> Plus in the beginning, we would be told about many lace making trips
that lacemakers have taken, telling us what they have seen, what
they liked etc.  This is seldom done,  I myself have taken many trips
but would not post to Arachne what I had seen and done.

Angela is currently giving us
the birds-eye view (pun intended)
on     *lace-chat*    of her travel.
And regardless of my views on how
women are treated in the U.S. or
any other country, I wait for
"the next installment" with all
the anticipation of those children
who used to head for the theater/
cinema on Saturday mornings (no
school !!) to watch the next
installment of "The Perils of Pauline",
"Flash Gordon", "Buck Rogers".

"Lace is the place" for technique and
since I know so little I venture there
very rarely.

Lori has offered - at least twice now -
to 'run' a list for *vendors*/other
*sellers* *who may wish to "compete"
for lace-makers 'spare change'  <g>.

1, 2, 3.

If it involves $$ -
let's either
a "list for spenders"
use [$$$] in the subject line so
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 3:45 AM
Subject: Re: [lace-chat] Advertising? They are the self appointed, holier than
thou few who sit like hawks waiting
to pounce.

(which font I notice is not blue today)
won't need to worry about me pouncing on
what I perceive as her constant advertising
and she insists is her 'reminders'. Then Vivienne
can remind "until the cows come home" and
my software can use the [$$$] to direct all
advertising to the correct file.

Toni in Seattle
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