People’s action is needed to halt the outrageous murderedaerial bombardment of 
viruses the government along with Lab corporations isspraying over us in our 
skies. Hundreds if not millions of people are getting flues,cold and other 
respiratory deceases specially during cold temperatures ignoringthat almost the 
99% of its causes   come from those planes  flying high in our beautiful blue 
skiesleaving behind a condensed white fume full viruses and bacteria 
affectingmostly the weakest  
When you see the skies full of white aerial fumes goto the drug stores and see 
cold medicines displayed in all over the counters,what a way of making money! 
 Please, readthis whole article published by DAVEMIHALOVIC.

My advice for now: hot soups, Vitamin D, and  massive street protests.    OM    


Flu Season Exposed As a Fabrication and Plot By Governments, Deliberately 
Causing Illness To Promote Vaccinations
December 12, 2012

A compilation of research is exposing the entire flu season as one big scam 
perpetrated by national and international governments. The highest levels of 
conspirators orchestrate mass media campaigns while deliberately causing 
illness through national aerial spraying and inoculation schedules. Ironically, 
the goal is to promote intense influenza vaccination programs causing a 
perpetual cycle of illness timed every year when populations have the lowest 
vitamin D levels and consequently decreased resistance to infection.

Aerial Spraying and Geoengineering: Manmade Pollution for the Environment and 
Human Body
The use of aerial viral strains and nano delivery systems are now being 
utilized and fully implemented by governments with little regard or consequence 
to human health. Goverments are now finally admitting that geoengineering is a 
reality and have stated that despite any detrimental effects to our health, 
will continue these operations indefinitely.
They've been called chemtrails, aerial spraying, aerosol emissions, cirrus 
clouds, among many other terms. The largest reports come from Canada and U.S. 
but it happens all over the world including countries such as France, Germany, 
New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom among many others. If you live in 
these countries, just look above you as you'll see them at some point 
throughout day or week. Often these jets leave just a thick wisp of a trail or 
they leave a long line of dashed trails and crossed patterns across the entire 

The use of aerial manned and unmanned vehicles for the aerial spraying under 
State and Federal mandates for vector control began under the Geneva Act for 
Chemical and Biological Weapons in 1949. Over the years since its inception 
many amendments to this act and US parallel acts such as the Patriot Act of 
2001, Space Preservation Act of 2001 and Weather Modification Research and 
Technology Act of 2005 have included the following implementations under 
terrorist and riot control for aerial spraying of the mass population in 
selective city locations:
- Weather Modification.
- Vector Control (insects, virus, and other similar vectors).
- Mass Inoculations of the Public.
Aerial spraying of the crystals via chemtrails was deployed on Chinese and 
Korean populations during the Korean War. Many veterans of the war later 
developed Multiple Sclerosis. The army recognized that the MS was 
Brucella-related and paid the veterans compensation. Although the Brucella 
micoplasma can lay dormant for decades, it can be triggered by vaccines. 
Vaccines have been mandatory in the US military since 1911.
Besides MS, this bacterium has been linked to a variety of diseases including; 
AIDS, cancer, diabetes, Parkinsons, Alzheimers and arthritis. In 2000, Dr. 
Charles Engel of the National Institute of Health stated that the brucella 
mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic fatigue syndrome and 
fibromyalgia as well.
In addition to the aerosol vector, mosquitoes were heavily tested as pathogen 
dispersal agents. In the 1950s, the Dominion Parasite Laboratory in Belleville, 
Canada was raising 100 million mosquitoes per month. They were then shipped to 
Queens University in Kingston and other facilities where they were infected 
with the crystalline disease agent.
Dr. Maurice Hilleman, Merck's current chief virologist, stated recently that 
the Brucella pathogen is now carried by everyone in North America and possibly 
the world.
