Elevated radiation claimed at Tokyo 2020 Olympic venues
group carries out tests at sites for key Tokyo Games facilities, but 
expert cautious about findings and organisers see no problemJulian Ryall in 

The damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant. Photo: EPA
A citizens' group in Tokyo has found elevated levels of radioactivity
 at sporting facilities that will be used in the 2020 Olympic Games and 
is warning that competitors and the hundreds of thousands of people 
expected to flock to the city for the event will be putting themselves 
in danger. 
The Citizens' Group for Measuring Radioactive Environment at 
Facilities for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics claims wind-borne radiation from 
the four crippled reactors at the Fukushima nuclear plant has 
contaminated a number of future venues.

Measurements were taken at 39 sporting venues that have been 
earmarked to stage events in seven years' time, including the 
Kasumigaseki Country Club, which will host the golf tournament, the 
Asaka shooting range and the site of the planned National Stadium, which will 
stage the opening and closing ceremonies and a number of other 
The tests were also carried out at the planned site of the Olympic 
Village and the media centre, with the highest radiation reading - 0.484 
microsieverts per hour - detected in undergrowth close to Yumenoshima 
Stadium, where the equestrian events will be held.
Soil samples collected at the site had 3,040 becquerels of caesium per kilogram.
Some experts point out that the context in which the tests were carried out is 
"It is difficult to have this debate unless we know for sure whether 
this radiation is from Fukushima or whether it is naturally occurring 
background radiation," said Pieter Franken, founder of the Japan office 
of the environmental monitoring organisation Safecast.
While the readings do not pose an immediate threat to human health, 
members of the group say they are still significantly higher than the 
level of 0.23 microsieverts per hour set by the government as the 
standard for decontamination work going on in the exclusion zone around 
the nuclear plant.
"We found caesium-137 at almost every place we carried out tests, and there was 
no caesium here before the accident at Fukushima," Mitsuo 
Tanaka, a member of the group, told the South China Morning Post.
In July, the group wrote to Jacques Rogge, the then president of the 
International Olympic Committee, and members of its evaluation committee and 
urged them not to select Tokyo as the host of the 2020 Games.
Tanaka's group received a brief e-mail message to confirm that their 
letter had been received by the IOC - but it clearly had limited impact, as 
Rogge announced on September 7 that Tokyo had beaten off competition from 
Madrid and Istanbul for the right to host the Games.
A similar message was sent to the committee behind Tokyo's bid to host the 
Games, but Tanaka's group received no reply.
In response to a request from the Post, a spokesman for Toyko 2020 insisted: 
"Radiation levels in the air and water of Tokyo are safe.
"Measures have been taken even before the 2011 nuclear accident in 
Fukushima, and they show that radiation levels in Tokyo are absolutely 
safe and normal - comparable with levels in other major cities, like 
London, New York and Paris," the spokesman said.
"The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public Health is constantly 
measuring radiation levels and will continue to do so," he added.
However, the organisers' confidence has done little to reassure Tanaka.
"We believe the money spent on having the Games in Tokyo should have 
been spent on helping the 80,000 people who have had to leave their 
homes close to the Fukushima plant," he said.
This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as 
'Elevated radiation at Olympic venues'




The damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant. Photo: EPA

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