I made a language file for chinese now and installed it on the server. So please have a try:
Yours Dirk

PS:The language file:
\setCJKmainfont{WenQuanYi Zen Hei}

On 2014-05-25 17:58, Liangent wrote:
I failed to compile your document in it's original form:

! Undefined control sequence.
\initiate@active@char #1->\bbl@ifshorthand
{#1}{\bbl@s@initiate@active@char ...
l.585 \initiate@active@char{~}

and I worked around it by commenting out \usepackage[english]{babel} in ../headers/babel.tex

In my experiment I added:

\setCJKmainfont{WenQuanYi Zen Hei}

to main.tex after \usepackage{fontspec}, and it improves CJK typesetting a lot.

WenQuanYi Zen Hei is contained in https://packages.debian.org/sid/fonts-wqy-zenhei


On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 8:01 PM, Dirk Hünniger <dirk.hunni...@googlemail.com <mailto:dirk.hunni...@googlemail.com>> wrote:

    I am sending you the latex source of the main page of the chinese
    wikipedia as attachment.
    You can look at it. But if you want to compile it you need to have
    ubuntu 14.04 and do
    sudo apt-get install mediawiki2latex
    xelatex main.tex
    Yours Dirk

    On 2014-05-25 13:32, Liangent wrote:
    I don't really have an idea about how to "go for the command line
    version and use the -c command line option"; I know nothing about
    Haskell anyway...

    I hope that it's available on the web, is it possible to add a
    checkbox or something?


    On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 7:18 PM, Dirk Hünniger
    <mailto:dirk.hunni...@googlemail.com>> wrote:

        I didn't take any special care about CJK. Its a bit hard for
        me since I cannot read any of these languages myself. Maybe
        you can have a look at the LaTeX source and tell me what I
        need to change. Currently no CJK package is loaded. The only
        thing I am doing is to switch to ttf fonts that contain CJK
        characters when I need to print them. Also I am using babel
        packages. For some languages I get proper hyphenation this
        way, but apparently something does not work here for Chinese.
        Yours Dirk

        On 2014-05-25 13:02, Liangent wrote:
        I had a try using an article on Chinese Wikipedia. Although
        I'm not sure whether the cause is in generated LaTeX source
        or the way you invoke LaTeX, the most notable problem is
        that in output PDF, word wrap doesn't take place correctly
        so almost every line overflows. See
        for more information.


        On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 5:49 PM, Dirk Hünniger
        <mailto:dirk.hunni...@googlemail.com>> wrote:

            if you want the tex source go for the command line
            version and use the -c command line option. If you want
            to convert from tex to mediawiki use pandoc. In the
            imprint of each pdf there is a link to the sourceforge
            page. Its slow, but I cannot make it any faster. Its
            mostly the runtime of LaTeX itself. I already invested
            two weeks in optimizing speed. In particular its using
            multiple cores, while in my code. But well there is not
            much you can do with multiple cores when running LaTeX
            itself. You could actully get some speed by using native
            cores, but the administration is not that easy. It also
            says on the main page that it will take up to ten minutes.
            Yours Dirk

            On 2014-05-25 11:40, Gryllida wrote:


                On Sun, 25 May 2014, at 18:02, Dirk Hünniger wrote:

                    It not a private server anymore. Its now running
                    on Wmflabs already.


                I would probably link to the source code and a bug
                tracker on its main page.
                - I see it generated a PDF. Nicely formatted. :) But
                the TeX source would be also useful.
                - It would be nice to be able to convert back from
                tex to wiki markup also.
                - It also appears to be dog slow (about 5 minutes).


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