Aerial viral strains are also directed towards animals by the use of plastic 
packets dropped by planes or helicopters. Sanofi (who is one of the largest 
vaccine manufacturers in the world) has subsidiary companies such as Merial 
Limited who manufacture Raboral, an oral live-virus poisonous to humans yet 
distributed wildlife in the masses. "In the United States, more than 12 million 
doses of RABORAL V-RG vaccine are used each year. Since the first use of 
RABORAL V-RG in the late 1980's, more than 100 million doses have been 
distributed around the world." At the beginning of the year, a KVUE news 
reportindicated that the Texas Department of State Health Services would 
initiate an aerial vaccine drop of 1.8 million doses in January alone. Raboral 
V-RG is a poison because according to the material safety data sheet its 
ingestion, parenteral inoculation, droplet or aerosol exposure to mucous 
membranes or on broken skin is considered a health hazard exposed to infectious 
fluids or tissues.
In 1987, controversy over the potentially detrimental effects of such 
activities on both the environment and human health led to 'Environmental 
Modification' (En Mod) weaponry being banned under the auspices of “The UN 
Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of 
Environmental Modification Techniques”. This ban was never fully enforced. 
However, interest in En Mod soon gained prominence when global warming warnings 
and accompanying environmental stress issues attracted global scientific 
Most countries permit open air testing of chemical and biological weapons, 
which override any civil law. “The Secretary of Defense may conduct tests and 
experiments involving the use of chemical and biological agents on civilian 
populations.” It seems that ‘national security’ concerns can be used by the 
President to overrule environmental and public health considerations.
One chemical known to be aerosolized in higher concentrations are barium salts. 
The following news report investigated chemtrail fallout. Mark Ryan, Director 
of a Poison Control Center in Louisiana also addressed concerns by chemtrail 
researchers on how exposure to barium can lead to immune suppression.
"Soluble barium salts are highly toxic to humans," said Dr. Michael LaManna. 
"Even moderate exposure could certainly bombard the immune system and prevent 
an adequate response to foreign invaders." LaManna emphasized that any kind of 
immunotoxicity can interfere with the body's ability to fend off cytokine 
cascades from acute phase responses which can then lead to cytokine storms. The 
exact mechanism is explained here. A cytokine storm can kill a person in less 
than three days.
Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) was used in past anti-knock gasoline mixtures, 
particularly in aviation fuel. Many attempts have been made in literature to 
discredit claims that EDB is still being used in aviation since it was 
supposedly banned by international treaties more than 20 years ago. However, 
according to the WHO, it is still used still used in large amounts for many 
industrial purposes in industrialized countries and still used as a petrol 
additive in some countries and pesticide/fumigant for soils, grains and fruits. 
It can still be used for any military application as required.
Epidemiological studies of occupationally exposed workers show that exposure to 
EDB can cause pneumonia following damage to the lungs. Strong and consistent 
evidence from animal studies supports the conclusion that it is a human 
carcinogen. EDB has also been found to disrupt hormonal and adrenal functions.
"Disruptions in adrenal function are a particular concern for the immune 
system," said endocrinologist Dr. William Goel. He explained that any 
disruption in the responsiveness of adrenals could directly affect cortisol 
levels, which could then affect the body's ability to deal with cytokines.
Two Congressional investigations and recently declassified British defense 
documents detail 50 years of "open air" testing that used ships and 
spray-equipped aircraft to spread biological warfare simulants on hundreds of 
cities across the U.S., Canada and the U.K.
Tests done in 1998 and 1999 by government-licensed laboratories on cobweb-like 
filaments, gel-like material and a red powder dropped over porches, power lines 
and patrol cars in Washington state, California, Oklahoma, Idaho, Michigan, 
Espanola and Pennsylvania have identified various pathogens, including bacilli 
and toxic molds capable of producing acute upper respiratory and 
gastrointestinal distress.
Chemicals in the chemtrails may assist the viral envelope to fuse with lung 
cells, guaranteeing ease of penetration and infection. People will pass along 
the flu to others and then exponentially spread illness. This causes public 
officials to demand more flu shots for the population, thus accelerating the 
cycle. Persons not so inoculated are blamed for spreading the disease, however 
it is often the most vaccinated who are immune compromised, contract the flu 
and spread it the most.
