As Obama Prepares for 2nd Term, Tavis Smiley Urges Him to Take Up MLK’s
Fight Against Poverty

Tavis Smiley
Democracy Now: 1/17/2013

Ahead of Monday’s public inauguration that will usher in President Obama’s
second term, we turn to a call for him to put the more than 50 million
Americans living in poverty at the top of his agenda. The issue has garnered
attention in part because Obama will take the oath of office with his hand
placed on two Bibles — one owned by Abraham Lincoln and the other by Martin
Luther King Jr., known for his civil rights and anti-poverty activism. We’re
joined by broadcaster and author Tavis Smiley, who has spent the past year
crisscrossing the country with activist and professor Cornel West to start a
national conversation on the issue of poverty, calling on President Obama to
organize a White House Conference on the Eradication of Poverty in America.
Smiley will be in Washington, D.C., tonight moderating a nationally
televised symposium, "Vision for a New America: A Future Without Poverty."
[includes rush transcript]


Tavis  <> Smiley,
broadcaster, philanthropist and New York Times best-selling author. He hosts
the TV show Tavis Smiley on PBS and two radio shows: The Tavis Smiley Show
and Smiley & West, which he hosts with Cornel West. Together, they have
written the book The Rich and the Rest of Us: A Poverty Manifesto. Tonight
he is moderating a nationally televised symposium, "Vision for a New
America: A Future Without Poverty." The event starts at 6:30 p.m. Eastern
and will be broadcast live on C-SPAN, as well as online.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: This Monday marks the public inauguration that will usher in
President Obama’s second term, and we turn now to the call for him to put
more than 50 million Americans living in poverty at the top of his agenda.
The issue has garnered attention in part because Obama will take the oath of
office with his hand placed on two Bibles—one owned by Abraham Lincoln and
the other owned by Martin Luther King Jr., known for his civil rights and
anti-poverty activism. The inauguration also comes on January 21st, the
federal holiday in honor of the civil rights leader, who delivered his "I
Have a Dream" speech 50 years ago at the Lincoln Memorial. Obama will face
the memorial as he takes the oath. He has addressed the issue of Martin
Luther King and poverty before, in 2011, when he spoke at the dedication of
the Martin Luther King Monument at the National Mall.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Nearly 50 years after the March on Washington, our
work, Dr. King’s work, is not yet complete. We gather here at a moment of
great challenge and great change. In the first decade of this new century,
we have been tested by war and by tragedy, by an economic crisis and its
aftermath that has left millions out of work and poverty on the rise and
millions more just struggling to get by. Indeed, even before this crisis
struck, we had endured a decade of rising inequality and stagnant wages. In
too many troubled neighborhoods across the country, the conditions of our
poorest citizens appear little changed from what existed 50 years ago,
neighborhoods with underfunded schools and broken-down slums, inadequate
healthcare, constant violence, neighborhoods in which too many young people
grow up with little hope and few prospects for the future.

AMY GOODMAN: President Obama speaking in 2011 at the dedication of the
Martin Luther King Monument on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

Well, journalist, author Tavis Smiley has spent the last year crisscrossing
the country with activist, professor, preacher, Cornel West, to start a
national conversation on poverty, which they address in their book, The Rich
and the Rest of Us: A Poverty Manifesto. They’ve called on President Obama
to organize a White House Conference on the Eradication of Poverty in
America. And tonight Tavis will be in the nation’s capital moderating a
nationally televised symposium called "Vision for a New America: A Future
Without Poverty." The event begins a 6:30 p.m. Eastern time and will be
broadcast live on C-SPAN at George Washington University. Tavis Smiley joins
us now from Washington.

Tavis, welcome back to Democracy Now! Talk about what you’re doing and what
you want President Obama to do, to convene.

TAVIS SMILEY: Thank you, Amy and Juan, for having me back on, and Dr. West
sends his regards.

