Dear secret pal
Your package arrived today, and what a lovely surprise I had when I opened
it. What a lovely American sewing case - it will be greatly treasured and a
constant reminder of my first secret pal, and a great place for keeping all
my lace paraphernalia in. I found the tin of sweets too, they didn't last
long Brian (my DH) and I enjoyed them, I shall most likely use the tin for
keeping pins in. The bath bomb soak will be an enjoyable way to relax after
my last class this week! Much as I enjoy teaching my lace classes, it can
get tiring especially getting closer to the end of term and everyone wants
to start off new projects to keep them going through the summer, and we
finish three weeks early this term as we're  off on holiday soon.
Thank you so much and I hope all goes well, I can empathise with you.
Nicky    in sunny Suffolk

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