High Volume Aerial Operations Take Place In The Winter To Maximize The Spread 
of Influenza
The reasons aerial spraying operations increase in the winter is due to longer 
exposure periods for viruses to linger in the air. The combination between 
lower vitamin D levels due to lack of sun exposure, increased chemical toxicity 
between chemtrails operations and vaccine programs, as well as a more effective 
climate to host viruses creates the perfect cocktail of events for the spread 
if viruses.
Cold, low humidity air dries out the nasal passages and makes virus 
transmission more likely. This contradicts the long-held view that the flu only 
spreads because of the immune system being less active during the winter. This 
is only one of many reasons.
Some researchers have found that in winter, even the flu virus wears a coat, 
and it's a coat that helps the virus spread through the air. Tinkering with 
that coat might disarm the flu virus.
"Like an M&M in your mouth, the protective covering melts when it enters the 
respiratory tract," Joshua Zimmerberg, PhD, chief of the cellular and molecular 
biophysics lab at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 
(NICHD) says in a news release. "It's only in this liquid phase that the virus 
is capable of entering a cell to infect it."
In warmer temperatures, that coating doesn't form. So it's harder for the 
influenza virus to spread through warm air.
Virologist doctor Peter Palese has been studying the effects of heat and cold 
on the flu virus. He found that at higher temperatures, the flu virus didn’t 
“The virus is probably more stable in cold temperature, so it hangs in the air 
much longer,” Dr. Palese told Ivanhoe.
Cold allows the virus to spread easier. Here’s how -- when we cough or sneeze, 
microscopic droplets of water and the virus enter the air. Dry, cold conditions 
dry out the droplets, helping the virus linger in the air. The dry air also 
dries out nasal passages, which helps the virus stick.
“Cold dry air going over your nasal mucosa gets cracks in our airways and that 
allows virus to get in more easily,” Anice Lowen, researcher at Mt. Sinai 
School of Medicine told Ivanhoe.
1918: The Birth of Mass Marketing Vaccines
The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic arrived in the wake of World War I, with many 
populations depleted from several years of war and related economic stress.
Evidence vaccinations caused the Spanish killer flu of 1918 including belief of 
Dr. Jerry Tennant that the widespread use of aspirin during the winter that 
followed the end of World War I could have been a key factor contributing to 
the earlier pandemic by suppressing the immune system and lowering body 
temperatures, allowing the flu virus to multiply. Tamiflu and Relenza also 
lower body temperatures, and therefore can also be expected to contribute to 
the spread of a pandemic. Both the CDC and WHO recommend Tamiflu despite the 
proof that it does not prevent pneumonia or the flu.
The deadly 1918 Influenza Pandemic was the direct result of 
live-virus-contaminated Typhus Fever Vaccines mandatorily given to U.S. and 
Allied military personnel during World War I. These deadly typhus fever 
vaccines were manufactured by John D. Rockefeller's research labs and Chinese 
pharma factories. The vaccine "seed stock" consisted of viruses harvested from 
human typhoid fever patients, cross-injected into swine herds to create 
increased "seed stock", and then injected into chicken and turkey eggs for 
further incubation of the pathogens. The final, harvested "vaccine material" 
then was injected into hundreds of millions of human veins. The result was a 
massive 'pandemic' that claimed the lives of as many as 50 million people 
The two strains of the H1N1 influenza virus responsible for both the 1918 and 
2009 global flu pandemics did not cause disease in birds. The results of the 
study, published in the 2010 February issue of the Journal of General Virology, 
also showed it is unlikely that birds played a role in the spread of the H1N1 
virus in these pandemics.
Scientists from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's National Centre for 
Foreign Animal Disease (NCFAD) in Winnipeg, Canada, together with collaborators 
in the USA, injected the 2009 and 1918 H1N1 virus strains individually into 
chickens. None developed flu symptoms or showed any signs of tissue damage up 
to18 days later, although about half the chickens developed antibodies against 
the 1918 H1N1 virus showing limited infection. The 1918 H1N1 virus also did not 
cause disease in ducks. The origin of the 1918 H1N1 virus was manmade and 
despite its genetic similarity to avian influenzas, the results of this study 
show it is unlikely to have jumped the species barrier from chickens to humans.