First of all, let me just say very quickly, with regard to the King Bible
being used in this inauguration, I’m feeling ambivalent about that, in part
because I always—I have always regarded Dr. King as the greatest American
this country has ever produced. And any celebration, any honor of Dr. King
that keeps his legacy at the center of the conversation is important. But
I’m feeling some sort of way about this because at a moment where this
country is using more drones than ever before, oftentimes killing innocent
women and children, at a moment when this country continues to render poor
people invisible, at a moment when this country continues to escalate
militarily, all the things that concerned Dr. King, those—that triple
threat, those three evils that King talked about, are more out of control
now than ever before. And so it’s one thing to engage in the symbolism of
placing our hand on his Bible; it’s quite another to get down to the real
work of—the substantive work that King would want us to be doing, were he
here now—so that on Monday, President Obama will be in the foreground, but
Dr. King clearly stands and looms large in the background, as the backdrop,
if you will.

And so, I think the question that we have to ask ourselves now is the same
question Dr. King asked when he was alive. "Life’s most persistent and
urgent question," said King, "is: What are you doing for others?" "Life’s
most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?" And
so, if we can’t make the world safe for his legacy by making poverty, the
eradication of poverty a priority, then something is wrong with our
commitment, our commitment to King’s legacy. And so, tonight we’re going to
continue to do our small part to try to make poverty and its eradication a
priority in the nation, here at George Washington University.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And, Tavis, the past few months, all this emphasis in the
media and in Congress on the fiscal cliff, but the little talk about the
growing nature—the spread of poverty in America and how the reduction of
many of these, quote, "entitlement programs" will lead to even greater

TAVIS SMILEY: Yeah. The president has been given high marks, as you know, by
his supporters and by others, and the media certainly has declared him the
winner in these January fiscal cliff negotiations. But, of course, you and
Amy both know that we won’t really know how good this deal was in January
until we get to March, when we get to the debt ceiling conversation and when
these entitlement cuts are on the table. I’ve said many times before that
budgets are moral documents. Budgets are moral documents. And when we get to
this kind of debate in March about these entitlement cuts, then we’re going
to see how good this deal in January allegedly was.

But something is wrong when your economic policy has you teetering on cliffs
and bumping up against ceilings. That’s no way to run a country. It’s
certainly no way to prioritize poverty. The bottom line is that President
Obama ought to do two things, and he ought to do them quickly. Number one,
he ought to give a major public policy address on the eradication of
poverty. Here’s a guy who starts out as a community organizer, who speaks
eloquently of Dr. King, who has a bust of Dr. King in the White House Oval
Office, has—will be inaugurated on King’s holiday. What are we going to do
about pushing our president to give a major public policy address on the
eradication of poverty, number one? And number two, then to call and convene
a White House Conference on the Eradication of Poverty, bring the experts
together and create a national plan that can cut poverty in half in 10 years
and eradicate it in 25. So, first, a major public policy address, and
secondly, convening this conference to put together a national plan. We’re
going to talk about that tonight and ask the public to help us engage the
president on this issue by going to our website,
<> , and signing the letter that we’re
pushing out to the White House asking the president to do those very two

AMY GOODMAN: Tavis, yesterday President Obama convened a large gathering.
Many of the people there were victims, the Newtown, Connecticut, mass
killings that took place. Survivors were there, as well as other mass
killings. President Obama had Joe Biden, the vice president, convene a
commission to look at what should happen around the issue of gun violence,
and they came out with their recommendations yesterday. Do you see this as a
model for what you want to happen around poverty?

TAVIS SMILEY: Absolutely. And it ought to be clear, there’s a lot on the
president’s plate. That’s what it means to be president, to try to manage
the richest nation in the world, that ought not to have more and more people
falling into poverty, a nation that ought not buy the argument that just
because you want sensible gun control legislation, that somehow the Second
Amendment is under attack. There’s a huge gap between repealing the Second
Amendment and sensible gun laws. So I’m glad to see the president take this
issue on, but it is the case that in his first term he received an F from
the Brady Campaign on gun control legislation, an F. So, I think that we’re
seeing now that he’s going to improve his grade on that, if he stiffens his
spine and stands firm on these executive actions and, moreover and more
importantly, the fight that he’s going to have to engage with Congress. So
I’m glad to see him taking these steps.

