Dear secret pal somewhere in the Northwest;

unless you are being very tricky in your clues, I have a quadrant
of the US to place you. Your gifts are so Pacific Rim, you have to
be on the West Coast. But on the other clues, I'm lost.

Thanks for the package. It arrived in good time but I have been
taking some work training which is knocking me out. 

Thanks for the travel bobbins.  No, I don't have a travel pillow
but these are just great for keeping the threads from tangling.

The candle is fun. It made me hungry for watermelon! They are in 
season or it would have been torture.  

The Seattle skyline is striking. Reminds me that I once looked into
moving there.  Now that we are starting our summer, it sounds nice.
All we get in SoCal in the summer is too much heat and too much 

It may seem odd, but me 12 yo son confiscated the lavender soap. 
It's his favorite smell.  I'm hoping that bathing with it will
help him sleep at night.

He will share the incense with me but I didn't even let him see
the lace. It is mine-- thank you.  

And I will plant the flowers in the front.  I just have to figure 
out how to keep the gardener from mowing them or stepping all over
them.  He really is a great gardener and a very nice man, but he
has cleared out my poppy starts three times this year.  Guess I 
need to learn Spanish.

thanks for making this so much fun.

Sue Ellen
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