Here is part two of Friday's interview with Dennis Kucinich.
Dennis Kucinich: On the Violent Society, and the Culture of Peace
Democracy Now: 12/28/2012
Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio is serving his last week in Congress
after eight terms in office. Since 1997, Kucinich has been a leading
progressive voice on Capitol Hill, known for actions including the bringing
of articles of impeachment against George W. Bush for the invasion and
occupation of Iraq, voting against the USA PATRIOT Act, advocating for
ending the war on drugs, challenging U.S. warfare from Afghanistan to Libya,
and pushing for single-payer healthcare to replace the patchwork, privatized
U.S. system. Kucinich ran for president in 2004 and 2008 with a vow to
create a Department of Peace. "The two-party system itself is failing the
American people," Kucinich says. "We have to look at the culture of violence
that we have in America and ... build a culture of peace.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: While the so-called fiscal cliff has dominated the news
headlines, the Senate is also preparing to vote today to continue a
controversial domestic surveillance program. In a blow to civil liberties
advocates, the Senate rejected three attempts Thursday to add oversight and
privacy safeguards to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

AMY GOODMAN: Dennis Kucinich is still with us, outgoing Democratic
congressmember. This will be his last week in Congress—at least for this
term of his political life. Congressmember Kucinich, the issue of FISA—what
is this bill? What does it mean?

REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: Well, what it reflects is a breakdown in trust in this
country. The attempt is to give the government even more powers to spy, and
that is really being translated into domestic, quote-unquote,
"intelligence," even though it’s called the foreign intelligence bill.

We have to ask questions. You know, why, for example, was—did you have the
Occupy Wall Street movement being spied upon? What is this? What’s going on
in our country, where we don’t have oversight of the activities of the
government when it comes to domestic spying? And what are we doing in
America, where the privacy concerns of Americans are swept aside?

We’re entering into a brave new world, which involves not only the
government apparatus being able to look in massive databases and extract
information to try to profile people who might be considered threats to the
prevailing—to the status quo. But we also are looking at drones, which are
increasingly miniaturized, that will give the governments, at every level,
more of an ability to look into people’s private conduct. This is a
nightmare. And the FISA bill is just one example of how America is going in
a direction that undermines the expectations of not just the right to
privacy, but the right to be free of unreasonable search and seizure, the
demand that any action that’s taken to get information about people should
be subject to a warrant, that it not be subject to just any FBI agent
determining that this is information they want on that person. This is bad

AMY GOODMAN: Congressmember Kucinich, not just what do you say to your
natural opponents, the Republicans in Congress, but to your allies,
Democratic congressmembers, who you almost, in many of these cases, from
drones to FISA, oppose as much as the Republicans? What message do you have
for them as you leave Congress?

REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: Well, actually, you know, we’ve seen a bridge here
created between Democrats and Republicans on the issue of liberty and being
free from the all-seeing eye of Big Brother. Congressman Paul and I worked
together on many of these issues relating to the government seeking
increased powers to surveil the American people. You know, it’s really no
longer a Democrat or Republican issue. It goes much deeper than that. And in
a way, Amy, these debates that we’re having right now in Washington show the
limitations of our two-party system, that the two-party system itself is
failing the American people, that there really aren’t enough choices, of not
just individuals, but of policies reflecting the direction America should go

When we find in a post-9/11 America that we are mired in a condition of
fear; when we see the massive amounts of spending that’s gone for war and
increased military buildups and for expansion of spy agencies like the
Domestic Intelligence Agency, which is just adding another 1,600 spies so
that the Pentagon can have their own spy agency to compete with, what, the
CIA abroad; when you see the interventions that have fallen flat and have
been disastrous, such as Libya and Benghazi; when you see al-Qaeda growing
in strength because of our own misapplication of force, you have to ask, if
this is about Democrat and Republican, this system is failing. And we’re
seeing an evidence of it on fiscally, but we’re seeing another evidence of
it in foreign policy, and we’re seeing an evidence of it domestically, when
you can see a surveillance state arising under the noses of both political

AMY GOODMAN: You talk about your alliance with Ron Paul. Both of you are
leaving. This is your last days in Congress, at least this time. So who are
your successors, who you see in Congress right now, who will carry on these
struggles for privacy, against drones?

REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: Well, you know, I would hope that people who I’ve
worked with in the past, like Barbara Lee, Alan Grayson and others, would
continue the efforts. You know, there are people on both sides of the aisle
who have expressed concerns. You have to remember that we put together a
very powerful coalition in challenging the war in Libya that was a coalition
between Democrats and Republicans, that reflects a new concern about where
is America going. Why are we letting the president or the White House
determine that we should expand war? We don’t even involve Congress anymore.

I think that you’re going to see, you know, a continued effort. The question
is the strength of it. And the question is, as a function of the work of
political parties, why political parties have essentially been outside of
this debate over civil liberties. Why have the parties watched as there’s
skirmishes that go inside Congress that really are not emboldened by the
support of either side of the aisle in some official party structure? That’s
what I’m saying.

You know, as we look towards a new year, we may be looking at two things.
Number one, within each party, you may see more primaries. So, you know, we
may see people decide that instead of being independents, they want to be
party animals and bring the challenge right inside the Republican and
Democratic parties. Or, on the alternative, you may see a third political
wave movement that arises from disgust with the inability of parties to
address the economic aspirations of the American people. So, we’ll see.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Congressman, I’m wondering now, as this is 16 years now in
the House, prior to that as the mayor of Cleveland, any misgivings about
things that you were not able to accomplish, or, in the same way, pride in
things that you were able to accomplish, especially in the House, all these
years that you’ve been seen as the conscience of the House?

REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: Well, I will say that it’s really unfortunate that
the—that the Democratic leadership in the House did not support an
impeachment effort to challenge the Bush administration, and Mr. Bush and
Mr. Cheney, on the lies that took us into war in Iraq. That was a pivotal
moment for this country. And instead of choosing the Constitution, our
leaders chose politics. Bad choice. The fact is that today, after a decade
of war, we are looking at an eventual bill for that Iraq war of $5 trillion.
We’re looking at perhaps as many as a million innocent civilians
perishing—for war that was based on lies. People have to remember this. This
isn’t just because it’s, you know, forget about the past. No, you cannot
forget about the past. We went to war based on lies.

And so, you know, I did my part, which was to alert the Congress back in
October 2002: Look, we’re headed into a war, and there’s no proof that Iraq
has anything to do with 9/11 or had weapons of mass destruction; what are we
doing here? But we were pulled into that by the Bush administration, driven
by neocons and the Project for the New American Century. All of us who were
following it know exactly what happened. And, you know, that set the stage
for where we are today. We’re at the—you know, if there is such a thing as a
fiscal cliff, we’re at the edge of it because of trillions of dollars that
will be spent for wars based on lies. And there was never any

If there’s one thing we have to do, we have—America needs a period of truth
and reconciliation, if we’re ever going to get—put the country back together
again and achieve a level of national unity that we’re capable of. But right
now we’re living on a lie. And the lie is that—that this whole national
security infrastructure is necessary and that it’s necessary for us to keep
expanding war around the world, it’s necessary for us to have these big spy
agencies, which also interact domestically. All of this stuff shouldn’t have
happened. And we made the wrong choices. And this is a problem for both
political parties to resolve. You can always try to fix things, but you have
to look at the severe impact that our inability to act, to challenge the
lies that took us into war—you have to look at where it’s left us.

AMY GOODMAN: Congressmember Kucinich, why is it that it seems like so few
tea party Republicans can control the Republican Party in Congress, and yet
the largest caucus of the Democratic Party in Congress, the Progressive
Caucus, has so little effect or say?

REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: Well, I think, first of all, for those who are doing
the daily work inside the Progressive Caucus, they should be appreciated.
Raúl Grijalva and Congressman Ellison, you know, they’ve done a decent job
of keeping a progressive agenda out front. However, you know, some members
will choose affiliation with the Progressive Caucus as kind of a social
function more than a political function. So the membership of the caucus
belies the fact that once Democrats are voting on the floor of the House,
you know, it doesn’t matter what caucuses they’re involved in. It’s like a
social thing. What matters is they’re responding to the aspirations of
their—of their constituents.

And that’s why—you know, I go back to what I said a moment ago. You know, it
may be that instead of people going outside the party and saying, you know,
"A curse on both your houses," that you come—that we get people coming back
inside the party and start to bring primary challenges forward on both sides
of the aisle to shake up the political equation so that parties really do
reflect a little bit more of the involvement and the aspirations of people
at a local level. I mean, the tea party knew what they were out to do. But
the Democratic Party hasn’t shown the same kind of discipline or willingness
to take a stand on some of these basic issues that ought to describe who we
are, like Social Security, like single-payer healthcare, like keeping people
in their homes, like a full-employment economy, like ending the military
buildups and the war machine. I mean, you know, there’s still plenty of room
for us within the party to negotiate that, if people feel there’s still a
chance to do that.

AMY GOODMAN: Congressmember Kucinich, very quickly, news just in of another
shooting, this in Camden County, New Jersey, three police officers shot. It
looks like there are no deaths at this point. The shooting happened around
5:45 this morning, Eastern time. The power of the NRA? And also, do you see
yourself getting involved with third-party politics; as you leave, what your
plans are?

REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: You know, I’d love to be involved in two-party
politics, but we don’t really have that right now.

I think that this ubiquity, ubiquitousness of violence in our society isn’t
just about guns. We have to look at the culture of violence that we have in
America and deal with it in a way that isn’t about beating ourselves up, but
we have to look at the spectrum of violence—domestic violence, spousal
abuse, child abuse, violence in the school, gang violence, gun violence,
racial violence, violence against gays, and the police community challenges
that come up. And in doing that, that’s why I called for, years ago, a
Department of Peace, not to simply create another federal department, but to
have an organized approach nationally to deal with the violence in a
society, to help families deal with the tensions that they have at home, to
deal with some of the fundamental attitudes people have, boys might have
about girls, and, you know, through education. We need to take a new

And frankly, you know, we can get rid of all guns; we’re still going to have
violence. Now, I have never supported the NRA. I probably have, you know, a
zero rating with them. But the fact of the matter is that we have to take a
much broader view. Again, the debate is too narrow here. It’s—we need to
look at the cultural issues, that are real. And when you talk about gun
control here in America, and at the same time you’re talking about gun
expansion across the world, about not only the United States exporting arms
to the world and engendering wars everywhere, but our own efforts
proliferating wars, that’s kind of a mixed message that inevitably is not
easily reconciled.

So we need to build a culture of peace in America. Is it possible? Of course
it is. You know, violence is a learned response. So is nonviolence. And so,
through education and through creating a social health safety net, I think
that we can meet the challenge. And that’s one of the things I’m certainly
going to be involved in as I leave the Congress, to try to broaden the
debate, to look at this in a way that’s compassionate and at the same time
not blaming ourselves, but recognizing that we have a culture that is very
violent and that affects Americans at every level. And if we address that in
a systematic way through an organized approach, using the resources and
assets of government at all levels, I think that we could find a way to
change from where we are today with this dismal record of one shooting after
another and all the, you know, innocent people and public servants
constantly being under attack.

AMY GOODMAN: Congressmember Kucinich, we want thank you very much for being
with us. Dennis Kucinich, eight-term congressmember from Ohio, serving his
last week as a member of Congress. We will look forward to talking to you in
your new capacity, whatever that will be.


AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!,, The War and Peace
Report. When we come back, we look at the Wilmington 10. Why are so many
calling on the North Carolina governor to pardon them. We urge you to
listen. Stay with us.


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