Malala Raising $500 Million For Syrian Refugees

My Two Cents: She was shot in the head by terrorists in Pakistan for
promoting women’s education, she then goes on to survive the attack and now
she’s raising $500million to educate the thousands of Syrian refugee
children in Lebanon. She is only 16 years old. This young lady is amazing.

After being nominated for the Nobel Peace
16-year-old Malala Yousufzai is taking up another ambitious challenge:
Educating the massive influx of Syrian refugees living in Lebanon.

Teaming with former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and rights
organization “A World at School,” the activist will work to raise $500
million over the next three
provide education to the 300,000 Syrian school-age children living in
Lebanon. According to Time, Lebanon estimates nearly 550,000 school-aged
Syrian children will be in the country by the end of the year, outnumbering
Lebanon’s own 300,000 school-aged children.

To raise awareness for the program, Malala spoke via Skype with two
Zahra and Om Kolthoum Katou, who have been living in Lebanon for the last
year since being forced from their home in Aleppo. The young refugees went
six months without attending school, but are now enrolled in catch-up
classes funded by UNICEF.

"I totally support you. You are very brave," Malala told the girls. "I
believe that you will get your education, that you will go to school – and
that no one can stop you."

According to a recent UNICEF report, nearly two million Syrian children
have dropped out of school in the last year, amounting to almost 40 percent
of all students between the first and ninth
Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict in March 2011, more than 700,000
Syrians have fled to
constituting nearly 20 percent of the country’s population, NBC notes.

Altogether, nearly two million
fled Syria since the beginning of the conflict.

“For a country that was close to achieving universal primary education
before the conflict started, the numbers are staggering” said Maria
Calivis, UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

In August, Malala won the International Children’s Peace Prize for her
dedication to promoting education. The young Pakistani activist rose to
worldwide prominence after surviving an assassination
the Taliban in 2012. She now lives and attends school in England.
Posted 3 hours ago
1 note • 
Tagged: Syria <>,
, Malala <>,
, Shot <>,
, Refugee <>,
,Education <>,
, United Nations
<>, Nobel
Peace Prize <>.

Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution by Matthew VanDyke

If you watch one thing today, please make it this.

A truly excellent short film on the Syrian Revolution, filmed in Aleppo.

Thanks @Matt_VanDyke <>


Videos on the Syrian Revolution : “From Brazil… this is the Syrian
Revolution” and
Posted on September 10,
 من البرازيل…هنا الثورة السورية

فيلم وثائقي أنتجه الحزب العمالي الاشتراكي الموحّد، الفرع البرازيلي من
الرابطة الأممية للعمال – الأممية الرابعة : تنظيم ماركسي ثوري، عن حملة
التضامن مع الثورة السورية
نظم الحملة اتحاد النقابات والحراك الشعبي ، الاتحاد الأساسي المعارض لحزب
العمال الحاكم.
الوثائقي يغطي الفعاليات التضامنية خلال المرحلة الأولى من حملة التضامن مع
الثورة السورية (تشرين الأول ٢٠١٢، كانون الثاني٢٠١٣)

VETO -Extremely Powerful Film About “SYRIAN REVOLUTION”

VETO is a short film sheds light on the current Syrian Revolution and the
circumstances behind the transformation from peaceful movement to an armed
revolution. VETO takes you through the last two years of this unbearable
suffering with over 100,000 Syrian victims and more than 5 million
displaced people, and a clueless world about how to stop this horrendous
crime! VETO was made in 2012 and was nominated for the Documentary of The
Year Award in Germany 2013 and was highlighted by several international
media outlets.

VETO est un petit film qui nous éclaire un peu sur la révolution syrienne
et les circonstances qui l’ont faite passer d’un mouvement pacifiste à une
révolution armée. VETO vous emmène le long de ces 2 années de souffrances
insupportables avec plus de 100’000 victimes syriennes et plus de 5 million
de personnes déplacées et un monde désemparé sur la manière de stopper ces
crimes horribles ! VETO a été réalisé en 2012 et nominé aux oscars 2013 du
film documentaire de l’année en Allemagne et a été remarqué par plusieurs
media internationaux.

يلقي هذا الفيلم القصير الضوء على الثورة السورية والظروف وراء تحولها من حركة
سلمية إلى ثورة مسلحة، ويأخذك الفيلم
خلال سنوات الثورة ليرصد المعاناة التي اودت يحياة أكثر من 100،000 سوري و
تشرد أكثر من 5 ملايين شخص و مازال المجتمع الدولي متفرجا و متناسيا مهمته في
وقف هذه الجريمة النكراء و قد رشح هذا الفبلم لجائزة افضل فيلم وثائقي في
مهوجان سينما من اجل السلام في ألمانيا في عام 2013 وكان قد نال اهتمام خاص من
قبل العديد من وسائل الإعلام العالمية

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