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[ Backstory: Wealth trumps Health ]   Why SS/Medicare must be cut, and
Military spending left untouched

The number employed by America's War Industry has risen to a
staggering proportion of good paying jobs in America, especially when
including thousands of Congressional and Pentagon Military Lobbyists.
Estimates vary but are commonly put at ±50% of the American Work Force
is busy feeding the Military Beast that eats only tax money.

When the 2o12 Election teetered between Obama and Romney toward the
end, the Money Powers That Be let it be known through their subversive
channels that Obama must be elected to guarantee no cuts in any
Military Budget for the next four years.

This started back when there was talk that Congress was looking to
reduce the deficit by cutting back on funding for the Military.  Irony
of ironies, it was BushObama Wars of Aggression and Drone Military
Spending  which had caused the deficit to sky rocket in the first

In no uncertain terms, the word went out that if Military Funding was
cut, they would collapse the Global Economy again, as payback.  By
firing employees at Military Contractors and SubContractors, the pain
would be distributed across the Nation, affecting workers in every
State, and all the blame would fall upon the President's shoulders.
This blackmail threat still hangs in the air, as Rethugliecons keep
pushing America over their imaginary Fiscal Cliff.

That's why Romney could not be the one elected to do it.  Blame had to
fall on a Democrat in the Oval Office.  The same is true for the cuts
in Social Security and Medicare: only Democrats could be blamed for
killing FDR's Social Safety Net. And Obama had been dropping a trail
of hints that he was up to the task since he was a Centrist Senator,
in 2007 when running for President on the Democratic Ticket.

Obama was purchased, twice, by the Money Powers That Be in order to:
1) constantly push the center of American politics toward the
Conservative Right;
2) keep Military Spending increasing by involving the US in more
protracted Wars;  and
3) lead Working Americans to understand that for their future, they
shall "owe their souls to the company > Corporate Store", as an
emerging new class of Wage Slaves permanently indebted to the
Wealthiest 1%.

With covert treaties like the TransPacificPartnership causing more
American Jobs to be shipped overseas to jack up 1% Corporate profits,
the nonmilitary Job Market shall never see a recovery, as more Unions
are weakened and threatened with extinction.  The 99% is rapidly
becoming a debtor nation to the 1%.

The Middle Class which sprung up from winning WWII and growing Labor
Unions shall be put to a slow and painful death by an endless string
of no-win Wars, that keeps money flowing out of Middle Class pockets
to endlessly support a massively expensive, ever-growing War Machine.

Peace shall never be an attainable goal for the US Military.

Permanent War is the Business Plan of America's 1%.

© 2012 Gene Messick, wordsmith

NOTE: because of the large number of Weapons photos in
this Article, only the first 10 are shown: click on this Link
to see them all:

These 25 top Military Contractors sold over $207,000,000
in weapons to the Pentagon in 2010.  See breakdown below.

(This does not cover ANY larger cost of recruiting, training,
deploying anyone in the Military, only Weapons purchase.)
Top 25 reasons why Obama was reElected

Eloise Lee and Robert Johnson   | Mar. 13, 2012

  US Army Ordnance Dept. poster  (Minnesota Historical Society)

In 1961, President Eisenhower warned us of the rise of the Military-
Industrial-Complex in his farewell address.
Was he was thinking of Corporations like these, selling about $235
billion in arms every year?
Making weapons has become a U.S. specialty, with 47 American
Corporations filling the top 100 grossing slots in the World.
The following stats are put together by SIPRI based on numbers from
2010, ranked in terms of sales, and offer an unbiased view of how BIG
a business WAR has become.