In the last few decades alone, marketing tactics have become more aggressive 
for vaccines and public health officials spend millions to ensure the people 
are receiving their dose of neurolingustic programming, one of the easiest and 
most widespread methods of persuasion accomplished through specific tactics on 
radio, television, advertisements and educational institutions.
Every year, influenza vaccine campaigns begin in September and go strong well 
into the new year. This year's campaign to have children and adults get their 
flu shots got an extra boost from some of theCDC's first encounters with social 
A recent study conducted by a research team at Bristol University’s Intelligent 
Systems Laboratory in the UK found that social media websites are tracking flu 
outbreaks region to region and using this as a platform to promote flu vaccines.
As cold-and-flu season approaches, retailers use coupons and other promotional 
tools to encourage shoppers to get flu shots.
Some states even ask their citizens to bring guns to the police department and 
in return, the city will offer free flu shots.
The Department of Health and Human Services routinely uses propaganda pieces 
that encourages vaccinations for children.
Behind the scenes, hiding under their credentials and publications, 
biostatisticians have been a driving force behind the promotion of mass 
vaccination campaigns. Most of what they term "statistically significant 
studies" are little more than a great imagination based on junk science.
Vaccines Cause More Disease and Death Than The Actual Diseases They're Trying 
To Prevent
I recently wrote on how every single vaccine is now being exposed for the lack 
of demonstrated evidence to actually prevent a single case of disease over a 
Most people fail to realize all vaccines carry a list of ingredients that 
typically increase human disease and death (i.e., morbidity and mortality). 
These include toxic elements and chemicals such as mercury, aluminum, 
formaldehyde and formalin (used to preserve corpses), MSG, foreign genetic 
material, and risky proteins from various species of bacteria, viruses, and 
animals that have been scientifically associated with triggering autoimmune 
disorders and certain cancers.
A growing body of scientific evidence strongly suggests vaccines are largely 
responsible for increasing cases of autism and other learning disabilities, 
chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Lupus, MS, ALS, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, 
hay fever, allergies, chronic draining ear infections, type 1 autoimmune 
diabetes, and many, many more pandemics.
Note that for every single vaccine, the carcinogenic or mutagenic potential is 
never evaluated, or is the impairment of fertility. This means that none of the 
carcinogenic excipients (inside every vaccine) are ever studied and their 
effects on the human body are unknown. This declaration also indicates that 
there is no responsible authority that can state to a parent, that their son or 
daughter will not become infertile as a consequence of receiving the influenza 
Another remarkable fact is that although all pregnant women are encouraged to 
receive the flu vaccine by health and medical authorities, the safety and 
effectiveness for pregnant women or nursing mothers has also not been 
established. Perhaps this is why studies show many spontaneous abortions and 
stillbirths after pregnant women are vaccinated.
These chronic ailments are said to require long-term medical care for the 
patients’ management causing toxic side effects resulting in America’s leading 
killer -- iatrogenic disease. That is, vaccines and other pharmaceutical 
industry inventions are literally killing or disabling millions with little 
effort on the part of government officials and their drug industry cohorts to 
arrest this scourge.
Vaccines are causing an unprecedented number of mutations creating superbugs 
and potent viruses and bacteria that may eventually threaten future generations 
and humanity itself. Evidence continues to mount from the scientific community 
who now admit that certain vaccines are in-fact causing both viral and 
bacterial mutations.
Life-threatening pathogens are capable of evolving rapidly and developing 
genetic decoys that serve to disguise them from even the most powerful drugs. 
University of Oxford researcher Rory Bowden found that pathogens switch genetic 
material with other bacteria, but predominantly for the part of the genome 
responsible for making the cell coating, which is the area targeted by vaccines.
Former post-doctoral researcher of the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics, 
Grainne Long found that vaccination led to a 40-fold enhancement of B. 
parapertussis colonization in the lungs. His data suggested that the vaccine 
may be contributing to the observed rise in whooping cough incidence over the 
last decade by promoting B. parapertussis infection.
The creation of deadly new variants is only possible because vaccines contain 
live viruses, even though they are weakened forms, said Joanne Devlin, a lead 
author of a paper published in the journal Science.
