Antiwar Mobilization Thwarts War on  Syria!  
“Military might is not what defines a superpower. You have to have  super 
patience. You have to have super negotiating power and diplomatic  resources. 
And you have to have super humanitarian aid where needed. We  have the 
possibility of doing all of  that.”

— Sen. Joe Manchin, D-WV

In his speech last night, President Obama  asked the Congress to delay a 
vote on the use of force in Syria while he  pursues a diplomatic solution. 
This represents a significant victory for  the peace and social justice 

This past week we’ve  witnessed and participated in something amazing and 
inspiring: people all  across the United States saying they are tired of war 
and speaking up to  oppose yet another military intervention. And 
remarkably, this  mobilization was so sudden and so powerful that members of 
actually listened to the concerns of their constituents. 

These  developments pressured President Obama to go to Congress, slowing 
down the  process long enough for the Russian proposal to emerge as something  
positive to explore, rather than an insincere initiative to be  dismissed.

But this Syrian crisis is far from over. At any  moment, the proposed deal 
could fall apart, and the Obama Administration  may go back to drawing more “
red lines.” The administration, despite  Russia’s demand, is not yet 
willing to eliminate the threat of a military  attack.

We need to ramp up the pressure even more. It is  vitally important that 
our mobilizations continue and that we continue to  send a clear message to 
the White House and to Congress: 
    *   A military strike by the United States will not resolve the  
problem of chemical weapons,  will violate international law, and  will risk 
igniting a wider war.  
    *   Any Congressional resolution that authorizes the use of military  
force by the President as a response to the use of chemical weapons in  Syria 
is unacceptable, no matter how many qualifiers or conditions are  tacked 
    *   No more “red lines.” Support Russia’s plan in the UN Security  
Council for Syria to relinquish its chemical weapon stocks to  international 
control and join the Chemical Weapons Convention, without  imposing arbitrary 
or artificial deadlines.  
    *   Work to convene an international conference of all interested  
parties including Iran to seek a political solution to the civil war in  Syria. 
Everyone’s telephone fingers are tired. But if your Senator or  
Representative spoke out clearly in opposition to a military strike on  Syria, 
call them today and let them know their statements are  appreciated.  If your 
Senator or Representive is still supporting a  military option or on the 
fence, they also need to hear from you  again.  If you have not memorized this 
by now, the Toll-free number  to the Congressional switchboard (generously 
provided by FCNL) is  1-855-686-6927.

This has been an inspiring week as a host of  grassroots and national 
organizations have pulled together to avoid  another international tragedy. 
s Coordinating Committee has been  working around the clock to mobilize 
opposition to a US military attack on  Syria and to keep you informed about the 
rapidly changing situation. (see  our Syria resources at_  
) We will need all that energy and cooperation  as we face the 
budget battles ahead—ending the interminable “war on  terrorism,” shrinking 
the overgrown Pentagon budget, and redirecting  resources to urgently needed 
domestic programs. 

UFPJ needs your  financial support in this moment of crisis and 
opportunity. _Click  here to make as generous a donation as you can!_ 
United for Peace &  Justice

_Click  Here to  Donate!_ 

Peace NO War Network_ http://www.PeaceNOWar.net_ 
War  is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And  another world is possible!

Information for antiwar movements, news  across the World, please visit:_  
http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
e-mail: _Info@PeaceNoWar.net_ (mailto:pe...@actionla.org) 
Tel:  (213)403-0131

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Please Donate to Peace No War Network!

On-line  Donation: 

Send check to:

P.O. Box  751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
(All donations are tax  deductible)

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