the parties in his MUD coalition), fainted
twice at the beginning of the campaign, and when elected governor of
Miranda launched an assault on the very social programs he know claims to
support. He is not even really that young, at 40 years of age.

Several journalists from state-owned and community media have been
assaulted at meetings of the “democratic” and “peaceful” opposition, though
you will not hear about that in the world’s leading newspapers.

Of the 18 opinion polls carried out in September, 14 give Chavez as a
victor and his average lead is 12 percentage points over Capriles (UK
Academics Call for End to Media Misrepresentation about Polls in
How this can be presented as a “technical draw” is anybody’s guess.

When Chavez said that the real plan of the opposition (as revealed by a
number of high profile opposition figures) was a neoliberal austerity
package and that its implementation would lead to a civil war he was just
basing himself on the historical precedent of the Caracazo uprising in
1989. The media decided to present the comment as “Chavez threatens civil
war if he loses election”.

El Pais in Spain has been particularly vicious in its attacks on Chavez
whom they describe as a “Mesiah”, a “TV preacher” and a “rock star”. It
even offered an open editorial space to Capriles to explain his program (Quiero
hablares del 
We wonder whether the same space was offered to the other candidate, in the
interest of fairness and balance. Somehow I fear that was not the case. We
should not be surprised though, as this is the paper which on April 13,
2002 showed its true colours with an editorial comment in favour of the
oligarchic coup which briefly removed president Chavez (Golpe a un

A special prize must go to The Independent in Britain who, on the day after
the huge final election rally of Chavez (which filled 7 enormous avenues in
Caracas), had the headline “Chavez finally meets his
illustrated with pictures of Henrique Capriles and not a single reference
to Chavez’s rally. This is the same paper that on August 16 2004 announced
Chavez was “losing his grip on power” as “mid-morning polls” showed him
losing the recall referendum (Venezuela’s Chavez on brink of referendum
defeat <>), when in fact
Chavez won by 59% to 41%.

Of course, it is perhaps The Guardian / Observer reporter Rory Carroll who
wins the overall prize for the most biased article with his Chavez:
people’s hero in final
Just to quote the opening paragraph: “The ailing Venezuelan leader still
commands hysterical devotion from his supporters, but Henrique Capriles,
his younger, healthier opponent in next Sunday's election, is snapping hard
at his heels.” He continues in the same vein: “Huge crowds mob the
presidential candidate... They surround his bus, chanting his name … they
scream and surge forward, desperate to embrace him.”

The only impression one can get from reading Carroll’s article is that
those who support Chavez are mad and ignorant. There is a subtle arrogant
dismissal of the ability of poor and working class people to have informed
political views that is combined with a very British upper class dismissal
of the genuine enthusiasm people feel for the political process in
Venezuela. Carroll, of course, has a long track record of distorting the
news about 

The reason why a majority of the Venezuelans, and particularly amongst
those from the working class and the poor, support Chavez enthusiastically
(not hysterically), is easy to understand. He has challenged the powerful
ruling class and imperialism and has delivered tangible, concrete
improvement in their living conditions. The poor do not support Chavez
because they are crazy, as one would think from the Carroll’s choice of
words, but because unemployment has halved, GDP per capita doubled, infant
mortality halved, poverty decreased by two thirds, illiteracy been
eradicated and hundreds of thousands have gained access to the education
system, amongst other things (as even the Guardian is forced to reluctantly

This is why they are enthusiastic. For the first time in their lives they
can see that direct participation in politics does change something. They
feel that the future is in their own hands and not in the hands of
professional politicians, lawyers, judges and learnt journalists.

All of this has been achieved despite the repeated attempts of the ruling
class and the so-called “democratic” opposition to overthrow the
democratically elected government by all means at their disposal (military
coups, oil lock out, sabotage of the economy, hoarding of basic products,
rioting in the streets, Colombian paramilitaries, etc).

True, there are many shortcomings of the Bolivarian revolution. Yes, there
is a bureaucracy at all levels which acts as a break to the revolutionary
enthusiasm of the masses and this constitutes a real threat to the
revolution itself. However, particularly in the second part of the election
campaign, the Bolivarian masses have been mobilized on the clear
understanding that a victory for the opposition would mean the destruction
of all the gains of the revolution.

A victory for Chavez will necessarily have to be followed by a very
critical appraisal of what remains to be done and how to accomplish it. The
activists of the Bolivarian movement, particularly amongst the working
class, will be at the forefront of trying to complete the revolution
brushing aside all the obstacles which stand in their way, including the
“Bolivarian” bureaucracy itself.

The campaign of the media ignores all these facts, or brushes them aside as
irrelevant. It conveniently ignores the track record of the opposition,
uncritically accepts and fosters its claim to be democratic and even

The aim of this concerted media campaign is clear: to mould the world’s
public opinion. To create the impression that Chavez will not and cannot
win the election. To imply therefore that if he wins then it must have been
through by foul means. The idea is to delegitimize the October 7 elections
as a true expression of the will of the Venezuelan people. This is not just
a question of manipulating public opinion though. There have been many
indications, open and veiled, that the real plan of the opposition on
October 7, knowing they will not win the election, is to cry fraud and
create chaos in the streets. The world’s biggest media outlets are clearly
part of this campaign.

None of this should really surprise us though. What we are witnessing in
Venezuela is, at bottom, the struggle between irreconcilable class
interests. On the one hand are the rich and powerful, the oligarchy, the
owners of the means of production, the banks, the land, the food production
and distribution chain and the mass media. On the other, the workers, the
urban poor, the peasants.

Capriles’ article in El Pais was very revealing in this respect. It reads
like a sales brochure for Venezuela. He is in fact selling the country to
potential EU investors and particularly Spanish companies which have
powerful interests in Latin America. “No more expropriations, no more
confiscations,” he says in bold and he promises to “guarantee an
environment of confidence for national and international investors”. If he
wins the election, he promises, he will “deepen economic relations with the
EU” and “guarantee the safety of investors”. This is his real program, as
opposed to the “centre-left” promises which the mass media is highlighting.
He is the candidate of the Venezuelan and foreign capitalists and in this
article he was speaking to his real target audience, the people whose
interests he would serve if elected.

The Financial Times, while repeating the same script as the rest of the
media (to the point of calling Chavez garrulous), is also more frank in the
interests it defends. Its target audience is not the mass of the
population, but those who count: managers and directors of big companies,
investors and speculators. They describe Capriles as a “business friendly
law graduate,” and crucially analyse how a victory for the opposition would
bring lower oil prices (The Venezuelan solution for oil
One of the achievements of Chavez’s policies has been to strengthen OPEC
and thus bring higher oil prices which benefit producing countries with
higher revenues. In the case of Venezuela, this has been used to fund
social programs which even the FT is forced to admit have benefited the
poor majority. Imperialism would like to break up or weaken the cartel of
producing countries. This in itself is a powerful reason why imperialism
would like to see Chavez gone.

The mass media internationally are owned and controlled by a few monopoly
groups, which are in turned linked to major business conglomerates. They
have chosen their side in this battle. We have chosen ours. The scandalous
way in which they abandon any pretence at fair and balanced reporting shows
that they understand a lot is at stake in this election. We should actively
denounce them and uncover their lies, because in that way we are also
advancing our own interests.

*Hands off Venezuela! Forward with the Bolivarian socialist revolution!*

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