Different strains of influenza cause disease in humans and each type of virus 
is adapted to cause infection in its host. All cause similar respiratory 
symptoms. If flu viruses are passed back and forth between hosts and human 
contact through vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, the mixing can lead to 
development of novel strains. As they have not encountered the virus before, 
the human population has little or no immunity to a novel strain which can 
easily cause infection and spread from person to person.
Vaccines used to prevent respiratory disease in animals have been known to swap 
genes, producing lethal new strains that have killed tens of thousands of fowl 
across Australia.
Vaccinations reduce our immunity in many important ways:
1) Vaccines contain many chemicals and heavy metals, like mercury and aluminum, 
which are in-themselves immuno-suppressing. Mercury actually causes changes in 
the lymphocyte activity and decreases lymphocyte viability.
2) Vaccines contain foreign tissues and foreign DNA/RNA which act to suppress 
the immune system via graft-vs-host rejection phenomena.
3) Vaccines alter our t-cell helper/suppressor ratios ... just like those seen 
with AIDS. This ratio is a key indicator of a proper functioning immune system.
4) Vaccines alter the metabolic activity of PMNs and reduce their chemotaxic 
abilities. PMNs are our body’s defenses against pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
5) Vaccines suppress our immunity merely buy over-taxing our immune system with 
foreign material, heavy metals, pathogens and viruses. The heavy metals slow 
down our immune system, while the viruses set up shop to grow and divide. It is 
like being chained and handcuffed before swimming.
6) Vaccines clog our lymphatic system and lymph nodes with large protein 
molecules which have not been adequately broken down by our digestive 
processes, since vaccines by pass digestion with injections. This is why 
vaccines are linked to allergies, because they contain large proteins which as 
circulating immune complexes (CICs) or "klinkers" which cause our body to 
become allergic.
7) Vaccines deplete our body of vital immune-enhancing nutrients, like vitamin 
C, A and zinc, which are needed for a strong immune system. It is nutrients 
like these that primes our immune system, feeds the white blood cells and 
macrophages and allows them to function optimally.
8) Vaccines are neurotoxic and slow the level of nervous transmission, and 
communications to the brain and other tissues. Now we know that some 
lymphocytes communicate directly with the brain through a complex set of 
neurotransmitters. Altering these factors will also depress our immunity.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Deception, Lies and 
Few of us can forget about the orchestrated junk science and contradictions 
that dominated the World Health Organization's (WHO) pandemic statements and 
policies in 2009, however the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) held their own 
during this flu hoax.
The CDC has been caught contradicting itself on the actual number of yearly 
deaths caused by influenza. For years, the CDC has been citing an annual 
estimate of 36,000 deaths from flu. That figure has been used to justify 
mandatory flu vaccination for children and has been parroted the world over by 
news organizations that never question its validity. In 2010, the CDC released 
new figures: rather than 36,000, the three-decade average is actually 23,607 
deaths, a full one-third fewer people than previously cited. Even those figures 
were eventually exposed as fabricated and false.
The CDC has always used a mathematical estimate based on an assumption that if 
a death certificate had “respiratory or circulatory disease” listed as a cause 
of death, then it should be counted as a “flu-related” death! The Journal of 
American Physicians and Surgeons has been highly critical of the CDC’s 
A closer examination of the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) 
figures shows that in 2001, there were only 257 deaths directly attributable to 
flu, and in only eighteen cases was the flu virus positively identified. 
Between 1979 and 2002, NCHS data show an average of 1,348 actual flu deaths per 
year--a mere 5.7% of the “new and improved” estimate.
The article, published in the British Medical Journal, concludes that “If flu 
is in fact not a major cause of death, [the government’s] public relations 
approach is surely exaggerated. Moreover, by arbitrarily linking flu with 
pneumonia and other lung diseases, current data are statistically biased. Until 
corrected and until unbiased statistics are developed, the chances for sound 
discussion and public health policy are limited.”
The use of the CDC as a front line operation to deceive the U.S. populace has 
been instrumental in communicating the flu hype. Tom Skinner, spokesman for the 
CDC stated "we're going to continue to stress that the vaccine is the most 
important thing that parents can do to protect their children."
