On Wednesday, Jul 30, 2003, at 03:23 US/Eastern, Avital Pinnick wrote:

This is hysterical! And so close to home that it's scary. All this time I thought only Israelis clap when the plane lands.

Not by a *long* shot :) You fly with Poles, and it's "whoosh" on take-off, as everyone crosses him/her self. And then it's clapping and bravo-s on landing (if successful <g>)... Our pilots are well-appreciated for their skills, though I've often wondered what the foreign ones (I've seen it done on American airlines too; a lot of Poles fly in this drection) think about it.

My personal favourite was the Bus situation; "been there, done that" (in Poland), for more years than I care to remember... :) And the Bureaucracy is "exactly *so*", too; you're always sent "from Annas to Kaifas", and, when you finally reach the correct window, they're out to lunch and closed for the day...


----- Tamara P Duvall mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Lexington, Virginia, USA Formerly of Warsaw, Poland To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] containing the line: unsubscribe lace-chat [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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