Having said that, look what it took to get here. I mean, look at all these
mass—I mean, the fact that those victims were there at the White House for
this announcement speaks to the fact, Amy, that we’ve allowed this to go on
and on and on, and only when the most innocent and precious children in our
nation are shot down do we finally get the backbone to take these issues
seriously. And that’s my point, that I don’t know what else has to happen
for us to recognize that poverty is threatening our very democracy, that
poverty is now a matter of national security. And when you tackle poverty,
you deal with these other issues that are tentacles of poverty—a horrible
education system and lack of housing and lack of good jobs with a living
wage, etc., etc. So, poverty ought to be something, I think, that the
president can wrap his legacy around, if he wants to have a legacy of which
he and we can be proud.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Tavis, I’m wondering if your campaign, as you’ve been going
around the country, whether you feel it’s had any impact on corporate
leaders in America? Thirty years ago, the biggest private employer in
America was General Motors, and every worker had a union job, a pension and
a middle-class situation. Now the biggest employer is Wal-Mart, private
employer, and most of their workers are in poverty themselves because of the
low wages and the lack of benefits. Your sense that your campaign is having
any impact on corporate leaders?

TAVIS SMILEY: Well, corporate America is hard to crack. I will say this: You
know, we—you know, people go hard at Wal-Mart, and I believe that companies
ought to be respectful of the health of their employees and the equity pay
of their employees, etc., but this announcement they made about hiring these
military veterans, given the work that you cover here on The War and Peace
Report, I think is significant. And so, the point here is that corporations
can lead. Corporations can advance the conversation. For example, you know,
in this country, as the Supreme Court continues every so often to file these
affirmative action cases, it has been the case that oftentimes corporate
America has led the government when it comes to trying to address the issue
of affirmative action. So, that’s not always the case.

So I don’t know what impact we’re going to have or have had already. What I
do know is that this president and all of our leaders in Washington
typically don’t tend to do much unless they get pushed. And now is the time
for us to push all of our leaders on the issue of poverty and ask the
president to provide some leadership on this. There is a link between gun
violence and poverty. The younger you are, the more likely you are to be
poor; the poorer you are, the more likely you are to be subject to random
gun violence. And when we have a conversation about Sandy Hook, we have to
also remember that black and brown kids are gunned down in this country
every day, and nobody says anything.

AMY GOODMAN: Tavis, as we wrap up, what you’re doing tonight at George
Washington University, and then the tour you’re taking afterwards?

TAVIS SMILEY: Yeah, so tonight, George Washington Univesity, doors open at
5:00, if you’re in the D.C. area. We go live on C-SPAN tonight at 6:30 for a
spirited debate—Cornel West and Jeffrey Sachs and Jonathan Kozol, but also
Newt Gingrich and others. So it’s going to be a spirited debate about how we
make poverty a priority. That’s tonight.

And then we’re starting our tour tomorrow night at Butler University in
Indianapolis, going to colleges and universities for the next week or two,
trying to get young people engaged on this very issue of making poverty a
priority in the nation.
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AMY GOODMAN: Tavis Smiley, I want to thank you for being with us, a
television/radio broadcaster on public television and radio, New York Times
best-selling author. Tonight at George Washington University, a summit on

That does it for our show. On Monday, we’ll be broadcasting live from the
capital on Martin Luther King Day and the inauguration. We’ll be
broadcasting from 8:00 Eastern Standard Time, our regular start time for
Democracy Now!, right through 1:00, broadcasting the inaugural ceremonies
and bringing in different voices from all over this country. Check out


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