Act Now  to Stop U.S. War with Syria!
Once  again the President is leading a rush into war. He is demanding 
Congress  give him speedy authorization to launch attacks, on Syria this time, 
 punish and deter chemical weapons use.  Once again, the case for  going to 
war is sketchy, and the U.S. government is short-circuiting  United Nations 
inspections that might provide answers. We need to make our  voices heard 
every way we can – at the offices of our Congress members, in  letters, 
emails, petitions, in letters to the editor and in the  streets. 
Over  the next week, Congress will be voting on the decision to attack  
Syria.  We must use every peaceful, non-violent means available  to stop the 
rush to war. It is critical we contact our elected  representatives now before 
the momentum for war is  irreversible. 
    *   Learn the facts: _click here for a compilation of resources on the 
crisis in  Syria_ 

    *   Contact your Representative through phone  and email, and visit 
their offices if you can. _Find your Representative and their contact 
information  here_ 
, or call the Congressional Switchboard at 202-224-3121.   Let 
the UFPJ legislative working group know what results you get  with your 
calls and visits; contact the UFPJ legislative working group  conveners at 

_ (mailto:rustiandg...@unitedforpeace.org)  *   _Sign the Petition, Tell 
Congress: Don’t Bomb  Syria_ 

    *   Participate in a local action or plan one of  your own – click 
 for lists of current actions being planned, or _click here_ 
register your action on the UFPJ  website.  Organize a peaceful protest, 
march, vigil in your local  communities (city hall, federal building, etc) 
anytime this week, call  for "NO attacks on Syria!"

    *   _Join the No War with Syria _ 
. Speak in one 
powerful voice to  Congress on September  9 as they meet to vote on military 
action in  Syria!
The use  of chemical weapons is monstrous, and a violation of international 
 law.  UFPJ condemns the use of chemical weapons by any party and  calls 
for all countries to cooperate in finding out what happened in  Syria, and in 
identifying and prosecuting those responsible for any  chemical weapons use. 
However, there is no basis in international law for  the United States to 
decide for itself who the guilty parties are, and to  punish them by a 
military assault that will kill many innocents along with  those presumed 
It will also risk a far wider war.  Even  before the first missile has been 
launched, the war caucus in Congress has  been pushing President Obama for a 
more open-ended military campaign aimed  at toppling the Syrian government. 
The  alternative is not “doing nothing.” Instead, the United States should 
be  cooperating with the rest of the world through mechanisms provided by 
the  United Nations and the Chemical Weapons Convention, to find out what has 
 happened and to formulate a truly international response.  This is  not 
merely an option, it is a legal requirement.  Under the  circumstances here, 
where Syria has not attacked any other country, no  country may decide for 
itself to use military force.  The U.S.  government also should exert its 
considerable power and influence in other  ways that lessen, rather than 
increase the intensity of conflict and the  risk of wider war. The U.S. should 
with Russia and other powers that  provide support to the warring sides to 
press for a cease-fire and  negotiations. All parties should stop the flow 
of weapons not only to  Syria but into the region, and should commit to a 
Middle East ban on all  nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. 
Those  who advocate going to war against Syria know that their case is 
weak, and  that the majority of the American people are against another war of  
choice. Most Americans want an end to endless war making that drains  
resources from their communities and sends our children across the world  to 
the children of others, serving the purposes only of a rich and  powerful 
few.  The artificial urgency of those who campaign for war  is a sign of 
weakness. They want to commit the country to war before the  American people 
time to learn the facts and organize ourselves in  opposition.  Congress is 
split, with members knowing that another war  is unpopular and risky. Polls 
show that Americans reject a military attack  on Syria by a two-to-one 
United for Peace &  Justice

_Click Here to  Donate!_ 

Peace NO War Network_ http://www.PeaceNOWar.net_ 
War  is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And  another world is possible!

Information for antiwar movements, news  across the World, please visit:_  
http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
e-mail: _Info@PeaceNoWar.net_ (mailto:pe...@actionla.org) 
Tel:  (213)403-0131

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Please Donate to Peace No War Network!

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P.O. Box  751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
(All donations are tax  deductible)

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