This is now done.

File were truncated instead of removed.  This should buy us some time.

Additionally, we have a relic archive from the old toolserver user home
directories. It appears to have been created 2014-06-05 and uploaded on

52G    toolserver-home-archive/archive-2014-06-05.tar.xz

When this file reaches two years old I am proposing we remove it.  The data
is stale, and to the best of my knowledge there has never been a request
concerning recovery of files in (at least) the last year.  This file has
read permission for all users if anyone wants to make their own copy before
that time.  T136202 has more details.

Thanks for your patience,

Chase Pettet

On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 2:30 PM, Chase Pettet <> wrote:

> The last cleanup was in March and we are there again.  I am going to empty
> log, err, and out files greater than 100M.  We are much further down the
> road for NFS improvements, but the process is ongoing.
> On Friday (5/27/2016) I will initiate this cleanup.
> Come see us in #wikimedia-labs to help or express concern.
> Thanks,
> Chase Pettet (chasemp)
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