#25 CACI International

Global satellite communications equipment supports military
flikr/GovWin a Deltek Network
Arms sales: $2.3 billion
Total profit: $107 million
Employees: 13,100 people

While CACI International doesn't make weapons, they supply the U.S.
Army with an information lifeline.
The TROJAN satellite communication systems provide the Army with a
global network of shared mission-critical intelligence.
Source: SIPRI
#24 Goodrich

ACES II Aircrew Escape System
Goodrich Corporation
Arms sales: $2.2 billion
Total profit: $579 million
Employees: 16,300 people

Goodrich is yet another company to get a piece of the F-35 Lightning
II cake. They work on the fighter aircraft's landing system.
The U.S. Air Force trusts Goodrich with making their ejection seat of
choice, the ACES II. It is most widely used ejection seat today and is
credited with saving more than 600 lives.
#23 DynCorp International

DI personnel unload a propeller to be put on an Army CH-47D Chinook
flikr/Kenny Holston 21
Arms sales: $2.4 billion
Total profit: $9 million
Employees: 23,000 people

DynCorp International provides logistical support to the U.S.
government defense programs.

In Afghanistan, they are engaged in removing and destroying landmines
and light weapons.

They are also involved with supporting air operations and have big
contracts with the Department of Defense to maintain rotary and fixed-
wing aircraft for all U.S. military branches.
Source: SIPRI
#22 Navistar Defense

Arms sales: $2.4 billion
Total profit: $223 million
Employees: 18,700 people

Navistar Defense is all about military-strength trucks and engines.
Their MaxxPro (Maximum Protection) product line includes MRAP (Mine
Resistant Ambush Protection) vehicles used by the U.S. Marine Corps
and the Army. The ambush-protected vehicle has a V-shaped hull to
deflect IED blasts away from the troops inside.
#21 ManTech

ManTech expertise covers ground, airborne and space systems.
flikr/Steve & Jemma Copley
Arms sales: $2.5 billion
Total profit: $125 million
Employees: 10,100 people

ManTech serves the United States government's advanced technological
needs, from maintaining military surveillance systems to detecting
incoming attacks on bases. They're a leading provider of C41SR
The company started off in 1968 by developing the U.S. Navy's war-
gaming models.
#20 Hewlett-Packard

flikr/Becca Taylor
Arms sales: $2.6 billion
Total profit: $8.7 billion
Employees: 324,600 people

They do more than office supplies and printers.
Hewlett-Packard (HP) is the creator of the Navy Marine Corps Intranet
which connects more than 700,000 military and civilian employee
accounts, facilitating secure defense communications.
It's network size is second only to the Internet itself.
#19 Textron

Soldiers loading a OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopter
flikr/Fort Wainwright Public Affairs Office
Arms sales: $2.7 billion
Total profit: $86 million
Employees: 32,000 people

Textron owns a number of successful brands, such as Bell Helicopters,
Cessna Aircraft Company, and Textron Systems, known for drones and
armored vehicles.

They are the makers of the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopter, which the
U.S. Army uses in Afghanistan for armed reconnaissance and light air
combat missions. It replaced the AH-Cobra attack helicopter as a scout
aircraft for air cavalry troops. Two Kiowa Warriors can fit inside a
#18 Rockwell Collins

flikr/The U.S. Army
Arms sales: $2.9 billion
Total profit: $561 million
Employees: 20,000 people

Rockwell Collins focuses on navigation, communications, and aviation
electronics - anything from a helmet-mounted device to a flight deck
display on the colossal C-130 tanker transport aircraft.
As a big customer, the U.S. Army uses the Defense Advanced GPS
Receiver, a handheld navigational device for soldiers in the field.
#17 ATK

5.56mm M855 small caliber ammunition
Arms sales: $2.9 billion
Total profit: $313 million
Employees: 15,000 people

Known as ATK, this defense company is the largest provider of
ammunition to the U.S. military and its allies.
 From the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant in Missouri, ATK can produce
up to 1.4 billion rounds of small-caliber ammunition per year.
The U.S. Navy has chosen ATK to develop their Advanced Anti-Radiation
Guided Missile (AARGM).
#16 URS

U.S. Army aviation personnel are trained at Fort Rucker, Alabama.
flikr/Fort Rucker
Arms sales: $3 billion
Total profit: $288 million
Employees: 47,000 people

URS is a world leader in the disposal of weapons of mass destruction.
They partner with Raytheon (#5) in the Joint, Test, Tactics, and
Training (JT3) program which supports the testing and training for
weapons systems such as the F-35 Lightning we keep mentioning
URS also oversees the U.S. military's Basic Combat Skills Training
Course, and are responsible for training aviators from the Army, Air
Force, NATO and more than 30 other U.S. allies.
You'll be seeing much more of URS around the world, as they're also
behind the design of all future U.S. embassies.
Go here to see photos for #15 thru #1 largest Military Contractors.
#15 KBR

