Seeing 'New Jim Crow' Placards Seized by Police &  More From the March on 

_Dave Zirin_ (  on August 24,  
2013 - 8:59 PM ET

Marchers carry signs in remembrance of _Trayvon  Martin_ 
(  during the 
50th anniversary 
commemoration of the March on Washington  August 24, 2013. REUTERS/James 
Lawler Duggan

I spent eight hours  today amongst thousands at the March on Washington, 
and the people present were  some of the most remarkable, resilient people I 
have ever had the privilege to  be around. The number-one face on T-shirts, 
placards, and even homemade drawings  was not President Obama or even Dr. 
Martin Luther King Jr. It was Trayvon  Martin. I also witnessed homemade signs 
calling for jobs programs, speaking out  against the school closures and in 
solidarity with those overseas victimized by  US militarism. The people at 
this march are the face of resistance to what Dr.  King called the “evil 
triplets of militarism, materialism and  racism.”

The main speakers at the march, however, did not match the  politics and 
urgency of those who gathered in the Saturday heat. Even more  frustrating is 
that few tried. I expect to get all kinds of hate mail for what  I’m about 
to write, but not to write it would be an act of duplicity based on  what I 
saw and what I heard. I saw the great Julian Bond get only two minutes to  
say his piece before being shuttled from the stage. I saw Reverend Jesse  
Jackson, who has done remarkable work in recent years against the banks and  
Chicago school closures, also get less time than a pop song. I saw Reverend  
Lennox Yearwood, who is doing some of the most important work in the country  
connecting climate change to racism, get ninety seconds before being cut 
off.  There was one speaker at the 8 am pre-rally who said the word “drones,” 
and that  was it for any discussion of US foreign policy.

Based upon the speeches  during the main portion of today’s events there 
can be little doubt that the Dr.  King who was murdered in Memphis in 1968 
would not have been allowed to speak at  this fiftieth-anniversary 
commemoration of his life. There was no discussion of  the “evil triplets.” 
Instead, we 
had far too many speakers pay homage to the  narrowest possible liberal 
agenda in broad abstractions with none of the searing  material truths that 
make Dr. King’s speeches so bracing even today.

As  Representative Nancy Pelosi spoke, it was difficult to not think of 
_her  defense of the NSA spying program_ 
or her vote against cutting funding 
to  stop the mass monitoring of phone calls.

As future New Jersey Senator  Cory Booker, Wall Street’s best friend, spoke 
at the front of this March, it was  difficult to not think of the Dr. King 
who said, “The profit motive, when it is  the sole basis of an economic 
system, encourages a cutthroat competition and  selfish ambition that inspires 
men to be more concerned about making a living  than making a life.”

As Attorney General Eric Holder, the person who is  not bringing federal 
civil rights charges against George Zimmerman, was  allotted 30 
minutes­fifteen times that of Julian Bond­to speak from the  front 
stage, it was 
difficult to not think about the fact that it has taken five  years for him 
to say anything about mass incarceration in this country. The late  Bayard 
Rustin insisted, as the lead organizer of the 1963 March on Washington,  that 
no politicians or political appointees be allowed to speak. Clearly, there  
were different principles at work today.

Yes it was profoundly moving to  see Representative John Lewis, the only 
living speaker from the 1963 March on  Washington. Yes, it was right on time 
for the march organizers to give the  incredible Sybrina Fulton, the mother 
of Trayvon Martin, time to speak - albeit  far too briefly. But the closest 
thing to an administration critic was _9-year-old Asean Johnson_ 
( ,  who has been on the front lines 
school closures in Chicago, bringing  the fire to both President Obama’s 
confidante Mayor Rahm Emmanuel and the  education agenda of Arne Duncan. I 
love Asean Johnson, but given the problems we  face, far more was needed.

The day was symbolized for me on multiple  levels by seeing DC Park police 
seize 200 professionally printed placards from  activists that were 
distributing them for free. The placards read, “Stop Mass  Incarceration. Stop 
new Jim Crow.” Police said that it was "unlawful  solicitation", even though 
organizers were clearly giving them away. When those  having their signs 
seized complained, they were threatened with fines or arrest.  I heard one DC 
police officer say, “Hey, you can get them back at the end of the  day. On 
second thought, given your attitude you cannot. “

I have never  seen free placards confiscated at a national gathering by DC 
police. Then again,  I’ve also never seen a demonstration so thickly 
monitored, with park police, the  Department of Homeland Security and the 
on every corner.

Today,  those “triplets of evil” King warned us about 1967 still strangle 
this country.  If we are not talking about the New Jim Crow, Wall Street and 
militarism, then  what are we doing? King said, “If an American is 
concerned only about his  nation, he will not be concerned about the peoples of 
Asia, Africa, or South  America. Is this not why nations engage in the madness 
of war without the  slightest sense of penitence? Is this not why the murder 
of a citizen of your  own nation is a crime, but the murder of citizens of 
another nation in war is an  act of heroic virtue?” Given US foreign policy, 
how can one say that they stand  in King’s legacy and not raise these issues?

I would ask those who find  this objectionable to ask themselves, “What 
would Dr. King/Ella Baker/Fannie Lou  Hamer/Malcolm X think about today’s march?
” I don’t presume to know the answer  to that question, but I know that we 
only honor their memory by asking  it.


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