The CDC states that the vaccine viruses need to be an exact match of the 
viruses in circulation to be effective. It is virtually impossible for these 
manufacturers to produce and deliver these vaccines in the timeline they 
propose to match the exact viruses in circulation. It typically takes several 
years from the point of initial vaccine and preclinical development to human 
trials to marketplace, a process which the manufacturers claim is being done in 
months. It is all a lie.
Before a vaccine enters human testing, the developer conducts laboratory (in 
vitro) and laboratory animal (in vivo) testing to determine whether the product 
will be safe enough for researchers to proceed to clinical trials. If a flu 
vaccine were to follow the standard development procedures, by the time it 
would actually enter the marketplace it would be useless, since the strain it 
was testing against during clinical development has now changed. This is the 
nature of vaccine development versus flu viruses and something the WHO, CDC and 
vaccine industrial complex will never admit to.
Flu vaccines are never tested in humans before they are produced to scale. It 
doesn't matter what type of flu vaccine it is--it is categorically impossible 
to test a flu vaccine before it is mass produced on the scale that flu vaccines 
are manufactured today.
Moreover, they estimate the probable strains meaning that 100 percent of 
influenza vaccines are a crap shoot in terms of effectiveness for any given 
With more than 200 viruses known to cause influenza-like illness (ILI), a 
person can get a flu shot and still become sick with what is described as “the 
flu”. According to CDC data, in the past 11 years, 86% of all influenza-type 
illnesses were NOT caused by the influenza virus, thus influenza viruses are 
ONLY active 14% of the time.
The proportion of ILI caused by influenza viruses varies by year, and even 
varies within a specific year over the course of the winter.
Therefore, under a hypothetical scenario that influenza vaccines work 25% of 
the time (which is marginally high percentage for flu vaccine effectiveness), 
that means the maximum effectiveness of the flu vaccine would be 3.5% on 
influenza viral strains and not nil for ILI.
A recent report which was highlighted by the alternative media is a remarkable 
study published in the Cochrane Library which found no evidence of benefit for 
influenza vaccinations and also noted that the vast majority of trials were 
The authors found that vaccines administered parenterally, that is, outside the 
digestive tract, usually meaning by injection, reduced influenza-like symptoms 
by 4%. They found no evidence that vaccination prevents viral transmission 
putting the whole herd immunity myth once again into question.
The maximum success rate of the flu vaccine is 6.25% which is a pretty big 
under-achievement, considering that the average reaction to placebo injections 
of distilled water is 30%.
The Cochrane Collaboration, an international not-for-profit organization 
providing up-to-date information about the effects of health care, has compiled 
data from 40 flu seasons worldwide.
The institute has concluded from the studies that there is no clear evidence to 
suggest that the flu jab offers any more protection than cheaper, hygiene-based 
methods such as hand-washing.
"Our analysis is compiled using millions of data from 40 seasons worldwide. 
What we have seen is that the influenza vaccine can at best have a very small 
effect," said Thomas Jefferson, one of the authors of the report, to the 
More independent scientific studies are also coming forth showing evidence of 
massive fetal toxicity associated with flu vaccines. Recent research I reported 
on is now published in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology showing a 
4,250% increase in fetal deaths according to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting 
System (VAERS) data when comparing three consecutive influenza seasons.
What We Know
- Governments have conspired and continue to conspire to create yearly 
influenza like symptoms on the population via very specific and highly 
organized operations such as aerial spraying and flu vaccination campaigns.
- These operations intensify during winter periods to maximize the spread of 
flu viruses where they are the most active for the longest periods and during 
the most immunocompromised state of the population.
- The goal of flu vaccination campaigns is two-fold; first to introduce foreign 
viral strains into human hosts which can lead to the development of novel 
strains, and second to further depress immunity and increase infection rates.
Further research and investigations will be necessary to gain a broader 
perspective and understanding of diverse entry points for novel flu strains, 
how they are infecting populations on a large scale and how their introduction 
through new forms of technology may increase their transmission rates worldwide.
Dave Mihalovic is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, 
cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.
Sources: (Dr. Tenpenny)
If You Would Like To Depress Your Immune System, Get This Year's Flu Shot


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