A Blue Angels pilot over Pensacola's Naval Air Station
flikr/Official U.S. Navy Imagery
Arms sales: $3.3 billion
Total profit: $327 million
Employees: 35,000 people
KBR's defense portfolio focuses on base operations support and
maintenance services to military facilities and equipment. The U.S.
Navy had KBR lead recovery and repair efforts after Hurricane Ivan
destroyed parts of Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida, in September
They're also involved in homeland security, providing systems to help
secure borders.
#14 ITT Exelis

ITT technology is used for mission critical communications
ITT Exelis
Arms sales: $4 billion
Total profit: $654 million
Employees: 40,000 people
The corporation's defense branch is called Exelis and is currently
partnered with Boeing in a competition to develop the U.S. military's
Next Generation Jammer (NGJ) array transmitter technology.
The NGJ program aims to give U.S. troops total dominance of the
electronic battlefield with the ability to disable enemy
communications and radars.
The company also develops the Joint Tactical Radio System's Bowman
Waveform, which allows U.S. forces to communicate securely with U.K.
#13 Pratt & Whitney

The F135 engine in all its glory.
Pratt & Whitney
Arms sales: $4 billion
Total profit: Contributed to parent company United Technologies' $4.7
Employees: 35,000 people
Pratt & Whitney produces military engines and is responsible for the
F135 engine in Lockheed Martin's F-35 Lightning II strike fighter
plane, which is slated to be the Allied fighter of the 21st century.
The company also has engines in the F-22 Raptor, the C-17 Globemaster
III, the B-52, and the EA-6B Prowler among other aircrafts. Their
impressive client list includes 27 armed forces around the world.
#12 General Electric

Electronic warfare specialists from the British Armed Forces
Arms sales: $4.3 billion
Total profit: $11.6 billion
Employees: 287,000 people
General Electric makes electronic warfare its business. The company's
defense program is focusing on military communications systems that
meet the modern threat of hacking and network sabotage.
They also design products that protect both military systems and the
people operating them. The IPS5100 can be used in armored vehicles to
give troops 360° situational awareness with the help of panoramic
imagery that can be manipulated by touch screen, joystick and game-
style controller. Operators can "interact" with the imagery and have
eyes on the theatre of operation while staying protected in-vehicle.
#11 Honeywell

Chinook helicopters deliver supplies to frontline troops
flikr/Defence Images
Arms sales: $5.4 billion
Total profit: $2 billion
Employees: 130,000 people
Honeywell's military arm supplies engine parts for anything from the
Abrams M1 Main Battle Tank (General Dynamics) and the CH-47 Chinook
(Boeing) helicopter, to weapons systems designed by other defense
companies that made this list.
Name any U.S. Air Force aircraft, and you will likely find Honeywell
products within its engineering.
Honeywell also comes up with covert solutions for guided weapons when
relying on GPS is out of the question. Bottom line is: they make
military stuff work.
#10 Computer Sciences Corp

CSC supports U.S. Navy aviation simulator training. Navy
Arms sales: $6 billion
Total profit: $759 million
Employees: 91,000 people
With a focus on technology-based solutions, the CSC's aerospace and
defense sector is booming. Among its portfolios, it is responsible for
training and simulation services for the U.S. military.
In January this year, the U.S. Navy awarded CSC a $60 million dollar
task order to instruct naval aviation simulator training programs.
The U.S. Army has previously used CSC for designing battlefield
simulations to help improve survivability by training soldiers and
medics to save lives while under fire.

#9 Oshkosh

Keeping pace with rapidly moving forces.
Oshkosh Defense
Arms sales: $7 billion
Total profit: $790 million
Employees: 12,400 people
Oshkosh Truck's defense branch is responsible for delivering severe-
duty tactical and armored vehicles.
The U.S. Marine Corps recently placed a $94 million dollar order for
more than 200 Oshkosh LVSR (Logistics Vehicle System Replacement)
cargo trucks, the Corps' heavy-payload platform of choice since it
first debuted in Afghanistan in 2009.

SAIC cyber defense services detect and counter e-attacks
Arms sales: $8.2 billion
Total profit: $618 million
Employees: 43,400 people
SAIC's national security sector provides the Department of Defense,
the FBI and other U.S. government civil agencies with engineering
systems and anti-terrorism technologies.
The SAIC Force Protection Suite, an integrated surveillance system, is
used by U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan to decide when and how to respond
to enemy threat.
#7 United Technologies

Black Hawk helicopters serving the U.S. Army in Afghanistan.
Arms sales: $11.4 billion
Total profit: $4.7 billion
Employees: 208,220 people
United Technologies' military services business is most noted for the
UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, manufactured by subsidiary Sikorsky
The corporation also develops technology for aerospace and building
#6 L-3 Communications

SPYDR is an Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) beast.
L-3 Communications
Arms sales: $13 billion
Total profit: $95.5 million
Employees: 63,000 people
The company's C3ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence,
Surveillance and Reconnaissance) solutions are used by all branches of
the U.S. military.
L-3 Communications says their small manned airborne intelligence-
gathering platform, aptly named SPYDR, is the most versatile and
inescapable in the world. It casts a "web" that captures mission-
critical intelligence about its targets and delivers the information
in real time.
#5 Raytheon

Raytheon's guided missile system.
Arms sales: $23 billion
Total profit: $1.9 billion
Employees: 46,900 people
Raytheon's sectors of expertise are missiles and electronics.
Their intelligence and information systems are used by the Missile
Defence Agency, NASA, the Department of Defense and even the United
Kingdom's Border Agency.
#4 General Dynamics

The Abrams M1 Main Battle Tank
Arms sales: $24 billion
Total profit: $2.6 billion
Employees: 90,000 people
General Dynamics produces military vehicles such as the legendary
Abrams M1 Main Battle Tank, as well as ships, munitions, and military-
grade communication systems.
The company has also been awarded an $8 million dollar contract for
work on U.S. Navy nuclear-powered attack submarines.
#3 Northrop Grumann

Crew working inside the E-2C Hawkeye, the "eyes" of the U.S. Navy fleet.
Northrop Grumann
Arms sales: $28 billion
Total profit: $2 billion
Employees: 117,100 people
Northrop Grumann's areas of focus include drones and cyber security in
support of its homeland security solutions.
They also develop CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear
and Explosives) detection systems in place around the U.S. to identify
potential threats.
The corporation recently pledged to further deepen its commitment to
hiring former service members, in partnership with President Obama's
Joining Forces initiative to integrate more veterans into the civilian
#2 Boeing

Air Force One, the most recognized symbol of the U.S. presidency.
Arms sales: $31.4 billion
Total profit: $2.9 billion
Employees: 160,500 people
The military arm of Boeing's business is most known for the Global
Strike military aircraft program.
It supplies the U.S. military and other international forces with the
likes of the AH-64D Apache combat helicopter, drones, missiles like
the A160T Hummingbird, and the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet strike fighter.
The U.S. Air Force favors the F-15E Strike Eagle, which has a perfect
air-to-air combat record so far with more than a hundred victories and
no losses.
#1 Lockheed Martin

The F35-A test fleet stationed at Edwards Air Force Base.
Lockheed Martin
Arms sales: $35.7 billion
Total profit: $2.9 billion
Employees: 132,000 people
Lockheed Martin's main weapons system is the F-35 joint strike
fighter, expected to become one of the world's largest military
aircraft programs.

In expanding their F-35 program, Lockheed Martin opened a
manufacturing facility in Pinellas Park, Florida, to develop parts for
the F-35 Lightning II fighter.
Time Magazine selected a mass murderer as 2012 Person of the Year.

Drone strikes approved by corporate fascist puppet president Barack
kill 49 innocents for every ONE "suspected terrorist" they hit.

When Drones fly children die, and the American Military is as guilty
of mass
murder of children as the shooter at Sandy Hook Elementary.

        Pray to your god for all murdered children


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